Unable to walk, a 囚人 in a 'slum' of a bedroom and preyed upon by an avaricious French lawyer, the Duchess of Windsor died alone and 孤立するd on this day...

She was so ill in her final years that her death was seen as a blessing.

One of her closest friends was 'delighted' when told the news of her passing, only wishing it had come sooner.?

Wallis Simpson, the woman who became the Duchess of Windsor after marrying the man who chose love over 義務, died on April 24 1986. She was 89.

The American 未亡人 of the former King Edward VIII had been beset by illness after her husband's death in 1972 and lived out her final years almost alone in her Paris home, unable to walk or leave a room that had become her world.?

The Daily Mail's front page marking the occasion

The Daily Mail's 前線 page 場内取引員/株価 the occasion

The Prince and Princess of Wales leave St Georges Chapel after the funeral of the Duchess of Windsor in 1986

The Prince and Princess of むちの跡s leave St Georges Chapel after the funeral of the Duchess of Windsor in 1986

he coffin of The Duchess of Windsor is carried from St George's Chapel, watched by Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II.? The Queen Mother and Princess Anne stand to the right

he 棺 of The Duchess of Windsor is carried from St George's Chapel, watched by Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II.? The Queen Mother and Princess Anne stand to the 権利

Wallis dining with friends at? Paris nightclub, Maxims? in 1975

Wallis dining with friends at? Paris nightclub, Maxims? in 1975

Tended to by 充てるd nurses but preyed upon by her French lawyer who took advantage of her financially, it was a strangely 匿名の/不明の, almost 悲劇の, end for someone who had once flirted with becoming the Queen.?

And while her funeral service, at Windsor's St George's Chapel, was …に出席するd by 上級の 王室のs 含むing the Queen, Prince Philip and the Queen Mother, her 指名する was not even について言及するd during the service .?

Afterwards, she was buried と一緒に her husband at Windsor's 王室の Burial Ground, not far from Frogmore cottage.

The 離婚 had played a 悪名高い part in the greatest 王室の 論争 for more than a century: Edward VIII's abdication.?

He made the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to give up the 王位 after 存在 told in no uncertain 条件 by Stanley Baldwin's 政府 that he would not be 許すd to marry a 離婚d woman and remain as King.

His 出発 軍隊d his younger brother, the Duke of York, to step up and become King George VI, creating a family?負傷させる that? never 傷をいやす/和解させるd.

Wallis was 非難するd by 王室のs such as the Queen Mother - George VI's wife - for 涙/ほころびing the family apart.?

Things were not helped by the fact that there had never been any love lost between the 王室の Family and the Duchess, who 愛称d the Queen Mother (then Duchess of York)? 'cookie', a disrespectful 言及/関連 to her 負わせる.

Once 解放する/自由な from the 負わせる of 責任/義務, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor led the life of the idle rich,? …に出席するing parties in フラン and America and going on lavish holidays with の近くに friends.

Though she 欠如(する)d the status of an actual queen, it was the 肉親,親類d of high life that American had always sought.

But when the Duke died 老年の 77 in 1972, Wallis was left alone, bereft of the man who had worshipped her.

The Queen, with whom she had had 極小の 接触する in the 10年間s since her husband's abdication, put her up as a guest at Buckingham Palace when she (機の)カム to Windsor for his funeral.?

The two had 以前 met when Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip visited the Duke in Paris in his final days.?

It was a 調印する of the Queen's 乗り気 to put differences to one 味方する for the sake of the greater good.

Wallis Simpson's 1986 funeral was held at St George's Chapel, Windsor, attended by The Queen, Prince Philip, the Queen Mother, Princess Anne and other members of the Royal Family

Wallis Simpson's 1986 funeral was held at St George's Chapel, Windsor, …に出席するd by The Queen, Prince Philip, the Queen Mother, Princess Anne and other members of the 王室の Family

Wallis Simpson married the Duke of Windsor,? formerly King Edward VIII, after he abdicated in 1936. Above: The couple in the Bahamas in 1942, when the Duke was Governor? of the islands

Wallis Simpson married the Duke of Windsor,? 以前は King Edward VIII, after he abdicated in 1936. Above: The couple in the Bahamas in 1942, when the Duke was 知事? of the islands

A portrait of the Duke and Duchess with? one of their favourite pugs at their? French country retreat in 1966

A portrait of the Duke and Duchess with? one of their favourite pugs at their? French country 退却/保養地 in 1966

The Duchess of Windsor pictured at her husband's funeral in 1972. Behind her is the Queen Mother, who harboured an intense dislike of Wallis, blaming the divorcee for tearing the family apart

The Duchess of Windsor pictured at her husband's funeral in 1972. Behind her is the Queen Mother, who harboured an 激しい dislike of Wallis, 非難するing the 離婚 for 涙/ほころびing the family apart

The Duchess of Windsor bats away a wasp on the verandah of her home in the Bois de Boulogne in September 1974. Two months later, she suffered an intestinal haemorrhage

The Duchess of Windsor bats away a wasp on the verandah of her home in the Bois de Boulogne in September 1974. Two months later, she 苦しむd an 腸の haemorrhage?

The Duchess of Windsor in September 1974, nearly two years after her husband's death

The Duchess of Windsor in September 1974, nearly two years after her husband's death

The main rented home of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor in the Bois de Bologne, Paris

The main rented home of the Duke and Duchess of 勝利,勝つd or in the Bois de Bologne, Paris?

Because he had lived 大部分は beyond his means, with his only major source of income coming from a 王室の allowance that he always complained was too low, the Duke of Windsor left his wife 強いるd to 削減(する) 支援する on the luxurious living to which she had become used.

The French 政府 kindly agreed to defer death 義務s, while the City of Paris 許すd Wallis to live in the Bois de Boulogne home that she and her husband had 株d since their marriage at a 穏健な rent.??

She could still, at least, have a comfortable 存在 with some dignity.?

Even so, the Duchess would 結局 become a 囚人 in her own home, and this was in no small part 負かす/撃墜する to her French lawyer, Suzanne Blum.?

What had started out as a 商売/仕事 関係 - with Wallis 協議するing her as and when needed - turned into one of 乱用 and 支配(する)/統制する.

Historian Hugo Vickers told in his 2011 調書をとる/予約する how, step by step, Blum 解任するd the Duchess's English lawyer and then her staff, who had 含むd a chef, concierge, chauffer and hairdresser.

She 徐々に banished friends who 手配中の,お尋ね者 to come and visit, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that the Duchess was too tired or would be too upset to see them.

By then, the Duchess's poor health had left her in a 明言する/公表する of immobility.

A diagnosis of atherosclerosis - where the arteries become 狭くするd - led to periods of 混乱, 誘発するing Wallis to believe that her husband was still alive.?

She would imagine herself 支援する at her the worst point in her life, when Edward VIII was about to abdicate.?

The Duchess of Windsor's French lawyer, Suzanne Blum (pictured), deliberately isolated her

The Duchess of Windsor's French lawyer, Suzanne Blum (pictured), deliberately 孤立するd her

The Duchess of Windsor is seen wearing a long black veil on the day of the Duke's funeral

The Duchess of Windsor is seen wearing a long 黒人/ボイコット 隠す on the day of the Duke's funeral

The Duchess fell out of bed over Christmas in 1972 and was not given appropriate 治療, にもかかわらず 存在 in かなりの 苦痛.?

It only 現れるd in the new year that she had broken her hip. The then 76-year-old needed surg ery, but she did 回復する and was 結局 able to walk without a stick.?

It was while she was in hospital that Blum 解任するd lawyer Godfrey Morley - who had 以前 扱うd the Duke's 事件/事情/状勢s - after 説得するing her that he was trying to get his 手渡すs on her money.?

A letter 調印するd by the Duchess then 任命するd Blum as her 単独の 合法的な 代表者/国会議員.?

The lawyer was then 前進するd in the Legion d'Honneur, フラン's highest decoration, after the Duchess changed her will so that many of her 所有/入手s would be left to the country's 広大な/多数の/重要な museums.

The move was a gesture of 感謝 to the 当局 for 供給するing her home at a peppercorn rent.

In November 1975, four months before her 80th birthday, the Duchess was struck 負かす/撃墜する by a 抱擁する?腸の haemorrhage, and it was this 厳しい 下降 in her health that Blum used to her? advantage.?

The Duchess had returned from hospital a 事実上の 難破させる, unable to move and then later could not even speak.

The Duchess would 嘆願d with nurses when in 苦痛, hoping that 'the Good Lord would take her away'.

As Vickers recounted, one of the nurses said: 'It gives me 広大な/多数の/重要な 苦しめる to see HRH, who was once a 広大な/多数の/重要な lady, admired and 祝日,祝うd throughout the world, who showed courage which was 広範囲にわたって 尊敬(する)・点d, becoming little by little a lady who 苦しむs terribly.'?

Having 限られた/立憲的な nearly all her visits, Blum even had the Duchess sedated when plastic 外科医 コマドリ 耐える did manage to get to see her.

In January 1976, having instilled panic in the Duchess about overspending, Blum 発表するd that her 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 had given 指示/教授/教育s about what silver and porcelain 反対するs needed to be sold.

Whilst the Duchess 最初 辞退するd to 調印する letters authorising the sales, the 反対するs were still 分配するd.

スイスの 銀行業者 Maurice Amiguet was given earrings, a bracelet and a necklace, whilst the Duchess's doctor, ジーンズ Thin, was 手渡すd watches and gold box.?

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor on their wedding day in France in June 1937

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor on their wedding day in フラン in June 1937

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are seen together with their pugs Ginseng and Diamond after arriving in New York for Christmas in 1954

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are seen together with their pugs Ginseng and Diamond after arriving in New York for Christmas in 1954

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor at their Paris home during filming of a scene for A King's Story, the 1965 documentary that told the story of his life

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor at their Paris home during filming of a scene for A King's Story, the 1965 文書の that told the story of his life

Blum herself received jewels 含むing a (犯罪の)一味 adorned with an oval amethyst and diamonds and a Louis XV gold box.

によれば Mr Vickers's 研究, sales in January and March 1976 made around $400,000. その上の sales then continued until her death.

Blum later took 反対するs 含むing a pair of ruby earrings, a gold Cartier watch and a gold cigarette box inscribed 'David from Wallis 1935 Christmas'.?

They were 恐らく 始める,決める to be 手渡すd out as gifts.?

The stark 明言する/公表する of the Duchess's health was 述べるd by Sir Nicholas Henderson, the British 外交官/大使 to Paris, who was 許すd to see her in 1977.

He wrote: 'Her 手渡すs , which caught the 注目する,もくろむ すぐに, were 不正に contorted in 形態/調整, and paralysed.?

'Our handshakes were perfunctory. There is nothing in the 直面する to 解任する that 際立った and 支配するing look known to the whole world.'?

He 追加するd: 'She was perfectly compos mentis but it was as though living was a big 仕事 and could only be 対処するd with for short intervals at a time.'?

In October 1977, Blum 安全な・保証するd total 力/強力にする of 弁護士/代理人/検事 by deception, having used a clerk to get the Duchess's 言葉の assent.?

By the spring of the に引き続いて year, Wallis had 中止するd 存在 able to speak and could hardly move without 援助.?

The Duchess's butler, Georges, (機の)カム across the love letters sent between her and the Duke before their marriage.?

Whilst she told him to 燃やす them, Blum 確実にするd they were kept and then 利益(をあげる)d from their 出版(物) after the Duchess's death.?

Blum later (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have had 許可 from the Duchess to publish any of her papers, but Vickers believes the 許可 letter she had - 調印するd only with 初期のs - was a 偽造.?

In an 行為/法令/行動する that would have その上の 深くするd her unhappiness,?Wallis's beloved pugs, Ginseng and Diamond, were taken away from her over 恐れるs they might 感染させる her. The Duchess never saw them again.??

Her night nurse, Elvire Gozin, who continued tending her until her death, later told how she 'died in a slum' and had become a '囚人 in her own home'.

Hairdresser visits had been 終結させるd and expensive creams from Estee Lauder 取って代わるd with cheap make-up, whilst bedclothes became tattered.?

Although Gozin twice 試みる/企てるd to 警報 the Queen to the Duchess's 苦境, she was never able to get 接近 to her or pass on the message.

The Queen and Prince Charles are seen with Wallis at her home in Paris in 1972, when they made a private visit to see the ailing Duke of Windsor. He died just ten days later

The Queen and Prince Charles are seen with Wallis at her home in Paris in 1972, when they made a 私的な visit to see the 病んでいる Duke of Windsor. He died just ten days later?

The inside pages of the Daily Mail's coverage ahead of the funeral

The inside pages of the Daily Mail's ニュース報道 ahead of the funeral?

Gozin took photos of the Duchess in her bed which were published after her death.?

They showed her lying まっただ中に the 機械/機構 that was keeping her alive, with her 長,率いる just 明白な above the sheets.?

And, in what was a その上の 指示,表示する物 of her life of utter 悲惨, Dr Thin told a newspaper how he had ordered the Duchess's wedding (犯罪の)一味 to be 'gently 削減(する) off' because of her 厳しい arthritis.?

During these last years and months, one 一貫した 訪問者 was the 権利 Reverend James Leo, the Dean of the American Cathedral in Paris.

It was he who 成し遂げるd the last 儀式s in April 1986. He said: 'She squeezed my 手渡す during the last 儀式s and again as I read a short passage from the Bible.' ?

When she did finally pass away, her の近くに friend Lady Diana Mosley said her final years were 'not really a life at all.'

'I'm delighted to hear she has died. I wish she'd died many years ago,' she 追加するd.

Her funeral service at St George's Chapel lasted for いっそう少なく than half an hour and was stripped of nearly all the pomp and 儀式 that usually 示すs a 王室の passing.

Other members of the 100-strong guest 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) 含むd the then Prince Charles and his wife Princess Diana, along with 総理大臣 Margaret Thatcher?and 労働 leader Neil Kinnock.

On her 棺 was a 選び出す/独身 花冠 of white, orange and yellow lillies left by the Queen.??

Her burial next to her husband outside Frogmore 霊廟 was …に出席するd by only the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and Princess Diana and eight of Wallis's 補佐官s and friends.

The Queen Mother, who had once called Wallis the 'lowest of the low', did not …に出席する the burial, after 存在 asked to stay away by the Queen.

Her burial next to her husband outside Frogmore Mausoleum was attended only by the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles,? Diana and eight of Wallis's aides and friends. Above: The Graves of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor

Her burial next to her husband outside Frogmore 霊廟 was …に出席するd only by the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles,? Diana and eight of Wallis's 補佐官s and friends

However, there was one 申し立てられた/疑わしい flicker of emotion that perhaps signalled how, にもかかわらず all that happened, feelings could be 複雑にするd.?

によれば Princess Diana, the Queen did shed a 涙/ほころび as the Duchess was laid to 残り/休憩(する). She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd it was the only time she had seen the 君主 weep.

The laying to 残り/休憩(する) of the the Duchess of Windsor 示すd the final 一時期/支部 in a marriage that had captivated and scandalised in equal 手段.

At last, after nearly 15 years of loneliness, 攻撃を受けやすい to the 需要・要求するs of the predatory Blum, Wallis was 支援する by the 味方する of her beloved.?