For Texas 脱退論者 Daniel Miller, the 攻撃する,衝突する movie Civil War is something of a how-to guide.

Miller has since 1996 押し進めるd for the 孤独な 星/主役にする 明言する/公表する to 出口 the union, in what's known as 'Texit.'

A movie about 正確に/まさに that has proven an 予期しない box office 攻撃する,衝突する this month, pulling in $45.7 million across North America.

Miller says writer and director Alex Garland's ominous dystopia has tapped a 神経.

'Texas independence, or the 崩壊/分裂 of the union, keeps occurring in popular culture,' says Miller.

Civil War depicts a near-future America in which several states are at war with a dictatorial president in Washington, DC

Civil War 描写するs a 近づく-未来 America in which several 明言する/公表するs are at war with a 独裁的な 大統領,/社長 in Washington, DC? ?

Breakaway California and Texas have aligned as the Western Forces against the loyalist states

脱退/分離 California and Texas have 提携させるd as the Western 軍隊s against the 現体制支持者/忠臣 明言する/公表するs? ?

'The 解放(する) of the movie is 注ぐing ガソリン on the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 of the conversation around Texit.'

Civil War turns the 'conscious or subconscious' 願望(する)s of テレビ視聴者s into 109 minutes of fun, he says.


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The 緊張した thriller sees a US that has 崩壊(する)d into 十分な-blown 武装した 衝突.

The 軍の 力/強力にするs of Texas and California have 部隊d as Western 軍隊s, which are descending on Washington, DC.

They 捜し出す to 倒す an 権威主義者 US 大統領,/社長, played by Nick Offerman.

一方/合間, fictional Reuters photographer 物陰/風下 (Kirsten Dunst) and reporter Joel (Wagner Moura) take to the road with the 目的(とする) of reaching the 資本/首都 before it 落ちるs to 反逆者/反逆するs.

The movie is vague about how America descended into a second civil 衝突.

The 大統領,/社長 has ripped up the 支配する 調書をとる/予約する ― 爆破 非軍事のs, cancelling 選挙s and 認めるing himself a third 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語.

The fictional 指揮官-in-長,指導者 is not too far from modern-day reality, says Miller.

He calls the movie a '100 パーセント plausible' account of America 涙/ほころびing itself apart.

Kirsten Dunst, center left, plays a news photographer trying to reach the capital before it falls to rebels

Kirsten Dunst, 中心 left, plays a news photographer trying to reach the 資本/首都 before it 落ちるs to 反逆者/反逆するs

Daniel Miller, center right, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, says the movie is '100 percent plausible'

Daniel Miller, 中心 権利, 大統領,/社長 of the Texas 国家主義者 Movement, says the movie is '100 パーセント plausible'

'The 連邦の 政府 has 明確に shown that it finds the 憲法 is 絶対 no 障害 to its consolidation of 力/強力にする,' says Miller.

政治家,政治屋s in the 資本/首都 always find a '(法などの)抜け穴 or wiggle room or some ridiculous 最高裁判所 precedent' to 正当化する their 活動/戦闘s, he 追加するd.

Californians and Texans are の中で the most プロの/賛成の-independence Americans, with nearly a third in each 明言する/公表する wanting to 分裂(する), YouGov 投票ing shows.

California and Texas may seem like ありそうもない 同盟(する)s against Washington.

But their 保守的なs and 自由主義のs could 井戸/弁護士席 team up against the 資本/首都 if it won each 明言する/公表する the bigger prizes of independence and victory, said Miller.

The film shows how the US Army would shed 闘士,戦闘機s as 地域s break away, and how the 連邦の 政府 could 最終的に lose, he 追加するd.

California's real-life 分離主義者s are いっそう少なく 納得させるd by studio A24's 申し込む/申し出ing.

Louis Marinelli, the 大統領,/社長 and 創立者 of Yes California, which wants the Golden 明言する/公表する's 沿岸の area to break away, says the US is 長,率いるd for a different type of 衝突.

The movie shows how federal forces could well lose the war, as its fighters desert

The movie shows how 連邦の 軍隊s could 井戸/弁護士席 lose the war, as its 闘士,戦闘機s 砂漠?

The movie?has proven an unexpected box office hit this month, pulling in $45.7 million across North America

The movie?has proven an 予期しない box office 攻撃する,衝突する this month, pulling in $45.7 million across North America

'The coming American civil war will be fought between the people of this country based on ideology,' Marinelli told

'We have two diverging and 相いれない 始める,決めるs of values in this country that can no longer coexist.'

Marinelli calls for '激烈な 対策' to 改訂する the 憲法 and reboot politics to 避ける a 破滅的な fracture.

John Howe, 明言する/公表する chairman of the Alaskan Independence Party, which wants the Last Frontier to pull away from Washington, hasn't yet seen the movie.

The 陰謀(を企てる) excites テレビ視聴者s by challenging their 'normalcy bias' for sticking with the 50-明言する/公表する 判型 they grew up with, he told

It plays into the 願望(する) of people to 'break up and have more freedom, more independence,' said Howe.

Passions about the film are doubtless elevated thanks to its 解放(する) in an 選挙 year.

大統領 Joe Biden and his 競争相手 Donald Trump both 現在の the 投票(する) as a high-火刑/賭けるs race with America's 未来 on the line.

For some, this shows how the 247-year-old 実験 with 僕主主義 has run its course.

Nick Offerman plays an authoritarian president who is hell-bent on keeping the union together

Nick Offerman plays an 権威主義者 大統領,/社長 who is hell-bent on keeping the union together?

'The movie is pouring gasoline on the fire of the conversation around Texit,' says Miller

'The movie is 注ぐing ガソリン on the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 of the conversation around Texit,' says Miller

Fully 36 パーセント of Alaskans want to call it a day and leave the union, によれば YouGov's 調査する of 35,000 people.

That's a more popular movement than the 31 パーセント of Texans who want out.

民主党員-run California and New York are next in line to abandon ship, with 29 パーセント and 28 パーセント of 居住(者)s 好意ing 離脱, それぞれ.

Oklahomans (28 パーセント), Nebraskans (25 パーセント), Georgians (25 パーセント), Floridians (24 パーセント) and Washingtonians (24 パーセント) are also 注目する,もくろむing the door.

At the other end of the spectrum is Connecticut, with just 9 パーセント of its 比較して content 居住(者)s 捜し出すing an out.

Larger 明言する/公表するs with 際立った cultures and stronger go-it-alone economies 一般に lean toward 離脱 more than others.

For Miller, the 投票ing numbers are likely a major undercount.

The way he tells it, America is 急速な/放蕩な 長,率いるd toward the all-out 戦争 seen in the film.

'This is not some B-movie flash in the pan,' he says.

'It has elicited a tremendous 量 of discussion about the 未来 of Independence and the 未来 of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs as an 会・原則.'