Home and Away's Orpheus Pledger: See the shocking photo at the centre of 事例/患者 against TV 星/主役にする who 恐らく stomped on a woman's 長,率いる

A former television heartthrob on the run from police over 強襲,強姦 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s 恐らく stomped on a woman's 長,率いる so hard police could identify the shoes he was wearing.

Home and Away 星/主役にする Orpheus Pledger, 30, is (刑事)被告 of 強襲,強姦ing a woman at a home in Melbourne on March 25, in an 出来事/事件 恐らく caught on a 動議-活動させる/戦時編成するd camera.


The shocking (映画の)フィート数 - 解放(する)d after Daily Mail Australia joined 合法的な 活動/戦闘 to 解除する 報告(する)/憶測ing 制限s - showed Pledger 恐らく?grabbing the 犠牲者's hair and throwing her to the ground before stomping on her 長,率いる.?

Images of the woman's 傷害s from the 申し立てられた/疑わしい attack show bruises on the 味方する of her 直面する that bore a '類似の resemblance' to the 単独の pattern of 先頭s sneakers he owned, police 主張する.

Pledger was 再拘留(者)d in 保護/拘留 after his 逮捕(する) on March 27 but was 保釈(金)d on Monday for a mental health 査定/評価 at 王室の Melbourne Hospital.

He was 要求するd to return to 法廷,裁判所 the に引き続いて day but is instead 申し立てられた/疑わしい to have just got up and walked out, in 違反 of his 保釈(金) 条件s, and is still on the run.

Police on Wednesday 控訴,上告d to the public to help 位置を示す Pledger, who is known to 'たびたび(訪れる) Northcote and surrounding areas.'?

The one-time TV heartthrob (pictured in 'Summer Bay'), is 恐らく on the run after 違反ing 保釈(金) while 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 強襲,強姦ing a woman

Police 主張する the 乱すing (映画の)フィート数 showed Pledger's ninth attack on the 犠牲者 since 2021 and was an example of an 'an escalation in his propensity for 暴力/激しさ'.

Police are 控訴,上告ing for held from the public to 位置を示す the former TV 星/主役にする. Above is a police mugshot

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 犠牲者 was hospitalised 夜通し for 傷害s 含むing haematomas (a swelling of clotted 血) to her forehead, 削減(する)s to her cheek and bruising to her neck, 手渡す and cheek.

Pledger's 申し立てられた/疑わしい 犠牲者 made a 3倍になる 無 call 警告 police he was in the 中央 of a mental health 出来事/事件, Melbourne 治安判事s 法廷,裁判所 was told on Monday.

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 犠牲者 was heard 説 'he's coming' before the line 削減(する) out, the 法廷,裁判所 was told.?

Pledger - who played Mason Morgan on Seven's soap for 339 episodes from 2016 to 2019 - was 認めるd 保釈(金) on Monday so he could receive the mental health support that '専門家s say he needs', his solicitor told the 法廷,裁判所


Pledger had been 推定する/予想するd to を受ける the 査定/評価 in hospital and return to 法廷,裁判所 on Tuesday to have his 保釈(金) 条件s 再評価するd.

But when his 事例/患者 was called by 治安判事 Justin Foster on Tuesday morning, he could not be 設立する.

He was 認めるd 保釈(金) to receive a mental health 査定/評価 on Monday but is 申し立てられた/疑わしい to have instead left the hospital and is yet to be 位置を示すd

READ MORE:??(映画の)フィート数 現れるs of Home and Away 星/主役にする 恐らく dragging a woman to the ground and stomping on her 長,率いる - as 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs continue manhunt for the actor after he went on the run


His solicitor, Jasper?MacCuspie, told the 法廷,裁判所 his (弁護士の)依頼人 had esca ped the hospital after waiting almost six hours to be seen.

治安判事 Foster ガス/煙d that he had 'bent over backwards' to 認可する the hospital visit.

'This makes me query if I will ever 認める this order again,' he told the 法廷,裁判所 on Tuesday.

He said he was also 乱暴/暴力を加えるd that a 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd mentally-ill 患者 had been left untreated and unattended for almost six hours.?

Pledger's 保釈(金) was 取り消すd and a 令状 for his 逮捕(する) 問題/発行するd.?

にもかかわらず 以前 resisting police 活動/戦闘 for the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 事前の 強襲,強姦s, the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 犠牲者 told police that she 'believes he will 結局 kill her', the 法廷,裁判所 was told.

Police 検察官,検事 Olivia Sparrow had recommended that Pledger remain in 保護/拘留 as he was an '容認できない 危険' to the community while homeless and 恐らく 苦しむing 麻薬 and mental health 問題/発行するs.

Ms Sparrow also …に反対するd an in-患者 mental health 査定/評価 order made during a 保釈(金) 審理,公聴会 last week, as staff can't 肉体的に 妨げる him from leaving.

治安判事 Foster had also 空気/公表するd his 関心s over the order as it meant Pledger could leave without 存在 apprehended.

‘Clinically he might get on his 麻薬s and whatever 治療 he needs and show 改良. Then he can be 解放(する)d into the community,' he said.

‘The 危険 of something その上の happening and having 悲惨な consequences is striking.’

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