Zoe Ball 発表するs death of her 'dear mama' Julia に引き続いて short 戦う/戦い with pancreatic 癌 - days after BBC 無線で通信する 2 DJ told fans her mother had been moved into a hospice

Zoe Ball?has told fans she is 'bereft' に引き続いて the death of her 'dear mama' Julia.?

The BBC 無線で通信する 2 星/主役にする 発表するd in 早期に March that her mother had been 診断するd with pancreatic and was 存在 'incredibly 勇敢に立ち向かう'.

Earlier this week, the 53-year-old told her BBC 無線で通信する 2 listeners Julia had been??transferred to a hospice, as she 献身的な a Bon Jovi song to paramedics who helped her.?

Just before 5am on Wednesday, the much-loved 放送者 株d the news of her mother's passing on Instagram. In a 尊敬の印, she said: 'Sleep tight dear Mama.

'Thank you for teaching us how to love 無条件に, to always show courage and empathy. And how, even in the darkest of days, laughter is the greatest of gifts.

Zoe Ball pictured with her mother Julia back in 2011

Zoe Ball pictured with her mother Julia 支援する in 2011

Zoe Ball announced the death of her 'dear mama' Julia (pictured) in a post on Instagram in the early hours of Wednesday morning

Zoe Ball 発表するd the death of her 'dear mama' Julia (pictured) in a 地位,任命する on Instagram in the 早期に hours of Wednesday morning?< /p>

In the tribute posted to Instagram (pictured), Zoe Ball told fans she is 'bereft'

In the 尊敬の印 地位,任命するd to Instagram (pictured), Zoe Ball told fans she is 'bereft'?

It continued: 'We are bereft without you but will 持つ/拘留する so tight to each other. Your grace & your smile that lit up every room you were in, will light the 星/主役にするs to guide us.'

After 発表するing her mother's illness last month, Gaby Roslin 'occasionally' stepped in to 取って代わる her on The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show so the pair could spend time together.

Zoe 株d the heartbreaking news last week that Julia was 存在 transferred into hospice care, telling listeners that things were 'pretty 堅い at the moment for the family.'

She said: 'Things are really 堅い for my mum at the moment, just sending out 負担s of love. Love you Mum.'

Taking to social media in the early hours of this morning, Zoe Ball has shared the news o
f her mother's passing

Taking to social マスコミ in the 早期に hours of this morning, Zoe Ball has 株d the news of her mother's passing

The presenter, 53, said she and her family were going through 'tough times' amid her mother's (pictured) diagnosis but praised her for being 'brave'

The presenter, 53, said she and her family were going through '堅い times' まっただ中に her mother's (pictured) diagnosis but 賞賛するd her for 存在 '勇敢に立ち向かう'

Woody also referenced his grandmother’s late husband Rick Peckham who died in 2013, as he added: 'I know you’re with Rick now, give him a hug from me.'

Woody also 言及/関連d his grandmother’s late husband Rick Peckham who died in 2013, as he 追加するd: 'I know you’re with Rick now, give him a 抱擁する from me.'

The 放送者's son Woody Cook, who she 株 with ex-husband Norman Cook better known as British DJ Fatboy わずかな/ほっそりした, also 株d a 尊敬の印 on Instagram.

'Today I say goodbye to Granny J, thank you for 存在 a wonderful woman,' the 23-year-old said, 株ing a younger picture with his grandmother.

Woody, who appeared on Netflix reality series The Circle in 2019, also 言及/関連d his grandmother's late husband Rick Peckham.

He said: 'The only person who always sent me a valentines card. I know you're with Rick now, give him a 抱擁する from me.

'I know he said once when you were panicking in a ヘリコプター over the ジャングル 'If you get lost, follow the river!' You'll find him at the end.'

Zoe 明らかにする/漏らすd her mother's pancreatic 癌 diagnosis on March 6, as she told fans on social マスコミ she would?be taking time away from her BBC show to 焦点(を合わせる) on her family, who were going through '堅い times' - but 追加するd her mother was 存在 極端に '勇敢に立ち向かう'.

にもかかわらず her mother's diagnosis, Zoe remained 肯定的な as she told fans at the time she is 'in awe' of the nurses and doctors in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of her care.?

地位,任命するing a picture of Julia surrounded by family last month, 同様に as a second of her receiving chemotherapy in hospital, she wrote:?'Heartbreakingly our beautiful Mama Julia has been 診断するd with 癌.

'As many of you know from experience, these are 極端に 堅い times. Mum is 存在 incredibly 勇敢に立ち向かう.

'My brother Jamie & I are 完全に in awe of the brilliant Doctors, Nurses & support teams looking after Mum. Thank you.

'感謝 to our families & our 延長するd family & friends at home & at work for their support at this time.

'Sending out love to people reading this who are 戦う/戦いing 癌, or を待つing diagnosis & also to the folk looking after their dear ones who are 貧しく.'?

Zoe and Julia Ball pictured at the premier after party for Sex and the City 2 back in 2010

Zoe and Julia Ball pictured at the 首相 after party for Sex and the City 2 支援する in 2010

Fatboy Slim previously told how Zoe Ball would 'check him' as he rose to fame to ensure he treated people with respect

Fatboy わずかな/ほっそりした 以前 told how Zoe Ball would 'check him' as he rose to fame to 確実にする he 扱う/治療するd people with 尊敬(する)・点?

Taking to social media last month, Zoe shared a photo of her mother surrounded by family members

Taking to social マスコミ last month, Zoe 株d a photo of her mother surrounded by family members

Picture shows Julia holding her daughter Zoe when she was little

Picture shows Julia 持つ/拘留するing her daughter Zoe when she was little

The family has been bedecked by hardship for 10年間s, with Ms Ball's parents Julia and Johnny Ball, a former TV presenter, splitting up in 1972 after just three years of marriage.

Mr Ball remarried his second wife, Dianne Cheryl, in 1976, with the pair remaining together today.

As Zoe's own career took off, she and her husband Fatboy わずかな/ほっそりした supported one another on their rise to fame, with わずかな/ほっそりした later 述べるing how she kept him 負かす/撃墜する to earth by 'checking him' for his behaviour.?

He told the Changes podcast at the time:?'While you've got licence to break 支配するs, you've always got a lot of people who'll let you get away with 殺人.

'Zoe was really good for me for that, because she knew the fame game and we would sort of check each other.

'If I wasn't respectful to people, she'd go: 'Oi, come on, that's not how we behave! Go 支援する and thank them for that'.'

But sadly their marriage (機の)カム to an end in 2016, with the couple 発表するing they had 'come to the end of their rainbow'.

Although Zoe soon 設立する love again in partner Billy Yates, their 関係 was also not 始める,決める to last.

After a long 戦う/戦い with 不景気, Mr Yates, 40, killed himself in May 2017 at his home in Putney, London.

The 無線で通信する 2 presenter 以前 told how she felt 'really 感謝する' he had said goodbye to her the last time she saw him.

Fighting 支援する 涙/ほころびs as she spoke about their final moments together, she said: 'He got on his bike and he cycled off and he turned 一連の会議、交渉/完成する and he blew me a kiss goodbye, and that was the last time I saw him.'??

She 追加するd: 'It was just that moment and that feeling of ''Oh my god I love him so much, we'll find some help and it will all be okay.''

'And I wish I'd told him that.'

A year after his death, Zoe took part in a gruelling Sport 救済 challenge to cycle 350 miles in five days in his memory and to raise 認識/意識性 of mental health 問題/発行するs.

Zoe Ball pictured with former partner Billy Yates, who killed himself in May 2017

Zoe Ball pictured with former partner Billy Yates, who killed himself in May 2017

Zoe Ball wore a T-shirt bearing Billy Yates' name as she returned to work at Radio 2 following his death

Zoe Ball wore a T-shirt 耐えるing Billy Yates' 指名する as she returned to work at 無線で通信する 2 に引き続いて his death

She has 終始一貫して 示すd his death each year and returned to work at 無線で通信する 2 に引き続いて his death wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with his 指名する.

にもかかわらず her loss, the presenter 設立する the courage to love again when she began dating former construction 労働者 Michael Reed.

But while friends said he was a 'true gent' at first, their 関係 broke 負かす/撃墜する after more than five years in May 2023 after Mr Reed 恐らく became 'a bit 需要・要求するing'.

The couple had 報道によれば been arguing about very minor 面s of their life, such as Zoe spending time on her phone talking to friends.

The presenter soon asked Mr Reed to move out of her home, although the two are said to remain on good 条件.??

In a 2021 interview, Zoe 示すd the 周年記念日 of her stepfather Rick's death, 株ing that he passed away in 2012 after 戦う/戦いing モーター neurone 病気.

Zoe's parents Julia and Johnny Ball, a former TV presenter, 分裂(する) up in 1972 after just three years of marriage.

Johnny remarried his second wife, Dianne Cheryl, in 1976, with the pair remaining together today, while Julia remarried Rick.

Speaking on her BBC 無線で通信する 2 Breakfast Show 支援する in 2021, the 星/主役にする discussed the (選挙などの)運動をするing of former rugby 星/主役にする Doddie Weir, who was raising 基金s to find a cure for the 病気.?

She said: 'Hopefully one day we will find a cure. It's a real special day in my family today.

'We lost our stepdad Rick to モーター Neurone 病気 on this day, やめる a few years 支援する now. We think about him every day, so 明白に this is something pretty の近くに to my heart.'?

In previous years, Zoe opened up on her struggles with alcohol and wild partying, having become the poster girl for ladette culture.

The mother-of-two said it took her several 試みる/企てるs to 取り組む her alcohol problem that …を伴ってd her career from children's television presenter to the first 女性(の) host of 無線で通信する 1's Breakfast Show.

In 2021, Zoe marked the anniversary of her stepfather Rick's death, sharing that he passed away in 2012 after battling motor neurone disease (Rick is pictured marrying Zoe's mother)

In 2021, Zoe 示すd the 周年記念日 of her stepfather Rick's death, 株ing that he passed away in 2012 after 戦う/戦いing モーター neurone 病気 (Rick is pictured marrying Zoe's mother)

In previous years, Zoe has detailed her struggles with alcohol and wild partying, having become the poster girl for ladette culture

In previous years, Zoe has 詳細(に述べる)d her struggles with alcohol and wild partying, having become the poster girl for ladette culture

She said it took her several attempts to tackle her alcohol problem. Picture shows Zoe taking a drink at a bar opening in 1998

She said it took her several 試みる/企てるs to 取り組む her alcohol problem. Picture shows Zoe taking a drink at a 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 開始 in 1998

Explaining how she finally dealt with her problem drinking, Zoe says: 'I was lucky enough to go to rehab actually and through meeting other people who had addictions as well'

Explaining how she finally dealt with her problem drinking, Zoe says: 'I was lucky enough to go to rehab 現実に and through 会合 other people who had 中毒s 同様に'

She said 以前: 'You'll find that you'll を取り引きする it a little bit but then you slip 支援する into old ways, It took me a couple of 試みる/企てるs to sort that out.'

Explaining how she finally dealt with her problem drinking, Zoe said: 'I was lucky enough to go to rehab 現実に and through 会合 other people who had 中毒s 同様に.'

Her 評判 as a party girl 増加するd after her 1999 marriage to superstar DJ Fatboy わずかな/ほっそりした, when she often 設立する herself の中で other 女性(の) 星/主役にするs known for their booze-fuelled antics.

'It's weird, because you do this 職業 and you are talking and are gregarious and all these things but I am 現実に やめる shy. But you could walk into the room if you'd had a drink.'

After her mother's 癌 diagnosis, Zoe was inundated with messages of support from fans.?

She 安心させるd them that while she would be in her usual 無線で通信する 2 slot as much as possible, she would 'occasionally need to be home with my Mama.'?

Gaby Roslin has filled in for the 無線で通信する presenter on the Zoe Ball Breakfast Show from 6.30am to 9.30am while the BBC icon cared for her late mother.

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