ロシアの 軍隊/機動隊s have 報道によれば 押し進めるd through Ukrainian lines to take the 戦略の town of Ocheretyne in Donetsk -?the 最新の scoop for Vladimir Putin's 軍隊s まっただ中に a 最近の string of 伸び(る)s on the 戦場.

ビデオs 株d on the 電報電信 messaging app by ロシアの 軍の bloggers appeared to show the ロシアの tricolour 飛行機で行くing 頂上に a 損失d building in the town that once was home to 30,000 Ukrainians.?

The town was lost after Ukrainian 部隊s fled their positions under 激しい 解雇する/砲火/射撃, Msocow's defence 省 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd, as a Ukrainian army spokesperson said the invaders were 'using the entire 兵器庫 of 武器s 利用できる... 含むing 化学製品 毒(薬)s,' in their 強襲,強姦.

The 逮捕(する) of Ocheretyne, a 地元の rail 中心, is a 重要な milestone on the way to the city of Pokrovsk some 20 miles その上の west - an 交差点 of important roads and a 鉄道 junction that forms the linchpin of ウクライナ共和国's 軍の 操作/手術s in the 地域.?

どこかよそで, ロシアの 分割s are pummelling towns on the 郊外s of Chasiv Yar, a?strategically important hill town that would 許す them to move toward Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, 重要な cities ウクライナ共和国 支配(する)/統制するs in the eastern 地域 of Donetsk.

And ミサイルs and drones continue to 乱打する energy 組織/基盤/下部構造 and 居住の areas in ウクライナ共和国's second-largest city, Kharkiv, which is only about 20 miles from the ロシアの 国境.

Moscow's 兵士s are 押し進めるing 今後 at several points along the 600-mile 前線 - perhaps to maximise their 伸び(る)s over their 使い果たすd and war 疲れた/うんざりした adversaries before new 供給(する)s of Western 軍需品s arrive.?

It comes as US 国会議員s 調印するd off on a new $61 billion 軍の 援助(する) 一括 that will soon enable?Kyiv's defenders re-用意する with sorely needed 大砲, long-範囲 ミサイル systems and 弾薬/武器.?

Russian troops are seen n Ocheretyne after raising the Russian flag atop a building

ロシアの 軍隊/機動隊s are seen n Ocheretyne after raising the ロシアの 旗 頂上に a building?

A local resident walks past apartment buildings destroyed by artillery in the village of Ocheretyne, near the town of Avdiivka, in the Donetsk region, April 15, 2024, amid the Russian invasion in Ukraine

A 地元の 居住(者) walks past apartment buildings destroyed by 大砲 in the village of Ocheretyne, 近づく t he town of Avdiivka, in the Donetsk 地域, April 15, 2024, まっただ中に the ロシアの 侵略 in ウクライナ共和国

A civilian sits on a bench amid debris in the town of Ocheretyne in February. The town has now been overrun by Russian forces

A 非軍事の sits on a (法廷の)裁判 まっただ中に 破片 in the town of Ocheretyne in February. The town has now been 侵略(する)/超過(する) by ロシアの 軍隊s

A local resident walks past apartment buildings destroyed by air bomb in the village of Ocheretyne not far from Avdiivka town in the Donetsk region, on April 15, 2024, amid the Russian invasion in Ukraine

A 地元の 居住(者) walks past apartment buildings destroyed by 空気/公表する 爆弾 in the village of Ocheretyne not far from Avdiivka town in the Donetsk 地域, on April 15, 2024, まっただ中に the ロシアの 侵略 in ウクライナ共和国

Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) are coveted by Kyiv as they can strike deep into Russian held territory

Army 戦術の ミサイル System (ATACMS) are coveted by Kyiv as they can strike 深い into ロシアの held 領土?

Ukrainian soldiers with the 71st Jaeger Brigade fire a M101 howitzer at Russian positions on the front line, near the city of Avdiivka in Ukraine's Donetsk region, on March 22, 2024

Ukrainian 兵士s with the 71st Jaeger 旅団 解雇する/砲火/射撃 a M101 りゅう弾砲 at ロシアの positions on the 前線 line, 近づく the city of Avdiivka in ウクライナ共和国's Donetsk 地域, on March 22, 2024

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks to the press after the Senate green-lit a new military aid package for Ukraine

上院 大多数 Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks to the 圧力(をかける) after the 上院 green-lit a new 軍の 援助(する) 一括 for ウクライナ共和国

US lawmakers signed off on a new $61 billion military aid package that will soon enable Kyiv 's defenders re-equip with sorely needed artillery, long-range missile systems and ammunition

US 国会議員s 調印するd off on a new $61 billion 軍の 援助(する) 一括 that will soon enable Kyiv 's defenders re-用意する with sorely needed 大砲, long-範囲 ミサイル systems and 弾薬/武器

The US 衆議院 認可するd the new 援助(する) 一括 on Saturday after months of 延期するs by some 共和国の/共和党のs 用心深い of US 関与 overseas.?

It was passed by the 上院 on Tuesday, and 大統領 Joe Biden said he would 調印する it today.

New US-基金d 武器s could arrive in ウクライナ共和国 'in days' after £50billion 基金ing go ahead - as Moscow 警告するs 取引,協定 leaves world 'teetering on the brink of a direct 衝突/不一致 between 核の-武装した 力/強力にするs'?




