EXCLUSIVEReeva Steenkamp's friends say they want to 'wipe the smile off Oscar Pistorius's 直面する' after the 殺し屋 is seen grinning 'without a care in the world' as he enjoys his freedom

Friends of Reeva Steenkamp have told of their 怒り/怒る at seeing pictures of Oscar Pistorius smiling 'as if he hasn't a care in the world' while enjoying his freedom.

The 不名誉d former Paralympian, 37, was seen this week for the first time after serving seven years behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s looking happy and relaxed ? as he 報告(する)/憶測d to the 仮釈放(する) office in Pretoria in photos 排他的に 得るd by the Mail.

Pistorius appeared in public wearing sunglasses in the autumn 日光 with his greying and thinning hair 示唆するing that the years he has spent in 刑務所,拘置所 for the 殺人 of Reeva have taken their (死傷者)数.

But friends of the model who was 発射 by Pistorius as she cowered behind the bathroom door in the 早期に hours of Valentine's Day in 2013 today 表明するd their fury at seeing him enjoying his freedom.

Reeva's friend Tania Koen told of her 悲しみ for Reeva's mother June whose husband Barry died 'from a broken heart' last year.

Ms Koen, who is also the Steenkamp family lawyer, 追加するd: 'I feel sorry for June who is serving a life 宣告,判決. She will never get to see Reeva's smile. Ever.'

Another friend of the 殺人d model, who asked not to be 指名するd, said: 'It is very 乱すing to see Pistorius smiling like he doesn't have a care in the world.

'If I could, I would wipe that smile off his 直面する. I don't know how he sleeps at night for what he did.'

Smiling in the spring sunshine, these are the first pictures of Oscar Pistorius since his release from jail for murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Deaan Vivier/Netwerk24/Gallo Images

Smiling in the spring 日光, these are the first pictures of Oscar Pistorius since his 解放(する) from 刑務所,拘置所 for 殺人ing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Deaan Vivier/Netwerk24/Gallo Images

The disgraced former Paralympian (pictured), 37, was seen for the first time after serving seven years behind bars ? as he reported to the parole office in Pretoria.?Deaan Vivier/Netwerk24/Gallo Images

The 不名誉d former Paralympian (pictured), 37, was seen for the first time after serving seven years behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s ? as he 報告(する)/憶測d to the 仮釈放(する) office in Pretoria.?Deaan Vivier/Netwerk24/Gallo Images

Oscar Pistorius (left) and Reeva Steenkamp (right) at Tashas All White Party at Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2013

Oscar Pistorius (left) and Reeva Steenkamp (権利) at Tashas All White Party at Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2013

Pistorius' slender でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる seen in the pictures 示唆するs he has shed some of the 負わせる he 報道によれば put on while in 刑務所,拘置所 to the extent that his prosthetic 脚s no longer fit him.?

Now his hair is grey and thinning, and he is also believed to have become a chain smoker in 刑務所,拘置所.

It was 報告(する)/憶測d in January that?Pistorius was 関心d about his muscular 拒絶する/低下する? 予定 to 欠如(する) of daily running while 拘留するd.? However, these pictures show he still has an 運動競技の build.?

He killed Reeva, 29, on Valentine's Day 2013, 狙撃 her through the locked door of their bathroom and later (人命などを)奪う,主張するing he had thought she was an 侵入者.?

Since his 解放(する), the 星/主役にする has remained 穴を開けるd up in his uncle's £2million 高級な mansion in Waterkloof, Pretoria, after 存在 警告するd by 仮釈放(する) officers not to be photographed.

The gun-fanatic has been 許すd out on 仮釈放(する) until 2029 and must 固執する to a number of 条件s 始める,決める 負かす/撃墜する by Atteridgeville 是正 Services 公式の/役人s.

He has to を受ける a course of '怒り/怒る 管理/経営' to help him 対処する with his 猛烈な/残忍な temper which 検察官,検事s said led him to kill Reeva.

The former 競技者 can no longer be the party animal that he was before he gunned 負かす/撃墜する Reeva in his apartment on February 14, 2013.

He is 閉めだした from drinking alcohol and 扱うing any 武器s and must 知らせる his 仮釈放(する) officers of his どの辺に and remain at his uncle Arnold's home during 始める,決める hours.

Pistorius has also been banned from giving マスコミ interviews, which will come as a その上の blow as major US talk shows were hoping to line him up as a 星/主役にする guest.

He remains under 自宅監禁 at his uncle's home ? and is said to pray most of the day in between playing ビデオ games and 迎える/歓迎するing friends and family.

The former athlete was convicted for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013

The former 競技者 was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd for the 殺人 of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013

The Atteridgeville Correctional Centre in Pretoria was Pistorius' home for a large portion of his time behind bars

The Atteridgeville Correctional Centre in Pretoria was Pistorius' home for a large 部分 of his time behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s

Since his release, the star has remained holed up in his uncle's £2million luxury mansion in Waterkloof Pretoria, after being warned by parole officers not to be photographed or engage with the media

Since his 解放(する), the 星/主役にする has remained 穴を開けるd up in his uncle's £2million 高級な mansion in Waterkloof Pretoria, after 存在 警告するd by 仮釈放(する) officers not to be photographed or engage with the マスコミ

He has the use of a swimming pool, gym and games room and when he dines with his uncle and aunt they 持つ/拘留する 手渡すs and the devout Christians pray before eating.

Uncle Arnold has been a quasi-father 人物/姿/数字 to Pistorius since his 青年, having taken 責任/義務 for him and siblings Aimee and Carl in the wake of the death of his mother Sheila when he was just 15.?

Sources said Pistorius rarely 投機・賭けるs out and prefers friends to visit as he is petrified Johannesburg's 暗黒街 人物/姿/数字s will take 復讐 on him.

He has done some voluntary work at a nearby church. One parishioner told the New York 地位,任命する: 'He's not friendly, not 去っていく/社交的な. I don't know if I've ever seen him 割れ目 a smile. He's just a 影をつくる/尾行する of what he once was.'

Since his first 裁判,公判 in 2014, when Pistorius was 設立する 有罪の of culpable 殺人 - later overturned in favour of 殺人 - after 狙撃 and 殺人,大当り Steenkamp through a locked bathroom door at his Pretoria home, the former 競技者 has leaned ひどく on his 約束.?

He often brought a rosary to 法廷,裁判所, and was pictured reading '打開 祈り: The 力/強力にする of Connecting with the Heart of God' by Jim Cymbal during breaks.

In January, MailOnline 排他的に 明らかにする/漏らすd how Pistorius's famous 'blade 走者' prosthetic 脚s no longer fit him after his years of inactivity in 刑務所,拘置所 - and told how he 恐れるs he will never be able to?run 適切に again.

On the 証人席, it recurred as a 主題 as he told the 法廷,裁判所 that 約束 was 'the thing that has got me through this past year', and discussed Steenkamp's 約束, 株ing how they would pray together before meals and how she would pray 'about my training'.

During his time in 刑務所,拘置所 he started a Bible 熟考する/考慮する group and led 祈り 会合s, and 報告(する)/憶測s 循環させるd around the time of his 解放(する) that he was 検討する,考慮するing the idea of becoming a preacher.

Pistorious's father Henke is said to be 'happy' with his son's living 手はず/準備 and the 星/主役にする's sister Aimee flew South Africa from her London home to spend time there on his 解放(する).?

The 欠如(する) of daily running while 拘留するd means his 脚s have shrunk and are no longer compat ible with the trademark bespoke blades he wore to compete on the 跡をつける.

He called in doctors while in Atteridgeville 刑務所,拘置所 in Pretoria because he was 関心d about the muscular 拒絶する/低下する.

The 広範囲にわたる grounds have 見解(をとる)s over?Pretoria - but Pistorius is thought to spend most of his time in his bedroom

Steenkamp's parents Barry and June believed that Pistorius should not be released early

Steenkamp's parents Barry and June believed that Pistorius should not be 解放(する)d 早期に

Dr Gerald Versfeld, the orthopaedic 外科医 who carried out the 二塁打 amputation, went to see the 殺し屋 in 刑務所,拘置所 to help fit new prostheses after he complained the ones he entered 刑務所,拘置所 with were uncomfortable and did not fit anymore.?

It was 設立するd that Pistorius, who was 6ft tall in his prime on his 人工的な 四肢s, had experienced 削減 in the length of his remaining thighs.

Pistorius was the darling of world sport after competing in the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics before the 殺人,大当り ? as sponsors were 落ちるing over themselves to 申し込む/申し出 him 商業の 取引,協定s.

He 安全な・保証するd the lucrative 取引,協定s with his 悲劇の backstory of how who was born without fibulas and had both 脚s amputated below the 膝s before his first birthday.

He has never 認める he deliberately 発射 model Reeva and continues to (人命などを)奪う,主張する it was an 事故.

The shamed 星/主役にする has stuck to his line that he believed an 侵入者 had broken into his apartment as he and Reeva slept.

He gunned her 負かす/撃墜する through a 洗面所 door in the 早期に hours of Valentine's Day in 2013 and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd it was an 事故 as he believed an 侵入者 had entered his home.

But after a year of 長引いた 法廷,裁判所 審理,公聴会s his 有罪の判決 of culpable 殺人 was changed to 殺人. Instead of life, he was punished with a 13-and-a-half-year 宣告,判決.

Reeva's parents Barry and June Steenkamp (選挙などの)運動をするd for Pistorius to come clean and 収容する/認める he 故意に 発射 their daughter.

Barry died last year after 会合 his daughter's 殺し屋 and failing to get him to 収容する/認める the 殺人.

Mrs Steenkamp told MailOnline: 'There was a 列/漕ぐ/騒動. 隣人s heard 叫び声をあげるing ? a woman's 叫び声をあげる - Reeva's 叫び声をあげる. I believe the 隣人s.

'I believe that Reeva 手配中の,お尋ね者 to leave him that night and ran to the 洗面所 in 恐れる to hide from him. The 証拠 in 法廷,裁判所 leaves me with no 疑問 that he knew it was Reeva behind the 洗面所 door when he 解雇する/砲火/射撃d four 黒人/ボイコット talon 弾丸s through the door.

Oscar Pistorius wins gold in the men's 400-metre T44 final at the 2012 Paralympics in London

Oscar Pistorius 勝利,勝つs gold in the men's 400-metre T44 final at the 2012 Paralympics in London

Pistorius leaves the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria October 15, 2014

Pistorius leaves the North Gauteng High 法廷,裁判所 in Pretoria October 15, 2014

'Those 弾丸s 爆発する when it 攻撃する,衝突するs human flesh. He knows guns, and he knew what those 弾丸s would do to my beautiful daughter. He knew it would kill her.'

Mrs Steenkamp, who is from Blackburn, Lancashire, said it was her own 約束 which enabled her to 許す Pistorius for 殺人ing her daughter.

'My Christianity 要求するs me to 許す. I forgave Oscar a long time ago. I 許す for my own sake, not for his,' she said.

'Forgiveness does not mean he must not 支払う/賃金 for what he has done. Oscar did not only take Reeva's life when he killed Reeva in 冷淡な 血, he also took Barry and my life. Our joy, our 未来 grandchildren.

'He also took our privacy away. We have been criticised and 侮辱d by some members of the public, who had victimised Barry and I, as if we had been the ones who did something wrong.

'(It was like) as if we had been the ones to pull the 誘発する/引き起こす four times through a の近くにd door and killed an innocent person.'