Rebekah Vardy is left '荒廃させるd and furious' as her son's father is 刑務所,拘置所d for three years for growing cannabis

  • Rebekah Vardy's ex Luke Foster, 38, was 刑務所,拘置所d for running a cannabis farm

Rebekah Vardy is 報道によれば 'furious' and '荒廃させるd' after Luke Foster, the father of her son, was 刑務所,拘置所d for running a cannabis factory.

Ex-footballer Foster, 38, was 手渡すd a three year 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決 after he 認める to growing the Class B 麻薬 along with two others last month.

The former defender for Oxford 部隊d and Preston North End has been 拘留するd at HMP Nottingham.

The former I'm A Celebrity?星/主役にする has 時代遅れの a string of footballers, starting a 関係 with Foster すぐに after ダンピング ex-半分-プロの/賛成の John Carey - who was married at the time - before later marrying Leicester City 星/主役にする Jamie Vardy, her third husband.

Foster was with Mrs Vardy for six years and they had a son together before their break-up in 2013, which led to 汚い 戦う/戦いs 存在 played out in the マスコミ.

She started dating Foster weeks after ダンピング John Carey, who was her 隣人 when they met. He (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that she 捨てるd him for not 存在 as 豊富な as she thought he was.

Six months later, while working as a nightclub promoter, Rebekah met Jamie Vardy, who played for Leicester City, and they married in 2016.

Rebekah Vardy (pictured today with her daughter) is 報道によれば 'furious' and '荒廃させるd' after Luke Foster, the father of her son, was 刑務所,拘置所d for running a cannabis factory

Ex-footballer Luke Foster (pictured playing for Stevenage in 2011), 38, was handed a three year prison sentence after he admitted to growing the Class B drug along with two others last month

Ex-footballer Luke Foster (pictured playing for Stevenage in 2011), 38, was 手渡すd a three year 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決 after he 認める to growing the Class B 麻薬 along with two others last month

Jamie Vardy and Rebekah Vardy attend the Pride of Sport Awards, London on December 2018

Jamie Vardy and Rebekah Vardy …に出席する the Pride of Sport Awards, London on December 2018

Foster's 有罪の判決 is said to have been '破滅的な for Becky', によれば a source who spoke to the Sun.

They said that after she 設立する out about his 有罪の判決 she was 'furious', and she branded the 状況/情勢 'outrageous'.

The source said Mrs Vardy, 42, was only worried about 保護するing her son and that he is 'surrounded by people who love him', so that his father's 有罪の判決 does not 衝撃 his school life or anything that could 衝撃 a 十代の少年少女.

Foster 直面するs a Proceeds of 罪,犯罪 行為/法令/行動する 審理,公聴会 in July.

Rebekah Vardy 拒絶する/低下するd to comment when a 代表者/国会議員 was approached by MailOnline.

Foster's and Mrs Vardy's 論争s have been 空気/公表するd 公然と in the past. When she appeared on I'm a Celeb in 2017, Foster 爆破d his ex for 需要・要求するing the finer things in life in a 企て,努力,提案 to 達成する the lifestyle of Victoria Beckham and become 'famous.'

He said: 'Becky liked the finer things in life. She 手配中の,お尋ね者 the biggest house on the street, expensive handbags. She drove my Merc, I had a Picasso. She wouldn't even let me 運動 my own car.'

He said he continued to please her by living out of their means, taking out an 'extortionate' mortgage on a townhouse in Northampton and getting 'another credit card.'

But she slammed his 'upsetting' (人命などを)奪う,主張するs as 'yet another untrue story on the mother of his [then] seven-year-old son'.

In 返答 to his (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, a 代表者/国会議員 for Mrs Vardy told MailOnline at the time: 'Mr Foster has already made these (人命などを)奪う,主張するs 経由で a friend in another newspaper over 18 months ago and Mrs Vardy made it very (疑いを)晴らす then that she had separated from Mr Foster months before 会合 Jamie Vardy, although as a good mother she kept their family together in the same house for another couple of months so that the children had a "normal" Christmas without 存在 uprooted and 混乱に陥れる/中断させるd.

'There are many 推論する/理由s why their 関係 broke 負かす/撃墜する, but 事前の to leaving for Australia this month Mrs Vardy was 脅すd by Mr Foster with the selling of stories, yet she advised us that she would choose not to comment 直接/まっすぐに about Mr Foster as he is the father of her son and she cares more about her son's 井戸/弁護士席 存在 and privacy than she does in 公然と putting Mr Foster's 指名する と一緒に a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of his 悪事を働くことs in the past.

'Mr Foster has a new girlfriend and a new baby, he should put his 成果/努力s into 焦点(を合わせる)ing on them instead of still trying to 傷つける Mrs Vardy and in turn 傷つける his son who will no 疑問 hear about this story at school.'

Rebekah Vardy pictured for the first time after hearing the news that her footballer ex and father to one of her children Luke Foster jailed for running cannabis factory
Rebekah Vardy pictured today with her daughter after hearing her ex Luke Foster was jailed for growing cannabis

Rebekah Vardy pictured for the first time after 審理,公聴会 the news that her footballer ex and father to one of her children Luke Foster 刑務所,拘置所d for running cannabis factory

Luke Foster of Southport celebrates victory at full time as Southport progress to the third round of the FA Cup in December 2014

Luke Foster of Southport celebrates victory at 十分な time as Southport 進歩 to the third 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of the FA Cup in December 2014

Rebekah Vardy on 'I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!' on ITV in December 2017

Rebekah Vardy on 'I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!' on ITV in December 2017

Appearing on I'm a Celeb in 2017 she opened up about her past, and spoke of her three marriages and heartache she experienced when she was made homeless at the age of 15 after 落ちるing out with family.?

Her first husband was 示す Godden who she said was a 肉親,親類d man but she didn't love him.

Speaking to The Sun at the time, she said: 'I know marrying three times makes me sound like Zsa Zsa Gabor, but after a difficult childhood I made some stupid mistakes and went out with some real-life snakes!'

The mother 述べるd 存在 so 'broken' after 落ちるing out with her family that she drank 絶えず to numb the 苦痛 and moved into a B&B with an abusive landlord in Wit?ney, Oxfordshire.

Mrs Vardy said: '示す took care of me and his family took me in. I felt like I should marry him when he asked me but quickly realised I didn't love him that way, so I left.

'I felt awful as he was a good man. We 離婚d. I'm sorry if I ever 傷つける him, but I was broken.'

Mrs Vardy then began dating Steve Clarke, her boss at a timeshare company.

She said: 'That quickly became a horrible 関係 ― I was 脅すd of him. He'd tell me what to do, where to be and how to 行為/法令/行動する.

'I'd had a night with Peter Andre at the end of my first marriage and stupidly told him. He 手配中の,お尋ね者 the money so made me go public with my story. I felt awful.'

They had an on-off 関係 and 結婚する when she was 23 and eight months 妊娠している by ano?t?her man.

Rebekah Vardy at the National Television Awards at the O2 in London in January 2019

Rebekah Vardy at the 国家の Television Awards at the O2 in London in January 2019

Lured away: Despite then being married, ex semi-professional footballer John Carey - who was neighbours with Rebekah - says she stole his heart by cleaning her windows in skimpy outfits

誘惑するd away: にもかかわらず then 存在 married, ex 半分-professional footballer John Carey - who was 隣人s with Rebekah - says she stole his heart by きれいにする her windows in skimpy outfits

Weeks later, she had eldest daughter Me?gan. Mrs Vardy 以前 said: 'As soon as she was born he made us move abroad. He (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he 借りがあるd money and 手配中の,お尋ね者 us to run away to Cyprus. It went downhill from there. He became violent に向かって me. He cheated, he lied. It lasted ten months before I escaped 支援する to the UK with my baby after he cheated on me.'

Weeks later Clarke was 宣告,判決d to two years' 刑務所,拘置所 after his 有罪の判決 for 原因(となる)ing death by 無謀運転 in a 長,率いる-on 衝突,墜落 which killed a dad and grandad.

Mrs Vardy went on to have son Taylor with footballer Luke Foster before 会合 Jamie, 30, who she married in May 2016.

Steve Clarke told The Sun in 2017 he was always a good husband and never cheated on her or 傷つける her.

He said he was 荒廃させるd two people died in what he called 'a terrible 事故.'

Speaking to the Mail on Sunday in 2022, Mr Clarke challenged Mrs Vardy's 主張 in 法廷,裁判所 during the Wagatha Christie 名誉き損 事例/患者?that he was an abusive partner who '軍隊d' her into doing the interview about Mr Andre, where she said he was 'hung like a small chipolata'.

And former lover John Carey says she stole his heart by きれいにする her windows in skimpy outfits.

にもかかわらず then 存在 married, ex 半分-professional footballer John Carey - who was 隣人s with Rebekah - says she 結局 捨てるd him.

But 恐らく after 逮捕(する)ing his attention at the expense of his then wife Sam King, John says his hopes of a 未来 with Rebekah were dashed when he couldn't afford to 基金 her lavish lifestyle.

'The way Rebekah was 事実上の/代理 ar ound me, flirting, giving me all this attention, I couldn't help it. No man could. In my 長,率いる my marriage was over,' he told The Sun.

He said that when he first met Rebekah, she told him she had been with Peter Andre, and kept 指名する dropping.

'I think she was under the impression I had some money, with the house and new cars. I had a good 職業, but it was 連合させるd with that of my wife.'

Rebekah seemed to have a 誤った illusion of what was his and what was 株d, he explained in 2017

'When I 分裂(する) from the wife, I ended up staying with mates. Rebekah probably realised I wasn't the money man she thought I was.'

Their 関係 didn't last much longer after this, and just a few weeks later, he heard Rebekah was seeing Oxford 部隊d player Luke Foster.