This is the moment two police officers visited the home of a devout British Christian after he told his 地元の priest that Christians must 'rise up and take a stand' the day after a bishop was stabbed by a teenage Islamist in a Sydney church.

Jonjo Hooper 爆破d the police and said it was the end of freedom of speech in the UK after they …に出席するd his home in Hastings, Sussex, along with a mental health volunteer に引き続いて his '私的な conversation' with his priest about the 出来事/事件.

The father-of-three was overheard speaking to the clergygman at St John the Evangelist Church, in Hastings, the morning after Bishop 損なう Mari Emmanuel appeared to be 繰り返して knifed in the 長,率いる and 団体/死体 at the Christ the Good Shepherd church in Sydney on April 15.

At least four people were 負傷させるd in the terrifying rampage 中途の through the service which Mr Hooper had been watching live at home.

A 16-year-old boy was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d after police said the attack was 存在 扱う/治療するd as a religiously 動機づけるd ‘テロリスト 行為/法令/行動する’.

Jonjo Hooper has claimed it is the end of freedom of spe
ech in the UK after police attended his home following a conversation with his priest about the Islamist stabbing in Australia

Jonjo Hooper has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd it is the end of freedom of speech in the UK after police …に出席するd his home に引き続いて a conversation with his priest about the Islamist stabbing in Australia

A look at the two police officers who visited Mr Hooper at his home in Hastings, Sussex

A look at the two police officers who visited Mr Hooper at his home in Hastings, Sussex

The father-of-three, pictured, was overheard speaking to the clergygman at St John the Evangelist Church in Hastings after Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel appeared to be knifed

The father-of-three, pictured, was overheard speaking to the clergygman at St John the Evangelist Church in Hastings after Bishop 損なう Mari Emmanuel appeared to be knifed

Churchgoers also (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he used the Islamic phrase 'Allahu Akbar' 繰り返して.

いっそう少なく than 24 hours after Mr Hooper confided in his priest, two Sussex Police officers and a 上級の NHS mental health 労働者 直面するd the 34-year-old at his home in what he 述べるd as an 行為/法令/行動する of ‘Christianophobia’.

Filled with 怒り/怒る, the 反抗的な Christian told MailOnline: ‘解放する/自由な speech died a long time ago in this country, in my opinion. There’s no such thing as 解放する/自由な speech. You’re 許すd to speak 自由に but it’s at your own 危険.’

に引き続いて yet another 出来事/事件 of police appearing to 的 Christian beliefs, the construction 労働者 追加するd: ‘I was 脅すd, I thought they were trying to 逮捕(する) me and take me away.’ Mr Hooper 主張するs that he was not 刺激するing 暴力/激しさ, but 単に calling for church leaders to 'take a stand'.

His father, Anthony Lawton, 65, told MailOnline: ‘I didn’t think they had any basis to go 一連の会議、交渉/完成する to his house at all. It’s the thought-police, that’s what it is. What did they think he was going to do? He’s 報告(する)/憶測ing to his priest. It seems like it’s one 支配する for us and another 法律 for others.’

Police told Mr Hooper that it was someone who overheard the conversation that 報告(する)/憶測d him. But he said the conversation was in 私的な and that only the priest knew his 指名する.

Speaking at his father's home in Hastings, Mr Hooper said that the police ‘weren’t 発言する/表明するing their 関心s’, 追加するing: ‘They (機の)カム with an 協議事項 but they didn’t get the 結果 they 手配中の,お尋ね者. The 協議事項 was to make me look like some 右翼 nutter.

‘It’s 差別. It means we’re not 許すd to have a 伝統的な 見解(をとる) of the 約束, it has to be the new age, left-wing, infiltrated church. And that’s the only way to put it. Fifty or 60 years ago, this would not have happened.

‘I went with the 意向 of speaking to the priest because I needed spiritual advice. And I needed to speak to someone more knowledgeable on the bible and the teachings. That’s 純粋に why I went there. I went for spiritual advice, and I’ve come away with two police officers and a mental health nurse.’

A?mental he
alth worker also came to his house to ask him about the ‘concerns’ they had

A?mental health 労働者 also (機の)カム to his house to ask him about the ‘関心s’ they had

The defiant Christian told MailOnline: ‘Free speech died a long time ago in this country, in my opinion. There’s no such thing as free speech'

The 反抗的な Christian told MailOnline: ‘解放する/自由な speech died a long time ago in this country, in my opinion. There’s no such thing as 解放する/自由な speech'

Mr Hooper insists that he was not inciting violence, but merely calling for church leaders to 'take a stand'

Mr Hooper 主張するs that he was not 刺激するing 暴力/激しさ, but 単に calling for church leaders to 'take a stand'

Mr Hooper says that his exact words to the priest were: ‘As Christians what are we supposed to do? Do we rise up and take a stand? Or do we keep turning the other cheek, because if we do, we won’t have a cheek to turn?’

‘I told him, "I’m not asking you to call for 暴力/激しさ, I’m asking for the church to start standing up for the 権利s of Christian",’ he 追加するd.

‘There was no 暴力/激しさ ーするつもりであるd in the conversation because the police even say that.’

Mr Hooper has shown MailOnline the 十分な 22-minute ビデオ from the day that the police and the mental health 労働者 (機の)カム to his house to ask him about the ‘関心s’ they had.

In the (映画の)フィート数, an officer says: ‘It was just… 明白に what we’ve been told that you may have a few 関心s and things that are bothering you at the moment.

But Mr Hooper interrupts: ‘That’s bothering everyone else in the country, 権利 now, so what are the 関心s you are here for? Because this is 宗教的な 差別 権利 now.

The officer replies: ‘People have raised 関心s about your 見解(をとる)s. That you’ve got 関心s about what’s gone on in Australia.’

Mr Hooper then 答える/応じるs: ‘So? I’m an 正統派の Christian, now you’ve turned up at my house because I went to see my priest.’

When the 女性(の) officer asks him what his 関心s are and if they can help, he replies: ’No, firstly, I don’t mean any disrespect to any of you, I don’t want to sound abrupt. You can tell me why you’re here.’

The NHS nurse then explains: ‘There was a 報告(する)/憶測 about some beliefs 存在 表明するd. The 推論する/理由 I’m here is because I work for the NHS. And if you’re willing, I’m happy to talk and listen to you if you have any 関心s about your 井戸/弁護士席-存在.

Mr Hooper replies: ‘I’m 罰金.’ He 追加するs: ‘Because I’ve questioned about the church not 事実上の/代理 on に代わって of the Christians, you’re now turning up with mental health nurses assuming I’m some 右翼 nutter.’

Later on in the ビデオ, when Mr Hooper is asked if he feels 的d for 表明するing his 見解(をとる)s, he replies: ‘Yeah, this is Christianophobia. This is 基本的に Christianity 存在… 差別するd against.’

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was preaching at The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley in Sydney's west on Monday evening when a man dressed in black walked up to the altar and stabbed him multiple times (pictured)

Bishop 損なう Mari Emmanuel was preaching at The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley in Sydney's west on Monday evening when a man dressed in 黒人/ボイコット walked up to the altar and stabbed him 多重の times (pictured)

Bishop Emmanuel (pictured) gained notoriety during the pandemic when he slammed Sydney’s Covid lockdown as 'mass slavery' and claimed vaccines are futile because living 'normally' will boost immunity

Bishop Emmanuel (pictured) 伸び(る)d notoriety during the pandemic when he slammed Sydney’s Covid lockdown as '集まり slavery' and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd ワクチンs are futile because living '普通は' will 上げる 免疫

Footage later merged of the alleged attacker being pinned down on his front by at least three people, including a police officer, as he smiled and appeared to mock his captors (pictured)

(映画の)フィート数 later 合併するd of the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 攻撃者 存在 pinned 負かす/撃墜する on his 前線 by at least three people, 含むing a police officer, as he smiled and appeared to mock his captors (pictured)

When he asks why the police are '特に' at his home, he is told by the 女性(の) officer: ‘Jonjo, they have overheard you talking about Australia and people needing to take a stand. Whoever has overheard that has been a little bit 関心d about that comment.’

When he is told that it was the ‘taking a stand’ comment that was 報告(する)/憶測d, Mr Hooper replies: ‘They do need to take a stand… I’m not calling for viol ence, I’m 説 take a stand.’

Mr Hooper told MailOnline that the police visit ‘felt like an 尋問’. He 追加するd: ‘It’s an 侵略 of my 権利s. The man tries to tell me I’m not 許すd to film in my own home. He tries to goad me into an argument.’

The father-of-three continued: ‘I didn’t want to 地位,任命する it online. I knew it would 爆発する, I knew it would. I had no 意向 of 原因(となる)ing this trouble, I went with the 意向 of getting spiritual advice. As a Christian, I’m at a loss. I don’t want to sit here and do nothing.

‘I’m tired of the two-tier policing system and 二塁打 基準s. It needs to change. I’m tired of the 明言する/公表する of the country, the 全体主義者 警察国家 that it’s become. We’re not even 許すd an opinion now and it’s been 証明するd now.’

He called on church leaders to do more, 追加するing: ‘This cannot keep carrying on. My personal opinion is if the 政府, church leaders and whoever is in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 does not get a 支配する of the 状況/情勢 we are in now with 集まり 移住, 輸入するing third-world problems and 許すing Christians to be 迫害するd, something has to change.

‘There won’t be any Christians left in 100 years, no one is going to follow the 約束. I’m 脅すd for the 未来 of Christians - if they are 許すing us to be 迫害するd here, we’ve got no chance of them going to help other Christians in any part of the world.’

A 広報担当者 for Sussex Police said: 'Sussex Police were made aware of 関心s about behaviour at a 前提s in Upper Church Road, St Leonards, すぐに after 2pm on April 16.

The alleged attack sparked unrest outside the church as hundreds gathered in protest, hurling bottles and bricks at a hastily-erected police barrier as chants of 'an eye for an eye' and 'bring him out' could be heard

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい attack 誘発するd 不安 outside the church as hundreds gathered in 抗議する, 投げつけるing 瓶/封じ込めるs and bricks at a あわてて-築くd police 障壁 as 詠唱するs of 'an 注目する,もくろむ for an 注目する,もくろむ' and 'bring him out' could be heard

Christ The Good Shepherd Church is in Wakeley, in Sydney's west

Christ The Good Shepherd Church is in Wakeley, in Sydney's west

'Officers have reviewed this, and on April 17, they …に出席するd and 完全にするd a 福利事業 check at an 演説(する)/住所 in the town.

'We are aware of community 関心s and recognise there is the 可能性のある for 増加するd 緊張s as a result of 全世界の, 国家の, and 地元の events.

'We engage with communities and partners to 確実にする people feel 安全な and 保護するd, and we are committed to 確実にする any 報告(する)/憶測d offences are 調査/捜査するd in line with 関連した 法律制定, taking all factors into account.'

It comes three months after the Met Police was 予定するd after five officers 試みる/企てるd to shut 負かす/撃墜する a Gospel singer as she 成し遂げるd to fans outside the 旗艦 John 吊りくさび 蓄える/店 on Oxford Street.

Harmonie London, 20, was wrongly told by volunteer police officer Maya Hadzhipetkova that she could not 'sing church songs outside of church grounds'. Scotland Yard later apologised, 主張するing the supposed 違反 was for unlicensed busking rather than the content of her singing.

A month later, however, another Christian gospel singer was 脅すd with 逮捕(する) まっただ中に 主張s of a hate 罪,犯罪, a public order offence and homophobia.

一方/合間 in a victory for 解放する/自由な speech, a different Christian street preacher won 補償(金) for wrongful 逮捕(する) over an unfounded homophobic ‘hate 罪,犯罪’ 出来事/事件 in January.

Police Scotland had to 支払う/賃金 £5,500 to Angus Cameron after he was unlawfully 拘留するd for just over an hour. The former 牧師 at Cumnock Baptist Church in Ayrshire was preaching in Buchanan Street, Glasgow, in January 2022 when officers ordered him to stop すぐに.

The evangelist said he was 手錠d, searched in the presence of passers-by, then held in a police 先頭 for just over an hour.