
Fukushima has been frozen in time for more than a 10年間 since a powerful 地震?誘発する/引き起こすd a 津波, 原因(となる)ing one of the worst 核の 災害s in history.

When the 9.0-magnitude 地震 struck on March 11, 2011, waves of more than 33ft (10 metres) overcame insufficient sea defences, destroying backup 発生させる人(物)s and 誘発する/引き起こすing 炉心溶融s in three 原子炉s at the Fukushima Daiichi 工場/植物.

It 解放(する)d hydrogen and 放射性の 構成要素s and some 160,000 居住(者)s were 避難させるd from the surrounding area, many of whom have never been able to return home, abandoning their homes, 商売/仕事s and 所持品.

入ること/参加(者) to some of the zones, which continue to have 比較して high 放射(能) levels, remains 厳密に 限られた/立憲的な, with 'difficult-to-return' areas only accessible with 許可.

Now, a British 都市の explorer has 解除するd the lid on the untouched world of the Japanese 県's 'red zone' - こそこそ動くing into abandoned buildings 含むing the 核の 支配(する)/統制する room itself, and 株ing eerie pictures of what he has discovered.

Urban explorer Lukka Ventures is seen standing in front of an abandoned Sega World, a popular amusement arcade chain in Japan

都市の explorer Lukka 投機・賭けるs is seen standing in 前線 of an abandoned Sega World, a popular amusement arcade chain in Japan

Businesses in the abandoned area remain shuttered 13 years on from the devastating nuclear accident

商売/仕事s in the abandoned area remain shuttered 13 years on from the 破滅的な 核の 事故

Classrooms sit empty, with school bags seen on children's desks exactly where they left them

Classrooms sit empty, with school 捕らえる、獲得するs seen on children's desks 正確に/まさに where they left them

Lukka?snooped round abandoned hospitals, malls and apartments which he said were untouched by time

Lukka?snooped 一連の会議、交渉/完成する abandoned hospitals, 商店街s and apartments which he said were untouched by time

An empty launderette is seen with pamphlets scattered across the floor after people left in haste

An empty launderette is seen with 小冊子s scattered across the 床に打ち倒す after people left in haste

Wrecked cars are seen in an overgrown lot. Some 160,000 residents were evacuated in 2011

難破させるd cars are seen in an overgrown lot. Some 160,000 居住(者)s were 避難させるd in 2011

Lukka is seen pretending to hold a phone as he sits at what appears to be a control panel

Lukka is seen pretending to 持つ/拘留する a phone as he sits at what appears to be a 支配(する)/統制する パネル盤

Lukka 投機・賭けるs, 27, has been 調査するing abandoned buildings in the UK for four years, and decided to 調査する?the 'red zones' after watching a 文書の on the Fukushima 災害.

He snooped 一連の会議、交渉/完成する abandoned hospitals, 商店街s and apartments which he said were untouched by time.

Lukka, who is from Manchester, 述べるd his visit as 'a very surreal experience.'

'Everything had been left, there were calendars on the 塀で囲む were 直す/買収する,八百長をするd on the same date of the 災害,' he said.

'You will walk into a building and there is stuff all over the 床に打ち倒す.

'Animals have got in and tried to get food, you can see that the 地震 shook everything の上に the 床に打ち倒す.'

Lukka, spent four days in the Fukushima red zones?in February 2024, 株ing his findings on his YouTube channel.

He carried a Geiger 反対する - an electronic 器具 used for (悪事,秘密などを)発見するing and 手段ing ionizing 放射(能) - to make sure he wasn't exposing himself.

He said: 'We were こそこそ動くing through rivers and 盗品故買者s. We had to be really careful of how radiated some of the areas were.

Images from inside wha
t appears to be a child's bedroom showing posters on the wall, soft toys and clothes strewn about

Images from inside what appears to be a child's bedroom showing posters on the 塀で囲む, soft toys and 着せる/賦与するs strewn about

Go Karts are seen at an abandoned race track in the affected area, which now appears to be overgrown

Go Karts are seen at an abandoned race 跡をつける in the 影響する/感情d area, which now appears to be overgrown

Lukka and fri
ends are seen at a gaming arcade, sitting at consoles and pretending to play

Lukka and friends are seen at a gaming arcade, sitting at consoles and pretending to play

Supermarket shelves still have food on them more than a decade on, with products also seen scattered around the floor

Supermarket 棚上げにするs still have food on them more than a 10年間 on, with 製品s also seen scattered around the 床に打ち倒す

Lukka said: 'Animals have got in and tri
ed to get food, you can see that the earthquake shook everything onto the floor'. Pictured: An abandoned diner

Lukka said: 'Animals have got in and tried to get food, you can see that the 地震 shook everything の上に the 床に打ち倒す'. Pictured: An abandoned diner

'It was so so surreal. You would go into shopping centres and they would have food on the shelf.

'Everything has been left. Every building we went into was really weird.'

Lukka also 設立する a 核の (船に)燃料を積み込む/(軍)地下えんぺい壕 in what he 示唆するd was a training centre.

He said: 'We entered a big glass building which had a model of the 原子炉 in the ロビー. We were の近くに to the 力/強力にする 工場/植物 that 爆発するd.

An empty office with rubbish spread across the floor and a doll seen in the corner

An empty office with rubbish spread across the 床に打ち倒す and a doll seen in the corner

A boot, linen and chairs are seen in what appears to be a hospital corridor

A boot, linen and 議長,司会を務めるs are seen in what appears to be a hospital 回廊(地帯)

A school gymnasium remains as it was when it was left by staff and students for the final time

A school 体育館 remains as it was when it was left by staff and students for the final time

Books and papers have fallen from shelves, lying in piles on the ground for years

調書をとる/予約するs and papers have fallen from 棚上げにするs, lying in piles on the ground for years

'We walked around the building and there were rooms that had 核の 監査役s in there.'?

The YouTuber 株d pictures of himself pretending to be on the phone in 前線 of what appeared to be a 支配(する)/統制する パネル盤.

Another picture shows him and friends at a gaming arcade, sitting at consoles and pretending to play.

Waves overwhelm a levee, swallowing a seaside village, after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan

Waves 圧倒する a levee, swallowing a seaside village, after the 9.0-magnitude 地震 and その後の 津波 that 荒廃させるd northeastern Japan

Vehicles driving south out of Fukushima Prefecture on March 15, 2011, four days after a powerful earthquake-triggered tsunami hit the country's east coast

乗り物s 運動ing south out of Fukushima 県 on March 15, 2011, four days after a powerful 地震-誘発する/引き起こすd 津波 攻撃する,衝突する the country's east coast

冷気/寒がらせるing photos show abandoned homes, with images from inside what appears to be a child's bedroom showing posters on the 塀で囲む, soft toys and 着せる/賦与するs strewn about.

Classrooms also sit empty, with school 捕らえる、獲得するs seen on children's desks 正確に/まさに where they left them.

Lukka said he 設立する walking around the hospital a 'scary experience', and 株d (映画の)フィート数 showing unmade beds and 医療の 供給(する)s and papers scattered across the 床に打ち倒す.

The display above one shop has fallen down and plants grow out of control around the building

The 陳列する,発揮する above one shop has fallen 負かす/撃墜する and 工場/植物s grow out of 支配(する)/統制する around the building

The explorer outside one of the thousands of abandoned buildings in Fukushima, Japan

The explorer outside one of the thousands of abandoned buildings in Fukushima, Japan

An empty office, frozen in time after it was left by workers following the 2011 nuclear accident

An empty office, frozen in time after it was left by 労働者s に引き続いて the 2011 核の 事故

An empty Subaru branch still has a model in its window. Businesses had to be shuttered as people fled

An empty Subaru 支店 still has a model in its window. 商売/仕事s had to be shuttered as people fled

Stock has been thrown around a dilapidated shop, with signs falling from the ceiling

在庫/株 has been thrown around a dilapidated shop, with 調印するs 落ちるing from the 天井

He said: 'I have never 調査するd an area and been 脅すd but the hospital was really scary.

'Seeing all the stuff, like 捕らえる、獲得するs, coats and other 所持品 gets you upset.

'I am not the type of guy to get upset but I did feel very sad walking around. The whole experience will stay with me forever.'

Lukkas 発覚s come after new drone (映画の)フィート数 解放(する)d last month showed the extent of the 損失 to the Fukushima 核の 力/強力にする 工場/植物 for the first time.?

The 工場/植物's 操作者s, Tokyo Electric 力/強力にする Company Holdings, or TEPCO, 解放(する)d 12 photos from inside the 場所/位置.

They are the first ever images f rom inside the main 構造上の support called the pedestal in the hardest-攻撃する,衝突する 原子炉's 最初の/主要な 封じ込め(政策) 大型船, an area 直接/まっすぐに under the 原子炉's 核心.

Mattresses and scrunched-up blankets are seen spread across the floor of one abandoned building

Mattresses and scrunched-up 一面に覆う/毛布s are seen spread across the 床に打ち倒す of one abandoned building

An empty reception area. Lukka said: 'I have never explored an area and been scared but the hospital was really scary'

An empty 歓迎会 area. Lukka said: 'I have never 調査するd an area and been 脅すd but the hospital was really scary'

Hospital beds and patient's belongings remain exactly where they left them. A patch of damp is seen in the ceiling

Hospital beds and 患者's 所持品 remain 正確に/まさに where they left them. A patch of damp is seen in the 天井

Eerie pictures show wrecked rooms in the abandoned prefecture after it was evacuated in 2011

Eerie pictures show 難破させるd rooms in the abandoned 県 after it was 避難させるd in 2011

公式の/役人s had long hoped to reach the area to 診察する the 核心 and melted 核の 燃料 which dripped there when the 工場/植物's 冷静な/正味のing systems were 損失d by a 大規模な 地震 and 津波 in 2011.?

The high-鮮明度/定義 color images 逮捕(する)d by the drones show brown 反対するs with さまざまな 形態/調整s and sizes dangling from さまざまな 場所s in the pedestal.?

Parts of the 支配(する)/統制する-棒 運動 機械装置, which 支配(する)/統制するs the 核の chain reaction, and other 器具/備品 大(公)使館員d to the 核心 were dislodged by the drones.?

The Fukushima disaster was one of the world's most devastating nuclear mishaps

The Fukushima 災害 was one of the world's most 破滅的な 核の 事故s

The plant's operators, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, or TEPCO, released 12 photos from inside the site

The 工場/植物's 操作者s, Tokyo Electric 力/強力にする Company Holdings, or TEPCO, 解放(する)d 12 photos from inside the 場所/位置

Officials had long hoped to reach the area to examine the core and melted nuclear fuel which dripped there

公式の/役人s had long hoped to reach the area to 診察する the 核心 and melted 核の 燃料 which dripped there


?In 2011, a 33ft (10m)-high 津波 that killed nearly 19,000 people 衝突,墜落d into Japan's Fukushima 核の 力/強力にする 工場/植物.

This led to several 炉心溶融s, 許すing harmful 放射性の 燃料 棒s and 破片 to escape from 含む/封じ込めるd areas.

Approaching a 10年間 after the 災害, 研究員s are still struggling to clean up 燃料 in the waters of the wasting 原子炉s.?

It's 概算の that 工場/植物 公式の/役人s have only 位置を示すd 10 per cent of the waste 燃料 left behind after the 核の 炉心溶融s.

And the 損失d 工場/植物 is believed to be 漏れるing small 量s of the 放射性の waste into the 太平洋の Ocean, which could be travelling as far as the west coast of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

研究員s are now pinning their hopes on remote-controlled swimming robots to 位置を示す the lost 燃料 ーするために work out the safest way to 除去する it.

The 政府 has 解除するd 避難/引き上げ orders for much of the 地域 影響する/感情d by the 炉心溶融, except for some no-go zones with high 放射(能) levels.

While 当局 are encouraging 避難民s to return, but the 全住民 in the Fukushima 県 has more than halved from some two million in the pre-災害 period.

Tsunami waves crashing over the sea walls
 towards TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma

津波 waves 衝突,墜落ing over the sea 塀で囲むs に向かって TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi 核の 力/強力にする 工場/植物 in Okuma

Smoke billows from wrecked unit 3 at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant following the earthquake and tsunami

Smoke 大波s from 難破させるd 部隊 3 at Fukushima Dai-ichi 核の 力/強力にする 工場/植物 に引き続いて the 地震 and 津波

The aerial view shows public housing c
onstruction on-going at Okawara district, where the government lifted a mandatory evacuation order in 2019

The 空中の 見解(をとる) shows public 住宅 construction on-going at Okawara 地区, where the 政府 解除するd a 義務的な 避難/引き上げ order in 2019?
