Sadiq 旅宿泊所 is slammed by 市長の 競争相手 Susan Hall over lawless London and 'pointless' ULEZ 拡大 during foul-tempered 審議

Sadiq 旅宿泊所 was berated over his 記録,記録的な/記録する on policing and ULEZ during a bad-tempered London 市長 審議 last night.

The 労働 incumbe nt (機の)カム under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 from Tory 候補者 Susan Hall as they 衝突/不一致d on LBC with just over a week until 決定的な 地元の 選挙s.??

Ms Hall 主張するd Londoners 'don't feel 安全な' and told Mr 旅宿泊所 that 'nobody believes you any more' as she went on the attack.?

But the 市長 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する by branding Ms Hall the 'most dangerous 候補者 I have fought against', 告発する/非難するing her of portraying the 資本/首都 as something out of gritty Baltimore 罪,犯罪 演劇 The Wire.?

投票s have 示唆するd Mr 旅宿泊所 is on 跡をつける to 安全な・保証する a third 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 on May 2, although the gap has 狭くするd somewhat.?

Sadiq Khan came under fire from Tory candidate Susan Hall as they clashed on LBC with just over a week until crucial local elections

Sadiq 旅宿泊所 (機の)カム under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 from Tory 候補者 Susan Hall as they 衝突/不一致d on LBC with just over a week until 決定的な 地元の 選挙s

Ms Hall insisted Londoners 'don't feel safe' and told Mr Khan that 'nobody believes you any more' as she went on the attack

Ms Hall 主張するd Londoners 'don't feel 安全な' and told Mr 旅宿泊所 that 'nobody believes you any more' as she went on the attack

The 労働 and Tory 希望に満ちたs appeared と一緒に the Lib Dem and Green 競争相手s 略奪する Blackie and Zoe Garbett.

圧力(をかける)d on his comments in 2021 that Ulez did not need to be 拡大するd, Mr 旅宿泊所 said the World Health Organisation had changed their 指導基準s on 空気/公表する tox icity levels.

'I'm not going to apologise at all for きれいにする up the 空気/公表する in our city,' she said.?

But Ms Hall said the 市長's own 衝撃 査定/評価 had shown that ULEZ will 'make 事実上 no difference at all'.

She said that the 市長 would bring in 支払う/賃金-per-mile 非難する for 乗り物s in London and 述べるd his 政策 記録,記録的な/記録する as '絶対 abysmal'.

However, she 辞退するd to (一定の)期間 out where the £200 million in 歳入 that Ulez brings would instead come from, 説 it was 'a long, 複雑にするd mix'.

When asked about the 主要都市の Police, all four 候補者s said they had 信用/信任 in 戦闘の準備を整えた commissioner Sir 示す Rowley.

Mr 旅宿泊所 said he thought the Met was ahead of other police services across the country and 賞賛するd Sir 示す for 'making remarkable 進歩'.

Ms Hall 同意しないd and said London was in 'a very serious 状況/情勢', and that she had been told by those working in the night-time economy about 'ギャング(団)s running around with machetes'.

The Tory 候補者 said Londoners 'cannot see their 地元の police', defending (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that the 資本/首都 is 'under seige'.?

'Londoners do not feel 安全な,' she said. 'There's a phone stolen every six minutes in London. You tell that to people who can't wear their watches in London.'?

However, Mr 旅宿泊所 said: 'I think the Tory 候補者 should stop watching The Wire.'

Asked about affordable 住宅 during the LBC 審議 on Tuesday, Mr 旅宿泊所 said he would 基金 6,000 rent-支配(する)/統制する homes and 40,000 会議 homes and 供給する 解放する/自由な 合法的な advice to tenants.

Ms Hall said rent 支配(する)/統制する would not work because of high 賃貸しの costs, and that the problem was a 欠如(する) of 住宅 存在 built.

She said: 'All you ever do, Sadiq, is throw numbers out there that when people try and analyse them and look into them, you then throw another 負担 of numbers out there.

'Nobody believes you any more because you don't 配達する.'

Put to him by presenter Tom Swarbrick that 労働 leader Sir Keir Starmer 同意しないs with him on rent 支配(する)/統制する, Mr 旅宿泊所 said: 'Unlike the Tory 候補者, I will stand up to the 労働 leader and a 保守的な leader.

The Labour and Tory hopefuls appeared alongside the Lib Dem and Green contenders Rob Blackie and Zoe Garbett

The 労働 and Tory 希望に満ちたs appeared と一緒に the Lib Dem and Green 競争相手s 略奪する Blackie and Zoe Garbett

'It's really important you've got a 市長 that is a 支持する/優勝者 and 支持する for the city, not in the pocket of the leader of their party.'

Hall said she had been (選挙などの)運動をするing with party leader Rishi Sunak in Kensington last month, and that the 総理大臣 fully 支援するd her (選挙などの)運動をする.

Other 問題/発行するs 空気/公表するd by 報知係s 含むd help for struggling families with the cost of living and rough sleeping.

Mr 旅宿泊所 約束d to 延長する 全世界の/万国共通の 解放する/自由な school meals in 最初の/主要な schools 永久の ly, while Ms Hall said she would continue the 政策 as 市長 にもかかわらず 以前 示唆するing the idea was wrong.

Put to him that rough sleeping had 増加するd by 71 per cent since 2016, Mr 旅宿泊所 said the 問題/発行する 'breaks my heart' but that there was 'a conveyor belt of new people' coming on to London's streets, a comment subsequently called out by Ms Garbett and Ms Hall.