Charlotte Church's rags to 'rags': How singer splurged £25m fortune on mansion with rugby ex Gavin Henson, £800k ヨット, Ibiza girls' holidays and £1.5m hippie 退却/保養地 as she downsizes to a 半分-detached (but she still owns £3.5m in 資産s)

Charlotte Church?had earned a £25million fortune when she was still just a 十代の少年少女 but has now (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she is 'not a millionaire any longer' after years of splurging on a 高級な lifestyle.?

Since the 高さ of her fame in the 中央の-2000s, the former child pop 星/主役にする has spent her fortune on a £500,000 lavish manor with ex Gavin Henson, an £800,000 ヨット, an Ibiza girls' holiday with a £10,000 法案 and, more recently, a £1.5 million hippie 退却/保養地.

にもかかわらず the 38-year-old telling of her 財政上の misfortune and having to downsize her home,?it can be 明らかにする/漏らすd?she is sitting on 資産s of over £3.5 million in one of her companies and made a tidy 利益(をあげる) of £700,000 on the sale of her house.?


Charlotte Church 限られた/立憲的な, of which she is the 単独の director, saw its 資本/首都 and reserves grow from £3.36million to £3.5million in accounts, which were とじ込み/提出するd last month.

However, her The Dreaming 限られた/立憲的な, which owns the woman-焦点(を合わせる)d countryside 退却/保養地 which she recently 開始する,打ち上げるd to 支払う/賃金ing guests,?has 逮捕する 義務/負債s of £551,000.?

Charlotte Church sitting outside Rydoldog House, which she has turned into a wellness 退却/保養地 after buying it for £1.5million
The Welsh singer 報道によれば spent £10,000 on a girls' holiday to Ibiza 支援する in 2004
The 高級な ヨット 指名するd 'あらましの' that Charlotte bought with her ex-boyfriend rugby 星/主役にする Gavin Henson. Pictured: Swansea Marina in October 2009
'The Spinney', Charlotte's former home in Dinas Powys, on the 郊外s of Cardiff, that she bought with ex Gavin Henson for £1.3million in 2010

The 商売/仕事 is still in its 早期に days after it threw open its doors in April 2023 予定 to number of planning and 革新 後退s.

The accounts, which were とじ込み/提出するd in December 2023, cover the period up to March 2023, so before it opened for 商売/仕事.

Charlotte's musical break (機の)カム at age 11 when she sang Andrew Lloyd Webber 's 'Pie Jesu' over the telephone on the television show This Morning in 1997, followed by her 業績/成果 on ITV's Big, Big Talent Show in 1997.

It was 概算の that she had a £25 million fortune as a 十代の少年少女. After a period of riotous living, 特に with her rugby 星/主役にする first husband Gavin Henson, that was said to have dwindled to £11 million.

Now in an interview with Closer magazine, she says that she feels 比較して skint.

It's surprising given that only in March this year she sold The Spinney, her mansion in むちの跡s for £2 million. She bought it in 2010 for £1.3 million.

Charlotte 38, recently (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she is 'not a millionaire' anymore and is 存在 軍隊d to downsize her home. Pictured: In May 2023
The former child pop 星/主役にする (pictured in 1997) had 報道によれば earned a fortune of £25million by the age of 11
Charlotte Church's 'The Spinney' home, on the 郊外s of Cardiff, which she later sold for £2million
The Spinney: Charlotte's former living room in the 高級な home she bought with ex Gavin Henson
A modern kitchen with a trendy breakfast 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in 'The Spinney'
Charlotte 以前 述べるd the six-bedroom home in Dinas Powys, a gated 所有物/資産/財産 at the end of a 私的な 運動, as the 'perfect party house'
Asked why the home had been so special to her, Charlotte said: 'I think 特に the fact that we're surrounded by nature'

However she has 注ぐd 基金s into Rhyldoldog House in Powys, now 改名するd The Dreaming, which is open as a 退却/保養地. Some of the 革新s were 逮捕(する)d in the ITV show The Build. She said that it cost her £1.5 million to get it up to scratch.

READ MORE:?Former child prodigy Charlotte Church, who was 価値(がある) £25million 老年の 11, 収容する/認めるs she's 'no longer a millionaire' after swapping Welsh mansion for 半分-detached home

In the interview she said: 'I am not a millionaire anymore,' she said. 'What 事柄d to me when I bought The Spinney is it was 絶対 beautiful and の近くに to the forest and it was a big mansion house.

'We had a school there for a bit and a studio. When it is used by the community, it makes sense, but when it is not used, it doesn't. We want to be in the mainframe and be 伴う/関わるd in life and what it feels like.'

'I was very fairy-tale-like and then it gets into this dark, 新たな展開d fairy tale,'

'When I think 支援する on it now, the path I am on is very 利益/興味ing in the way I 反映する rather than the way I look at what happened to me.'

She 追加するd: 'When I made money, I did say to my dad when I was 14, 'I am not sure about this showbiz stuff. I am really not having a good time' and he was like, 'Just stick at it as we don't get these 適切な時期s'.' she continued.

'I did get to a 行う/開催する/段階 in my teenage years, about 16 or 17, when I was like, 'I don't know if I can sing this s** t anymore', but going around the world and singing in the biggest concert halls was phenomenal and I will be 感謝する for that experience.

'It's the biggest 道具 for 傷をいやす/和解させるing and the biggest 道具 we have for togetherness.'

As a child prodigy who sang in 前線 of the ローマ法王, Charlotte Church amassed a fortune of £25 million by the time she was 11, but she has 認める she is no longer a millionaire (pictured in 1999)

Charlotte also 明らかにする/漏らすd she was making music again after 10年間s away, 説 it was 'her soul' and that the money has 許すd her to be 解放する/自由な to try new things,

READ MORE:?Charlotte Church says she was in '絶対の grief' when she learnt of her stepfather's 終点 diagnosis as she gives a rare insight into family life in new podcast