Our £600,000 new-build home has turned into a nightmare! Pensioners have been left 'unable to sleep' in 'wonky' house with 200 DEFECTS

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An 年輩の couple have been left 'unable to sleep' after buying a a £600,000 new-build home which they say has almost 200 defects - 含むing wonky 床に打ち倒すs and 天井s.

Pensioners John and Liz Pritchard say they have been left 'distraught' after moving into the five-bed townhouse in Wellington, Somerset last year.

The couple, who are both in their 70s, have been locked in a 戦う/戦い with Bovis Homes to get the 'bodge 職業' 直す/買収する,八百長をするd and (人命などを)奪う,主張する they've been 'fobbed off, ignored and strung along' by the developer - with little work 完全にするd.

They say they were 直面するd with 'appalling' 問題/発行するs from the moment they stepped foot in the house, after noticing their furniture was wobbling.

The pair are now 需要・要求するing that Bovis step in to carry out 修理 work すぐに, after 主張するing their emails and telephone calls were 繰り返して ignored by the 住宅 company.?

Pensioners John and Liz Pritchard say they have been left 'distraught' after moving into the five-bed townhouse in Wellington, Somerset last year

Pensioners John and Liz Pritchard say they have been left 'distraught' after moving into the five- bed townhouse in Wellington, Somerset last year

The couple say they were 直面するd with 'appalling' 問題/発行するs from the moment they stepped foot in the house?

Mr and Mrs Pritchard also 最高潮の場面d what they 述べるd as '階級 amateurish' brickwork on the 所有物/資産/財産

The couple, who are both in their 70s, have been locked in a 戦う/戦い with?Bovis Homes to get the 'bodge 職業' 直す/買収する,八百長をするd

Mr Pritchard says?an independent snagging expert identified almost 200 defects when he carried out an inspection at the property, which could cost tens of thousands of pounds to make right

Mr Pritchard says?an 独立した・無所属 snagging 専門家 identified almost 200 defects when he carried out an 査察 at the 所有物/資産/財産, which could cost tens of thousands of 続けざまに猛撃するs to make 権利

At first the couple 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd the furniture had been 損失d in 輸送, but on closer 査察 discovered the 床に打ち倒す of the house was uneven.

Mr Pritchard said ground-労働者s sent to his home by Bovis 査定する/(税金などを)課すd that the 床に打ち倒す would have to be ripped up and re-laid.

But weeks later when 床に打ち倒す 層s arrived, the couple feel they had been 教えるd to carry out a 'bodge 職業' and just fill in some problem areas.

He said Bovis later sent an 独立した・無所属 surveyor to the home, who 恐らく agreed the 床に打ち倒す had been laid unevenly and, as a result, the whole house is out of kilter, with uneven 塀で囲むs and 天井s and wonky fixtures and fittings.

The retirees even find it difficult to open their own 前線 door, which they say appears to have been fitted askew.

Mr Pritchard said his 多重の (民事の)告訴s had been 大部分は ignored.

He said: 'The 床に打ち倒すs aren't level, the 天井s aren't level, the doors aren't upright - we've never been able to open and の近くに the 前線 door 適切に in a year.

'They don't want to 直す/買収する,八百長をする it. We are 存在 fobbed off and strung along with bodge 職業s to make it look good.

'We are fed up that it's not been built 適切に. They 明白に didn't check it 適切に. The 治療 we received from Bovis has been appalling.'

He 追加するd that an 独立した・無所属 snagging 専門家 identified almost 200 defects when he carried out an 査察 at the 所有物/資産/財産, which could cost tens of thousands of 続けざまに猛撃するs to make 権利.

John and Liz Pritchard's new build home where they claim to have identified many 'defects'

John and Liz Pritchard's new build home where they (人命などを)奪う,主張する to have identified many 'defects'?

The pair are now 需要・要求するing that Bovis step in to carry out 修理 work すぐに

Mr Pritchard even said that he couldn't move his dishwasher into the utility room because it was blocked by a kickboard

Mr Pritchard even said that he couldn't move his dishwasher into the 公共事業(料金)/有用性 room because it was 封鎖するd by a kickboard

The retirees even find it difficult to open their own front door, which they say appears to have been fitted askew

The retirees even find it difficult to open their own 前線 door, which they say appears to have been fitted askew

The estate containing the Bovis new build which the the couple acquired for £600,000

The 広い地所 含む/封じ込めるing the Bovis new build which the the couple acquired for £600,000?

Mr Pritchard even said that he couldn't move his dishwasher into the 公共事業(料金)/有用性 room because it was 封鎖するd by a kickboard, and when he approached Bovis he was 恐らく advised to saw it off himself.

He said: 'It's not what you would 推定する/予想する for £600,000. We were sold the house that Jack built.

'Bovis are behaving like cowboy 建設業者s. You point out the problems and they don't 答える/応じる. It's shoddy.'

Mrs Pritchard said the insulation in the 所有物/資産/財産 was so poor that guests sitting in the lounge can hear sounds from the upstairs 洗面所 'as if they were in the same room' which she said could be a 原因(となる) for 当惑.

The couple say 労働者s from Bovis moved in to 直す/買収する,八百長をする the '不正に fitted' kitchen, which remains in part uneven, because the cupboard doors wouldn't の近くに and the 沈む's tap was so 攻撃するd they couldn't even fit a kettle under it.?

Mr and Mrs Pritchard also 最高潮の場面d what they 述べるd as '階級 amateurish' brickwork on the 所有物/資産/財産, which was 特に 激烈な/緊急の in the garage where 固める/コンクリート appears to be 落ちるing away from some of the bricks and 超過 迫撃砲 can be seen plastered over the 塀で囲むs.

They said their year-long fight with Bovis to 訂正する the 問題/発行するs had left them 'up night after night, unable to sleep' and 述べるd their 治療 by the house-建設業者 as 'disgusting and shocking' and 申し立てられた/疑わしい their emails and telephone calls were 繰り返して ignored.

The couple are now 需要・要求するing that Bovis step in to carry out snagging 作品 すぐに.

The couple say workers from Bovis moved in to fix the 'badly fitted' kitchen, which remains in part uneven, because the cupboard doors wouldn't close and the sink's tap was so tilted they couldn't even fit a kettle under it

The couple say 労働者s from Bovis moved in to 直す/買収する,八百長をする the '不正に fitted' kitchen, which remains in part uneven, because the cupboard doors wouldn't の近くに and the 沈む's tap was so 攻撃するd they couldn't even fit a kettle under it

They said: 'We want to see Bovis come in and get the work done and have done for the last 12 months but we have been fobbed off, ignored and strung along.

'It's been 絶対 awful, they won't even reply to our emails. We have been taken for 認めるd.

'When we 設立する out there were so many problems we even asked for our money 支援する and they said no chance.'

Bovis Homes said: 'We apologise for the 問題/発行するs Mr and Mrs Pritchard have experienced with their 所有物/資産/財産 and any disruption and inconvenience it has 原因(となる)d.

'We have been working on a remediation 計画(する) and can begin these 作品 at a time that's convenient for our 顧客s.

'As a five-星/主役にする housebuilder, awarded by the Home 建設業者s 連合, we are committed to 配達するing high 質 homes for our 顧客s and will 確実にする any 問題/発行するs are fully 解決するd.'