They were once a political 二塁打 行為/法令/行動する at the 最高の,を越す of 政府. But even the tightest of 二人組s can 落ちる out when their heyday is over.?

David Cameron has - playfully - taken 目的(とする) at his former (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 George Osborne over the latter's 賞賛する for 労働 財政/金融 長,指導者 Rachel Reeves.

Last month Mr Osborne, who is now a 実業家 and postcaster, 賞賛するd her 会計の 保守主義 and 示唆するd she was the '相続人 to Cameron/Osborne'.

This 原因(となる)d a bit of a 動かす, as Lord Cameron is the Foreign 長官 in a 保守的な 政府 追跡するing 労働 不正に in the 投票s.?

And it has earned Mr Osborne a gentle rebuke from his friend and former boss. Speaking to ITV on a 小旅行する of Asian 明言する/公表するs Lord Cameron was asked about the analogy.

'George Osborne, since he's been doing this blog (sic) has been nothing but trouble to me, I can tell you,' the 大臣 replied.?

'I think the 相続人 to me as leader of the 保守的な Party is Rishi Sunak, and he's doing an excellent 職業.'

Writing in the Spectator last month Mr Osborne (right, with Cameron in 2015), who is now a businessman and postcaster, praised her fiscal conservatism and suggested she was the 'heir to Cameron/Osborne'.

令状ing in the 観客 last month Mr Osborne (権利, with Cameron in 2015), who is now a 実業家 and postcaster, 賞賛するd her 会計の 保守主義 and 示唆するd she was the '相続人 to Cameron/Osborne'.

Speaking to ITV on a 小旅行する of Asian 明言する/公表するs Lord Cameron was asked about the analogy.?' George Osborne , since he's been doing this blog ( sic) has been nothing but trouble to me, I can tell you,' the 大臣 replied.

Writing in the Spectator in March, Mr Osborne said: 'Reeves is saying she wants to strengthen the Office for Budget Responsibility I introduced, adopt austere fiscal rules and won't put up corporation tax. Is she the heir to Cameron/Osborne? Or have I just lost a listener?'

令状ing in the 観客 in March, Mr Osborne said: 'Reeves is 説 she wants to 強化する the Office for 予算 責任/義務 I introduced, 可決する・採択する 厳格な,質素な 会計の 支配するs and won't put up 会社/団体 税金. Is she the 相続人 to Cameron/Osborne? Or have I just lost a listener?'

令状ing in the 観客 in March, Mr Osborne said: 'Once, at a 私的な dinner at the 2005 Tory 会議/協議会 hosted by the Daily Telegraph, I 示唆するd that my fellow diner David Cameron was the ''相続人 to Blair''.

'The Tory refuseniks were appalled. But moving on from lost 戦う/戦いs is the 重要な to 未来 success.

'We 受託するd parts of the Blair 相続物件 ? social liberalism, the 最小限 行う and so on, just as Blair had before him 受託するd the Thatcher 相続する ance of union 法律s and the market economy.

'Now Reeves is 説 she wants to 強化する the Office for 予算 責任/義務 I introduced, 可決する・採択する 厳格な,質素な 会計の 支配するs and won't put up 会社/団体 税金. Is she the 相続人 to Cameron/Osborne? Or have I just lost a listener?'

Lord Cameron also said that leaving the European 条約 on Human 権利s (ECHR) is not 'necessary' to 妨げる small boat crossings, Lord David Cameron has said まっただ中に Tory 分割s over the UK's 会員の地位 in the 条約.

But the Foreign 長官 appeared to 譲歩する a returns 協定 with フラン to break up people-密輸するing ギャング(団)s is '簡単に not possible' because of 'the 状況/情勢 we're in'.

It comes as Rishi Sunak's 法案 目的(とする)d at 封鎖するing その上の 後退s to the 政府's 議論の的になる Rwanda 国外追放 計画/陰謀 passed through 議会 に引き続いて months of 口論する人ing between MPs and peers.

While the 法律制定 is now 均衡を保った to become 法律, 大臣s are を締めるd for 合法的な challenges to the 計画(する) and the 司法の has made 25 courtrooms 利用できる to を取り引きする 事例/患者s.

The 総理大臣 以前 hinted he would be willing to leave the ECHR if it 妨げるd him from 器具/実施するing his 政策 of 国外追放するing 亡命 探検者s to Rwanda.

But speaking to ITV's Peston show, Lord Cameron said: 'I don't think it's necessary to leave the ECHR, I don't think that needs to happen to make this 政策 work.'

The 最高裁判所 支配するd last year that the 計画/陰謀, finding grounds for believing that migrants sent to Kigali would 直面する a 危険 of ill 治療 as a result of 存在 returned to their country of origin.

Refoulement, 軍隊ing an 亡命 探検者 to return to a nation where they are likely to 直面する 迫害, is 禁じるd by a number of international 条約s, 含むing not just the ECHR but the UN 難民 条約, the UN 条約 against 拷問 and the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political 権利s.

These 条約s have been given 影響 in UK 国内の 法律 by the Human 権利s 行為/法令/行動する 1998, the 亡命 and 移民/移住 控訴,上告s 行為/法令/行動する 1993, the 国籍, 移民/移住 and 亡命 行為/法令/行動する 2002 and the 亡命 and 移民/移住 (治療 of Claimants etc) 行為/法令/行動する 2004.

On whether he would have 追求するd the 政策 while he was 首相, he said: 'We had a 全く different 状況/情勢 because (we) could return people 直接/まっすぐに to フラン.

'Now, I'd love that 状況/情勢 to be the 事例/患者 again, that's the most sensible thing. People land on a beach in Kent, you take them straight 支援する to フラン, you therefore break the model of the people smugglers. That's not 利用できる at the moment. It's 簡単に not possible.'

Asked whether this was because of Brexit, he said: 'Because of the 状況/情勢 we're in, because of the 態度 of others and all the 残り/休憩(する) of it.'

一方/合間, Home 長官 James Cleverly said the 批評 of the Rwanda 法案 from the ECHR, who he 'values enormously', is 'out of step'.

'There is a real moral hazard in 説 to a nation 明言する/公表する 政府 that it cannot manage its own 国境s, it cannot make 決定/判定勝ち(する)s about who does or does not live in its own country,' he said while speaking at a think-戦車/タンク in Rome.

'Because that 土台を崩すs the 正直さ of the democratic 過程 in which we live.'