The Spring of discontent? How Britain could be brought to a 行き詰まり as London 地下組織の and hospital 労働者s join 国家の rail and airport staff on strike

  • Everything you need to know about strikes across all 部門s over the next month

Britons 直面する weeks of 悲惨 after 交戦的な unions organised a 一連の strikes on the 鉄道s, in schools, in hospitals and at airports over the next month.

Hot on the heels of 産業の 活動/戦闘 a fortnight ago which brought the country to a 行き詰まり, train drivers are 始める,決める to strike again in 早期に May.

But と一緒に those ストライキs in the coming weeks is more disruption on the London 地下組織の, along with strikes by airport staff, 安全 guards and teachers.

活動/戦闘 伴う/関わるing 国境 支配(する)/統制する staff just days before the May Bank Holiday is 推定する/予想するd to 衝撃 thousands of holidaymakers planning a short break.

NHS support staff are also taking 活動/戦闘 - the 最新の blow to the health service after months of ストライキs by junior doctors.

Here, MailOnline 輪郭(を描く)s the 十分な 規模 of the strikes, when they are happening, and how they will 影響する/感情 you.

All of the strikes due to take place over the next four weeks from April 26 to May 19

All of the strikes 予定 to take place over the next four weeks from April 26 to May 19?

Hospital NHS support staff?

700 staff at Barts Health NHS Trust, in East London (pictured: St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, one of the hospitals managed by the trust) are set to go on strike

700 staff at Barts Health N HS 信用, in East London (pictured: St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, one of the hospitals managed by the 信用) are 始める,決める to go on strike?


Health 労働者s are to 行う/開催する/段階 fresh strikes in a long-running 論争 over 支払う/賃金.

部隊 said around 700 of its members at Barts NHS 信用 and 請負業者 Synergy will walk out from May 7 to 19.

The union said the 労働者s - 含むing cleaners, porters and 施設s staff - are taking 活動/戦闘 over the 失敗 of their 雇用者 to 支払う/賃金 a lump sum 価値(がある) more than £1,600 that other NHS 労働者s were 申し込む/申し出d for working during the pandemic.

部隊 said its members worked for another outsourcing company before transferring 支援する into the NHS just after the 課すd 最終期限 for staff to receive the 支払い(額).

部隊 general 長官 Sharon Graham said: 'If Barts thinks that our members have given up on this fight they have another thing coming.

'They have seen their comrades at other 信用s rightly 勝利,勝つ this 支払う/賃金 award and there is 絶対 no 推論する/理由 for NHS bosses to be continuing to 封鎖する this 支払い(額) for our members.'


A spokesperson for Barts Health NHS 信用 said: 'We have considered a number of 選択s but, under the 条件 of the NHS 支払う/賃金 awar d, we are not permitted to make this 支払い(額).

'However, we are talking to the unions about 代案/選択肢 手はず/準備 to 演説(する)/住所 the 不正 their members feel.'

Train strikes?

RMT has announced that National Rail strikes will go ahead over the May Bank Holiday

RMT has 発表するd that 国家の Rail strikes will go ahead over the May Bank Holiday


Train drivers at 16 rail companies are to 行う/開催する/段階 a fresh 一連の strikes in their long-running 支払う/賃金 論争, 混乱に陥れる/中断させるing travel in the week of the May bank holiday.?

Members of Aslef will walk out on May 7, 8 and 9 at different 操作者s and 禁止(する) overtime for six days from M ay 6.

The union said it has not met 雇用者s or the 政府 for more than a year, 告発する/非難するing 大臣s of 'giving up' trying to 解決する the 近づく two-year 論争.

Drivers will strike on May 7 at c2c, Greater Anglia, GTR 広大な/多数の/重要な Northern Thameslink, Southeastern, Southern, Gatwick 表明する and South Western 鉄道.

On May 8 there will be strikes at Avanti West Coast, Chiltern 鉄道s, CrossCountry, East Midlands 鉄道, 広大な/多数の/重要な Western 鉄道 and West Midlands Trains.

Aslef members at LNER, Northern Trains and TransPennine 表明する will strike on May 9.

Aslef said train drivers have not had an 増加する in salary for five years, since their last 支払う/賃金 取引,協定s 満了する/死ぬd in 2019.

The union said that after its members 投票(する)d 圧倒的に in February to continue taking 産業の 活動/戦闘, it asked the train operating companies to 持つ/拘留する 会談.

General 長官 Mick Whelan said: 'It is now a year since we sat in a room with the train companies and a year since we 拒絶するd the risible 申し込む/申し出 they made and which they 認める, 個人として, was designed to be 拒絶するd.

'We first 投票(する)d for 産業の 活動/戦闘 in June 2022, after three years without a 支払う/賃金 rise. It took eight one-day strikes to 説得する the train operating companies (Tocs) to come to the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する and talk.

'Our 交渉するing team met the Rail 配達/演説/出産 Group (RDG) on eight occasions - the last 存在 on Wednesday April 26 last year.

'That was followed by the Tocs' 'land 得る,とらえる' for all our 条件 and 条件s on Thursday April 27 - which was すぐに 拒絶するd.

'Since then train drivers have 投票(する)d, again and again, to take 活動/戦闘 to get a 支払う/賃金 rise.

'That's why 示す Harper, the 輸送(する) 長官, is 存在 disingenuous when he says that 申し込む/申し出 should have been put to members. Drivers would not 投票(する) to strike if they thought an 申し込む/申し出 was 許容できる.'

Mr Whelan said the year-old 申し込む/申し出 of a four パーセント 支払う/賃金 rise followed by a second 4 パーセント 増加する is 'dead in the water'.

Aslef general 長官 Mick Whelan on the picket line at Euston train 駅/配置する in London


A 広報担当者 for the Rail 配達/演説/出産 Group said: 'This wholly unnecessary strike 活動/戦闘 called by the Aslef leadership will s adly 混乱に陥れる/中断させる 顧客s and 商売/仕事s once again, while その上の 損失ing the 鉄道 at a time when taxpayers are continuing to 与える/捧げる an extra £54 million a week just to keep services running.

'We continue to 捜し出す a fair 協定 with the Aslef leadership which both rewards our people, gives our 顧客s more reliable services and makes sure the 鉄道 isn't taking more than its fair 株 from taxpayers.'

A Department for 輸送(する) spokesperson, 追加するd: 'Aslef's leadership are 事実上の/代理 like a broken 記録,記録的な/記録する - calling for strike 活動/戦闘 time and time again while remaining the only rail union continuing to strike, 同様に as the only union 辞退するing to put a fair and reasonable 支払う/賃金 申し込む/申し出 to its members for over a year.

'The 輸送(する) 長官 and rail 大臣 have done their part to 容易にする this 支払う/賃金 申し込む/申し出, - one which would take train drivers' salaries up to an 普通の/平均(する) of £65,000 which is almost twice the 普通の/平均(する) salary in the UK.

'Aslef bosses should take the lead of the other rail unions, put this 申し込む/申し出 to their members and stop their (選挙などの)運動をする of contempt for 乗客s.'

    ?Airport strikes

    Hundreds of workers at Heathrow Airport are set to go out on strike in a row over outsourcing

    Hundreds of 労働者s at Heathrow Airport are 始める,決める to go out on strike in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over outsourcing?


    Hundreds of 労働者s at Heathrow Airport are to strike in a 論争 over outsourcing of 職業s.

    部隊 said around 800 of its members will 開始する,打ち上げる a week of strikes from May 7-13.

    The union said 労働者s in 乗客 services, who 補助装置 travellers to catch connecting flights, trolley 操作/手術s, and 安全 guards will have their 職業s outsourced by June.

    部隊 general 長官 Sharon Graham said: 'Heathrow Airport's 活動/戦闘s are deplorable. It is raking in 大規模な 利益(をあげる)s for the bosses while trying to squeeze every last penny out of its 全労働人口.

    '部隊 is fully 焦点(を合わせる)d on defending its members' 職業s, 支払う/賃金 and 条件s, and our members at Heathrow will receive the union's unrelenting support during this 論争.'

    In a separate 列/漕ぐ/騒動, 労働者s who 燃料再補給する airplanes are to strike in a 論争 over 条件 and 条件s.

    Members of 部隊 雇うd by AFS will walk out for 72 hours from May 4.

    The union said AFS, a 共同の 投機・賭ける between oil and gas companies, was planning to 削減(する) 年金 and sickness 利益s.?


    A Heathrow Airport 広報担当者 said: 'We are reorganising our 操作/手術s to 配達する better results for our 顧客s. There are no 職業 losses as a result of these changes, and we continue to discuss with 部隊 the 実施 of these changes for the small number of 同僚s 衝撃d.

    '部隊's 脅しs of 可能性のある 産業の 活動/戦闘 are unnecessary, and 顧客s can be 安心させるd that we will keep the airport operating 滑らかに, just like we have in the past.'

    On the AFS 列/漕ぐ/騒動,?Heathrow said it was working on contingencies with AFS to manage any 可能性のある disruption, 説 it has '強健な' 対策 planned. They also said that 乗客s can 調書をとる/予約する flights from Heathrow with 信用/信任.?

    Teacher strikes

    St Edward's College in West Derby, Liverpool where teachers are set to strike

    St Edward's College in West Derby, Liverpool where teachers are 始める,決める to strike?


    High school teachers in Merseyside are 行う/開催する/段階ing walk-outs in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over pupil behaviour.

    St Edward's College in West Derby, Liverpool, is 始める,決める to の近くに on Thursday as staff 参加する strike 活動/戦闘, having already walked out on Tuesday.

    The 国家の Education Union (NEU) said 60 of its members will 参加する the 産業の 活動/戦闘 after '交渉s broke 負かす/撃墜する in a 貿易(する) 論争 centred around pupil behaviour last week'.

    Other strike days have also been planned for next week which 含む April 30, May 1 and May 2.?

    Bora Oktas, 地域の officer of the NEU said: 'Unfortunately, the college's 管理/経営 of poor pupil behaviour and staff safety has been 不十分な.

    'にもかかわらず our members' 成果/努力s to 演説(する)/住所 these 問題/発行するs, the 雇用者's 失敗 to 器具/実施する agreed-upon 決意/決議s has left staff and pupils at 危険. Our members have shown remarkable patience and dedication throughout this 過程 since January.

    'They (機の)カム to the 交渉 (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する with 本物の 意向s, but unfortunately, the 雇用者 has taken their 好意/親善 for 認めるd.'

    In January, the NEU said it sent a 決意/決議 文書 to the school 輪郭(を描く)ing how pupil behaviour could be 改善するd 効果的に and the necessary support and 資源s 要求するd.

    Bora 追加するd: 'Although the 雇用者 調印するd this 協定 in February, 進歩 has been 不振の 予定 to some CLT members dragging their feet in 実施.

    'We find it disappointing that the 雇用者 has not honoured the spirit of the 決意/決議 協定. We 推定する/予想するd the 雇用者 to 器具/実施する the 協定 敏速に. Instead, they have been 終始一貫して finding excuses to 延期する 実施. Our members deserve better.'


    A letter from St Edward's College, sent to parents and carers, said the school has met with the NEU many times over the previous 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 'to 供給する 活動/戦闘 and 安心 about さまざまな 問題/発行するs, 含むing behaviour, 器具/備品 for teaching and directed time'.

    主要な/長/主犯 Stephen Morris and 議長,司会を務める of 知事s John O'Brien said they felt 対話 was '肯定的な and 建設的な' and many 事柄s raised by the NEU had been 解決するd.

    The school said it recognises staff's 権利 to strike but understand parents may be 関心d about the 損失ing 影響 it will have on pupils, 特に in Year 11 and Year 13.?

    The school said it is 捜し出すing 緊急の 解明 around the 事柄s the NEU believe are 未解決の so 'meaningful 対話' can continue.

    St Edward's College said it had agreed to 設立する a workplace 共同の union-管理/経営 交渉 and 協議 委員会, and scheduled the first 会合 of this.?

    It 追加するd: '残り/休憩(する) 保証するd, we 捜し出す to continue our 肯定的な 約束/交戦 with the NEU and 真面目に hope that they will engage meaningfully with us.'?

    Tube strikes

    Members of the Transport Salaried Staffs' Association will walk out on Friday and then ban overtime until May 5

    Members of the 輸送(する) 給料を受けている Staffs' 協会 will walk out on Friday and then 禁止(する) overtime until May 5


    顧客 service 経営者/支配人s on London 地下組織の are to 行う/開催する/段階 a fresh strike in a 論争 over 条件 and 条件s.

    Members of the 輸送(する) 給料を受けている Staffs' 協会 (TSSA) will walk out on Friday and then 禁止(する) overtime until May 5.

    The union said the 活動/戦闘 is likely to 原因(となる) Tube 駅/配置するs to の近くに at the last minute, 含むing into Saturday morning.

    The 労働者s held a previous strike earlier this month.

    TSSA general 長官 Maryam Eslamdoust said: 'It's (疑いを)晴らす that our 顧客 service 経営者/支配人s' strike on April 10 made a real 衝撃, many 駅/配置するs shut at short notice, and we had 圧倒的な support from the public.

    People walk past a closed Euston Underground station during an RMT strike in November 2022

    People walk past a の近くにd Euston 地下組織の 駅/配置する during an RMT strike in November 2022

    'Because of London 地下組織の's 拒絶 to get 支援する 一連の会議、交渉/完成する the 交渉するing (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, we have been 軍隊d to take その上の strike 活動/戦闘 this week.

    'London 地下組織の must now come clean with the public. Their 拒絶 to 交渉する 本気で and 公正に/かなり with our union will lead to 駅/配置するs の近くにing at the l ast minute and other 駅/配置するs 存在 understaffed.

    'We have made it (疑いを)晴らす that our union will not 受託する the continued 脅しs to our members' 役割s, 場所s, 条件 and 条件s to stand unchallenged.

    'We will continue to take 支えるd 活動/戦闘 until London 地下組織の is 用意が出来ている to 交渉する with us in good 約束.'

    What is TFL 説??

    A 輸送(する) for London spokesperson said: 'We are disappointed that TSSA is continuing with this strike 活動/戦闘 に引き続いて a 協議 過程.

    'While we don't 推定する/予想する this 活動/戦闘 will 原因(となる) 重要な disruption, we 勧める TSSA to continue to work with us to help find a 決意/決議.

    'There are no planned 職業 losses as part of these 決定的な changes which will 改善する the service we 供給する to 顧客s at our 駅/配置するs.'

    国境 軍隊 strikes

    The University and College Union's (UCU) Higher Education 委員会 発表するd new strikes on campus, unhappy with 副/悪徳行為-(ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長s' 返答s


    国境 軍隊 staff at Heathrow Airport have 投票(する)d to strike in a 論争 over cha nges to 転換 patterns.?

    The Public and 商業の Services Union (PCS) said 300 of its members, who carry out 移民/移住 支配(する)/統制するs and パスポート checks at 終点s 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the airport, will walk out from April 29 to May 2.?

    Around 250 people will lose their 職業s at パスポート 支配(する)/統制する under new roster 計画(する)s.

    PCS general 長官 Fran Heathcote said: 'Our members are angry and disappointed at 存在 軍隊d out of their 職業s.

    'While not everyone will be 影響する/感情d, the changes will 不均衡な 攻撃する,衝突する those who are 無能にするd or have caring 責任/義務s.

    'The Home Office should be doing all it can to 保持する experienced, trained staff - not lose them by introducing an unworkable new roster system.'

    What has the Home Office said?

    The Home Office said it was 'disappointed' with the union's 決定/判定勝ち(する) but 追加するd it remains 'open to discussing a 決意/決議'.

    It 追加するd: 'The changes we are 器具/実施するing will bring the working 手はず/準備 for 国境 軍隊 Heathrow staff in line with the way staff work at other ports, 供給する them with more certainty on working patterns, and 改善する the service to the travelling public.

    'Keeping our 国境s 安全な・保証する remains our 最高の,を越す 優先 and we have 強健な 計画(する)s in place to minimise any 可能性のある disruption.'

    職業 centre strikes?

    The GMB union has said around 1,000 of its members employed by G4S at 
the Department for Work and Pensions will stage a series of walkouts at different offices on several days

    The GMB union has said around 1,000 of its members 雇うd by G4S at the Department for Work and 年金s will 行う/開催する/段階 a 一連の ストライキs at different offices on several days


    Jobcentres are 直面するing strikes by 安全 staff in a 論争 over 支払う/賃金.

    The GMB has already 発表するd that more than 1,000 of its members 雇うd by G4S at the Department for Work and 年金s (DWP) will walk out for several days between May 7-29.

    The Public and 商業の Services union (PCS) said on Wednesday that its members working in 700 jobcentres across the UK are to be 投票(する)d for strike 活動/戦闘 in the same 論争.

    The union is 捜し出すing a rise for all 200 of its members 雇うd by G4S, 同様に as 復帰させるing a 支払う/賃金 differential it says 存在するs between grades.

    General 長官 Fran Heathcote said: 'Our members work on the 前線 line, playing a 批判的な 役割 in keeping their civil servant 同僚s 安全な, 同様に as supporting the 配達/演説/出産 of 決定的な services to often very 攻撃を受けやすい 利益 claimants.

    'They put their 団体/死体s on the line every day and it's only fair they are 公正に/かなり rewarded for their work with a decent 支払う/賃金 rise.'

    The bal lot opens on May 1, with the result 推定する/予想するd two weeks later.

    What is G4S 説???

    A G4S spokesperson said after the GMB strike 告示: 'We are continuing to engage with our 従業員s and their union 代表者/国会議員s and will continue to try to reach an 友好的な 協定 without the need for 産業の 活動/戦闘.

    'In the event of 産業の 活動/戦闘, we have contingency 計画(する)s in place ーするために minimise disruption to our 顧客.'