A taxi driver has spoken of his shock after a loose 世帯 Cavalry horse 粉砕するd into his Mercedes 近づく Buckingham Palace.?

Five animals, 含むing one soaked with 血, were seen running amok in central London this morning after throwing their 軍の riders during an 演習.

One of the horses 粉砕するd into a people 運送/保菌者, 粉々にするing his windows and leaving 深い dents with speckles of 血 splattered across the 味方する.

The driver, 指名するd Farez, 明らかにする/漏らすd today how he was 完全に unaware of the horses' presence until one slammed into his car while waiting for a 乗客.?

He told LBC: 'I was just sitting in the car to 選ぶ up my 乗客, but on the other 味方する there was a [horse] but I didn't see.'?

The taxi-driver's Mercedes people carrier was left with two obliterated rear windows, deep dents, as well as blood splattered on the side (pictured: rear of the vehicle)

The taxi-driver's Mercedes people 運送/保菌者 was left with two obliterated 後部 windows, 深い dents, 同様に as 血 splattered on the 味方する (pictured: 後部 of the 乗り物)

Startled taxi driver, Farez (pcit revealed he was shocked when a horse collided with his car, lifting it up into the air on one side

Startled taxi driver, Farez (pcit 明らかにする/漏らすd he was shocked when a horse 衝突する/食い違うd with his car, 解除するing it up into the 空気/公表する on one 味方する

Five blood-soaked Household Cavalry horses have run loose in central London after throwing their military riders during an exerc

Five 血-soaked 世帯 Cavalry horses have run loose in central London after throwing their 軍の riders during an 演習

Two of the horses were seen galloping through the streets of London covered in blood

Two of the horses were seen galloping through the streets of London covered in 血

'When the horse 攻撃する,衝突する my car then I saw, it was like a 粉砕する.'

解任するing how bystanders (機の)カム over to the car to check on his 福利事業, Farez 追加するd: ''I was ok, but it [the car] is 損失d.'?

詳細(に述べる)ing the 出来事/事件, he continued: 'Then we stopped all the traffic and the one 軍の guy fell 負かす/撃墜する.'

再確認するing how he did not see the 血まみれのd horse until slammed into his car and raised one 味方する up into the 空気/公表する, Farez 述べるd it as a 'shock'

'I saw about three, four horses which I see. The think the white horse 攻撃する,衝突する my car,' he said.

A 世帯 Cavalry 兵士 was also left '叫び声をあげるing in 苦痛' after 存在 thrown from the horse after it struck a car outside the Clermont Hotel on Buckingham Palace Road Victoria.?

Several 通勤(学)者s heard the 兵士, who had fallen off one of the horses, 叫び声をあげるing in 苦痛.

48-year-old construction 労働者, Bashir Aden, told the Telegraph: 'I saw a 兵士 落ちるing 負かす/撃墜する into the street after the horse ran into a car. One of my 同僚s called the police.

'The man 攻撃する,衝突する the 床に打ち倒す hard, he was 叫び声をあげるing in 苦痛. You could see 血 all over the parked car.'

緊急 services 急ぐd to the help the 負傷させるd 兵士, who was seen 存在 扱う/治療するd on the road.?

A Household Cavalry soldier was heard 'screaming in pain' after being thrown from the horse after it struck a car outside the Clermont Hotel (pictured: a serviceman in the middle of the road being treated by paramedics)

A 世帯 Cavalry 兵士 was heard '叫び声をあげるing in 苦痛' after 存在 thrown from the horse after it struck a car outside the Clermont Hotel (pictured: a 軍人/修理人 in the middle of the road 存在 扱う/治療するd by paramedics)

The horses bolted and went on a six-mile rampage through central London on Wednesday

A horse soaked in blood was seen galloping through the streets of London in terrifying scenes on Wednesday morning

A horse soaked in 血 was seen galloping through the streets of London in terrifying scenes on Wednesday morning

Shocked drivers paused to film the blood-soaked horse run past

Shocked drivers paused to film the 血-soaked horse run past