'Mansplaining' museum 労働者 who (刑事)被告 女性(の) 同僚 of sex 差別 over 'angry rant on men' loses 事例/患者

A museum 労働者 who (人命などを)奪う,主張するd a 女性(の) 同僚 的d him with an 'angry rant on men', has lost his sex 差別 事例/患者 after a 裁判官 支配するd his own mansplaining behaviour was to 非難する.?

Jonathan McMurray (人命などを)奪う,主張するd a 女性(の) 同僚 went on an 'angry rant', after he stepped in to 'help' her when she was talking to 訪問者s at the Ulster Folk and 輸送(する) Museum in 2019.

McMurray, a former teacher, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd his 女性(の) 同僚 '開始する,打ち上げるd into a 言葉の tirade' and (刑事)被告 him of 'doing the f***ing bloke thing' when he 介入するd during her guided 小旅行する.?

But a 裁判官 設立する that the 'rant' had not happened as 述べるd and had in fact been 限られた/立憲的な to a muttered 発言/述べる by the 女性(の) coworker 明言する/公表するing 'you are a 苦痛 in the a***'.

McMurray has now lost his?法廷 企て,努力,提案 for 補償(金) after a 裁判官 heard how he would lecture 女性(の) co-労働者s on 'how to 行為/行う their 義務s' and 申し込む/申し出d 'classroom tips' in an 'officious and overbearing manner'.

His line 経営者/支配人 also 公式文書,認めるd how his behaviour had been 'markedly different' when talking to men rather than women'.?

雇用 裁判官 Noel Kelly went on to 解任する Mr McMurray's 主張 of sex 差別 at work, 結論するing: 'If anyone had difficulties 取引,協定ing with the opposite gender, it appears to have been the claimant'.

Jonathan McMurray (pictured) claimed a female colleague went on an 'angry rant', after he stepped in to 'help' her when she was talking to visitors at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum in 2019

Jonathan McMurray (pictured) (人命などを)奪う,主張するd a 女性(の) 同僚 went on an 'angry rant', after he stepped in to 'help' her when she was talking to 訪問者s at the Ulster Folk and 輸送(する) Museum in 2019

裁判官 Kelly, sitting in the 産業の 法廷s of Northern Ireland, heard 証拠 that Mr McMurray's 'behaviour' at work 'had been markedly different when he was talking to men rather than women.'

His line 経営者/支配人 公式文書,認めるd that Mr McMurray would speak to 女性(の) staff as though he was trying to 'lecture, 知らせる, advise and educate,' while with men he 'asked questions, left space for them to speak and didn't 訂正する them.'

READ MORE:?The museum, in Cultra, 郡 負かす/撃墜する, is a living history centre which によれば its website is 献身的な to 'celebrating and 保存するing everyday 技術s, customs and traditions that were passed 負かす/撃墜する over many 世代s in Ulster'