A village caught in the 支配する of a 万引 疫病/流行性の by feral children have called in 私的な 安全 to patrol their streets.

村人s in Barnham, West Sussex say they are 存在 held 人質 by 青年s fighting, 略奪するing shops, vandalising 所有物/資産/財産 and 脅すing staff.?

Antisocial behaviour in the leafy 沿岸の village has continued にもかかわらず extra police carrying out patrols and making 14 逮捕(する)s.

地元の 商売/仕事s said 青年s steal alcohol from Tesco 表明する and the Co-op 近づく the 鉄道 駅/配置する and then get 'very 積極的な'.

There was also a 報告(する)/憶測 of a trespasser and also sightings of children climbing 盗品故買者s 近づく the 鉄道 line that runs through the village last Tuesday.

(映画の)フィート数 shows the four girls - 老年の 13, 14, 15 and 16 - in a scuffle with police officers and 駅/配置する staff
(映画の)フィート数 filmed by a 通りがかりの人 showed a group of girls running away from Barnham Co-op
に引き続いて the April 2 出来事/事件, Sussex police were 認めるd a dispersal order after the film went viral

The owner of a small taxi 会社/堅い nearby said between 60 and 100 通勤(学)者s were 立ち往生させるd for around an hour as trains were 停止(させる)d, 含むing holidaymakers on their way to Gatwick.

Arun 地区 会議 has now paid for 私的な 安全 guards from MS 安全 Services to patrol the high street in a 企て,努力,提案 to stop 万引 and antisocial behaviour.

READ MORE:?Moment teenage 'shoplifters' run out of Co-op 蓄える/店 - just days after four girls 強襲,強姦d an 緊急 労働者 に引き続いて 集まり brawl at train 駅/配置する in the same village?
