A village caught in the »ÙÇÛ¤¹¤ë of a Ëü°ú ±ÖÉ¡¿Î®¹ÔÀ­¤Î by feral children have called in »äŪ¤Ê °ÂÁ´ to patrol their streets.

¼¿Ís in Barnham, West Sussex say they are ¸ºß held ¿Í¼Á by ÀÄǯs fighting, ά夹¤ëing shops, vandalising ½êͭʪ¡¿»ñ»º¡¿ºâ»º and ¶¼¤¹ing staff.?

Antisocial behaviour in the leafy ±è´ß¤Î village has continued ¤Ë¤â¤«¤«¤ï¤é¤º extra police carrying out patrols and making 14 ÂáÊá¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ës.

Ãϸµ¤Î ¾¦Çä¡¿»Å»ös said ÀÄǯs steal alcohol from Tesco ɽÌÀ¤¹¤ë and the Co-op ¶á¤Å¤¯ the Å´Æ» ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë and then get 'very ÀѶËŪ¤Ê'.

There was also a Êó¹ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿²±Â¬ of a trespasser and also sightings of children climbing ÅðÉʸÎÇã¼Ôs ¶á¤Å¤¯ the Å´Æ» line that runs through the village last Tuesday.

¡Ê±Ç²è¤Î¡Ë¥Õ¥£¡¼¥È¿ô shows the four girls - Ϸǯ¤Î 13, 14, 15 and 16 - in a scuffle with police officers and ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë staff
¡Ê±Ç²è¤Î¡Ë¥Õ¥£¡¼¥È¿ô filmed by a Ä̤꤬¤«¤ê¤Î¿Í showed a group of girls running away from Barnham Co-op
¤Ë°ú¤­Â³¤¤¤Æ the April 2 ½ÐÍè»ö/»ö·ï, Sussex police were ǧ¤á¤ëd a dispersal order after the film went viral

The owner of a small taxi ²ñ¼Ò¡¿·ø¤¤ nearby said between 60 and 100 Ä̶Сʳء˼Ôs were Ω¤Á±ýÀ¸¤µ¤»¤ëd for around an hour as trains were Ää»ß¡Ê¤µ¤»¤ë¡Ëd, ´Þ¤àing holidaymakers on their way to Gatwick.

Arun ÃÏ¶è ²ñµÄ has now paid for »äŪ¤Ê °ÂÁ´ guards from MS °ÂÁ´ Services to patrol the high street in a ´ë¤Æ¡¤ÅØÎÏ¡¤Äó°Æ to stop Ëü°ú and antisocial behaviour.

READ MORE:?Moment teenage 'shoplifters' run out of Co-op Ãߤ¨¤ë¡¿Å¹ - just days after four girls ¶¯½±¡¤¶¯´¯d an ¶ÛµÞ ϫƯ¼Ô ¤Ë°ú¤­Â³¤¤¤Æ ½¸¤Þ¤ê brawl at train ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë in the same village?



It comes after a ¥Ó¥Ç¥ª, which went viral, of girls attacking Å´Æ» °ÂÁ´ staff at the beginning of April.

Sussex Police ÌäÂ꡿ȯ¹Ô¤¹¤ëd a dispersal order ¤Ë°ú¤­Â³¤¤¤Æ the ½ÐÍè»ö/»ö·ï and four teenage girls were ÂáÊá¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd.?

It gives officers the ÎÏ¡¿¶¯ÎϤˤ¹¤ë to ʬ»¶¤µ¤»¤ë groups ½¸²ñ in the area and order them not to return for up to 48 hours.

But within 48 hours, a second clip went viral of another group of young girls appearing to ά夹¤ë the village's Ãϸµ¤Î Co-op. The Ãߤ¨¤ë¡¿Å¹ said they took cans of Red Bull without »Ùʧ¤¦¡¿Ä¶âing.?


There were also two trespass ½ÐÍè»ö/»ö·ïs at Barnham on April 16 which ¸¶°ø¡Ê¤È¤Ê¤ë¡Ëd disruption, ´Þ¤àing one where three ÀÄǯs were ½üµî¤¹¤ëd from a train. They were then seen climbing over a ÅðÉʸÎÇã¼Ô ¶á¤Å¤¯ the ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë.?

'It has been getting worse and worse the last few months,' said Mehdi Gholamzadeh, owner of Baps 'n' Buns cafe and Barnham Kebab and Pizza House.

'When they get together it's like 20 of them, they nick things from Tesco and Co-op. They are often drinking and Ê´ºÕ¤¹¤ëd the ÉÓ¡¿Éõ¤¸¹þ¤á¤ës on the road. I had to get four flat tyres changed because of it.

'It has been going on for seven to eight months now, it has been getting worse and worse.'

He Äɲ乤ëd: 'They come nearly every day to the kebab shop. It has been better the last few weeks with the °ÂÁ´ guards. People are fed up to be honest.

'All the Ãϸµ¤Îs are fed up, we had a big ²ñ¹ç. There was a dispersal order from the police but it was only 48 hours, it doesn't make much of a difference.

An ¶ÛµÞ public ²ñ¹ç to ±éÀâ¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿½»½ê the »¦Åþ¤¹¤ë in antisocial behaviour was ¡Ä¤Ë½ÐÀʤ¹¤ëd by more than 200 µï½»¡Ê¼Ô¡Ës of Barnham, West Sussex earlier this month
There was a Êó¹ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿²±Â¬ of a trespasser and also sightings of children climbing ÅðÉʸÎÇã¼Ôs ¶á¤Å¤¯ the Å´Æ» line at Barnham Å´Æ» ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë
Police and other public ¸ø¼°¤Î¡¿Ìò¿Ís at the public ²ñ¹ç in Áá´ü¤Ë April

'On Halloween, one girl ¡Êµ¡¤Î¡Ë¥«¥à in drunk and we didn't let her use the ÀöÌ̽ê. They went to the Co-op and nicked eggs and flour and threw it at the shop window. We had to ¤Î¶á¤¯¤Ë, there were eight or nine of them ¸ºß very ÀѶËŪ¤Ê.

'We spent two hours ¤­¤ì¤¤¤Ë¤¹¤ë the windows and pavement. We were on the phone to the police and had orders coming in that we were ¹ÔÊýÉÔÌÀ¤Î. We lost about ¡ò400 in orders.


'The kids think because they are not adults they can get away with it. I am worried it will get worse in the summer, they are more likely to drink more and stay out late.'

READ MORE:?Moment four teen girls ¶¯½±¡¤¶¯´¯ ¶ÛµÞ ϫƯ¼Ô after Ͷȯ¤¹¤ëing ½¸¤Þ¤ê brawl at train ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë in lawless scenes - ·³Ââing police to ²Ý¤¹ dispersal order?


The owner of Barnham ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë Taxis, who asked not to be »Ø̾¤¹¤ëd, said: 'These kids have got out of »ÙÇۡʤ¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿ÅýÀ©¤¹¤ë. What can you do for them, they know there is no consequence.

'We messed around as children but not like this. °ÂÁ´ has gone backwards, they are not ¶¼¤¹d. They're feral, they go around in packs.

'It is all about consequences and there is no consequence for these children.

'The À¯ÉÜ or whoever does not want to punish them.

'They know they can do it here because it's a village. They wouldn't get away with it in a city.

'Between 60 and 100 people were outside the ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë because of the children on the Àפò¤Ä¤±¤ës the other night. People were going to Gatwick and had their ¥¹¡¼¥Ä¥±¡¼¥¹s.

'They should do community services, paint ÅðÉʸÎÇã¼Ôs or something.'

One supermarket ϫƯ¼Ô said: 'It has been a few groups of ½½Âå¤Î¾¯Ç¯¾¯½÷s coming into Barnham and ¸¶°ø¡Ê¤È¤Ê¤ë¡Ëing trouble. We have had some instances of them coming in, fights outside, stealing energy drinks and meal ¼è°ú¡¤¶¨Äês mostly.

Barnham Co-op where ¿½¤·Î©¤Æ¤é¤ì¤¿¡¿µ¿¤ï¤·¤¤ Ëü°ú occurred. The Ãߤ¨¤ë¡¿Å¹ ³Îǧ¤¹¤ëd that the ½ÐÍè»ö/»ö·ï happened on Monday April 1 and said the girls took 'cans of Red Bull' without »Ùʧ¤¦¡¿Ä¶âing
An ¶ÛµÞ ²ñ¹ç in Barnham which was ¡Ä¤Ë½ÐÀʤ¹¤ëd by dozens of Ãϸµ¤Î µï½»¡Ê¼Ô¡Ës
One of the girls is seen ·«¤êÊÖ¤·¤Æ hitting an officer in the Ĺ¡¤Î¨¤¤¤ë one of the others in seen on the ¾²¤ËÂǤÁÅݤ¹ during an attack on April 2
A wide ȯ¼Í at the start of the ¥Ó¥Ç¥ª shows three boys on the ÃÅ¡¦¹ËÎΡ¦¸øÌó at the time of the ½ÐÍè»ö/»ö·ï on April 2
A group of ½½Âå¤Î¾¯Ç¯¾¯½÷ girls can be seen ½Ð¸ýing the Co-op Ãߤ¨¤ë¡¿Å¹ ¶á¤Å¤¯ Barnham Å´Æ» ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ë on April 4

'It's ¤ä¤á¤ë ¼ºË¾¤µ¤»¤ëing, it's the safety ÌÌ of it for us. The police had ²ñ¹çs with just ¾¦Çä¡¿»Å»ös in the area, they have been really good.'

Another shop ϫƯ¼Ô said: 'They come in here and Tesco, anywhere they can steal alcohol. It's not that the police aren't doing anything, it's they can't seem to stop them. There are 15 banning orders her e but that doesn't seem to stop them.'


The ²ñµÄ has put also Ä´°õ¤¹¤ës up in shops about Êó¹ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿²±Â¬ing antisocial behaviour. An ¶ÛµÞ ²ñ¹ç was held at the nearby village hall.

Govia Thameslink Å´Æ» said it is working 'flat out with the police, ²ñµÄ and other µ¡´Øs to ¼è¤êÁȤà this wider, ÃÏ°è¤Î ÌäÂ꡿ȯ¹Ô¤¹¤ë of ÀÄǯ ˽ÎÏ¡¿·ã¤·¤µ that is ±Æ¶Á¤¹¤ë¡¿´¶¾ðing communities on the South Coast'.

It comes nearly two years after a ¹¿¿å¡¿Â¿È¯ of Ëü°ú and antisocial behaviour on the Å´Æ» l ine between Barnham and Hove.

Children would steal food, cigarettes and alcohol from ¾¦Çä¡¿»Å»ös ¶á¤Å¤¯ Å´Æ» ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ës.

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