A village caught in the 支配する of a 万引 疫病/流行性の by feral children have called in 私的な 安全 to patrol their streets.

村人s in Barnham, West Sussex say they are 存在 held 人質 by 青年s fighting, 略奪するing shops, vandalising 所有物/資産/財産 and 脅すing staff.?

Antisocial behaviour in the leafy 沿岸の village has continued にもかかわらず extra police carrying out patrols and making 14 逮捕(する)s.

地元の 商売/仕事s said 青年s steal alcohol from Tesco 表明する and the Co-op 近づく the 鉄道 駅/配置する and then get 'very 積極的な'.

There was also a 報告(する)/憶測 of a trespasser and also sightings of children climbing 盗品故買者s 近づく the 鉄道 line that runs through the village last Tuesday.

Footage shows the four girls - aged 13, 14, 15 and 16 - in a scuffle with police officers and station staff
Footage filmed by a passerby showed a group of girls running away from Barnham Co-op

In 早期に April, four teenage girls (left) were 逮捕(する)d for 強襲,強姦ing an 緊急 労働者. いっそう少なく than 48 hours later another group of girls were filmed 恐らく 万引 from Barnham Co-op (権利)??

Following the April 2 incident, Sussex police were granted a dispersal order after the film went viral

に引き続いて the April 2 出来事/事件, Sussex police were 認めるd a dispersal order after the film went viral

The owner of a small taxi 会社/堅い nearby said between 60 and 100 通勤(学)者s were 立ち往生させるd for around an hour as trains were 停止(させる)d, 含むing holidaymakers on their way to Gatwick.

Arun 地区 会議 has now paid for 私的な 安全 guards from MS 安全 Services to patrol the high street in a 企て,努力,提案 to stop 万引 and antisocial behaviour.

It comes after a ビデオ, which went viral, of girls attacking 鉄道 安全 staff at the beginning of April.

Sussex Police 問題/発行するd a dispersal order に引き続いて the 出来事/事件 and four teenage girls were 逮捕(する)d.?

It gives officers the 力/強力にする to 分散させる groups 集会 in the area and order them not to return for up to 48 hours.

But within 48 hours, a second clip went viral of another group of young girls appearing to 略奪する the village's 地元の Co-op. The 蓄える/店 said they took cans of Red Bull without 支払う/賃金ing.?

There were also two trespass 出来事/事件s at Barnham on April 16 which 原因(となる)d disruption, 含むing one where three 青年s were 除去するd from a train. They were then seen climbing over a 盗品故買者 近づく the 駅/配置する.?

'It has been getting worse and worse the last few months,' said Mehdi Gholamzadeh, owner of Baps 'n' Buns cafe and Barnham Kebab and Pizza House.

'When they get together it's like 20 of them, they nick things from Tesco and Co-op. They are often drinking and 粉砕するd the 瓶/封じ込めるs on the road. I had to get four flat tyres changed because of it.

'It has been going on for seven to eight months now, it has been getting worse and worse.'

He 追加するd: 'They come nearly every day to the kebab shop. It h as been better the last few weeks with the 安全 guards. People are fed up to be honest.

'All the 地元のs are fed up, we had a big 会合. There was a dispersal order from the police but it was only 48 hours, it doesn't make much of a difference.

An emergency public meeting to address the surge in antisocial behaviour was attended by more than 200 residents of Barnham, West Sussex earlier this month

An 緊急 public 会合 to 演説(する)/住所 the 殺到する in antisocial behaviour was …に出席するd by more than 200 居住(者)s of Barnham, West Sussex earlier this month?

There was a report of a trespasser and also sightings of children climbing fences near the railway line at Barnham railway station

There was a 報告(する)/憶測 of a trespasser and also sightings of children climbing 盗品故買者s 近づく the 鉄道 line at Barnham 鉄道 駅/配置する?

Police and other public officials at the public meeting in early April

Police and other public 公式の/役人s at the public 会合 in 早期に April

'On Halloween, one girl (機の)カム in drunk and we didn't let her use the 洗面所. They went to the Co-op and nicked eggs and flour and threw it at the shop window. We had to の近くに, there were eight or nine of them 存在 very 積極的な.

'We spent two hours きれいにする the windows and pavement. We were on the phone to the police and had orders coming in that we were 行方不明の. We lost about £400 in orders.

'The kids think because they are not adults they can get away with it. I am worried it will get worse in the summer, they are more likely to drink more and stay out late.'

The owner of Barnham 駅/配置する Taxis, who asked not to be 指名するd, said: 'These kids have got out of 支配(する)/統制する. What can you do for them, they know there is no consequence.

'We messed around as children but not like this. 安全 has gone backwards, they are not 脅すd. They're feral, they go around in packs.

'It is all about consequences and there is no consequence for these children.

'The 政府 or whoever does not want to punish them.

'They know they can do it here because it's a village. They wouldn't get away with it in a city.

'Between 60 and 100 people were outside the 駅/配置する because of the children on the 跡をつけるs the other night. People were going to Gatwick and had their スーツケースs.

'They should do community services, paint 盗品故買者s or something.'

One supermarket 労働者 said: 'It has been a few groups of 十代の少年少女s coming into Barnham and 原因(となる)ing trouble. We have had some instances of them coming in, fights outside, stealing energy drinks and meal 取引,協定s mostly.

Barnham Co-op where alleged shoplifting occurred. The store confirmed that the incident happened on Monday April 1 and said the girls took 'cans of Red Bull' without paying

Barnham Co-op where 申し立てられた/疑わしい 万引 occurred. The 蓄える/店 確認するd that the 出来事/事件 happened on Monday April 1 and said the girls took 'cans of Red Bull' without 支払う/賃金ing

An emergency meeting in Barnham which was attended by dozens of local residents

An 緊急 会合 in Barnham which was …に出席するd by dozens of 地元の 居住(者)s?

One of the girls is seen repeatedly hitting an officer in the head one of the others in seen on the floor during an attack on April 2

One of the girls is seen 繰り返して hitting an officer in the 長,率いる one of the others in seen on the 床に打ち倒す during an attack on April 2?

A wide shot at the start of the video shows three boys on the platform at the time of the incident on April 2

A wide 発射 at the start of the ビデオ shows three boys on the 壇・綱領・公約 at the time of the 出来事/事件 on April 2

A group of teenager girls can be seen exiting the Co-op store near Barnham railway station on April 4

A group of 十代の少年少女 girls can be seen 出口ing the Co-op 蓄える/店 近づく Barnham 鉄道 駅/配置する on April 4

'It's やめる 失望させるing, it's the safety 面 of it for us. The police had 会合s with just 商売/仕事s in the area, they have been really good.'

Another shop 労働者 said: 'They come in here and Tesco, anywhere they can steal alcohol. It's not that the police aren't doing anything, it's they can't seem to stop them. There are 15 banning orders here but that doesn't seem to stop them.'

The 会議 has put also 調印するs up in shops about 報告(する)/憶測ing antisocial behaviour. An 緊急 会合 was held at the nearby village hall.

Govia Thameslink 鉄道 said it is working 'flat out with the police, 会議 and other 機関s to 取り組む this wider, 地域の 問題/発行する of 青年 暴力/激しさ that is 影響する/感情ing communities on the South Coast'.

It comes nearly two years after a 洪水/多発 of 万引 and antisocial behaviour on the 鉄道 line between Barnham and Hove.

Children would steal food, cigarettes and alcohol from 商売/仕事s 近づく 鉄道 駅/配置するs.

Tesco< a class="linkButtonRowItem" href="http://www.yansite.jp/etoj.cgi?sw=j&URL=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13344617/tvshowbiz/article-13379475/tvshowbiz/article-13447593/tvshowbiz/article-13533967/news/article-13557877/tvshowbiz/article-13572399/tvshowbiz/article-13584025/tvshowbiz/article-13584925/tvshowbiz/article-13599279/femail/auhome/news/alcohol/index.html?ico=article_topics_module">Alcohol