The escaped horses that have run loose in central London are from the 連隊 that singer James Blunt served in.?

The animals were spooked during their daily morning 演習 on Horse Guards Parade, in Whitehall, at around 8.40am.?

Four people were hospitalised. It is understood that three of them are 兵士s who have not 支えるd life-脅すing 傷害s.?

The horses are from the Life Guards, one of two 連隊s of the Army's 世帯 Cavalry.?

Blunt served in the 連隊 in the 1990s after training at Sandhurst 軍の 学院?and went on to see active service in Kosovo.

Both Prince Harry and Prince William were 兵士s in the 世帯 Cavalry's other 連隊, the Blues and 王室のs.? ?

Prince Harry was (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d as a second 中尉/大尉/警部補 in the 連隊 in 2006 before 存在 joined by Prince William later that year.?

The escaped horses that have run loose in central London are from the regiment that singer James Blunt served in.?Blunt served in the Life Guards in the 1990s after training at Sandhurst military academy and went on to see active service in Kosovo. Above: Blunt in the Life Guards

The escaped horses that have run loose in central London are from the 連隊 that singer James Blunt served in.?Blunt served in the Life Guards in the 1990s after training at Sandhurst 軍の 学院 and went on to see active service in Kosovo. Above: Blunt in the Life Guards

The animals were spooked during their daily morning exercise on Horse Guards Parade, in Whitehall, at around 8.40am. Five people, including a soldier who was riding one of the horses, were injured

The animals were spooked during their daily morning 演習 on Horse Guards Parade, in Whitehall, at around 8.40am. Five people, 含むing a 兵士 who was riding one of the horses, were 負傷させるd?

You're Beautiful singer Blunt, 50, served in the 武装した 軍隊s for six years.?

As a 世帯 Cavalry Life Guard, he stood 歩哨 as the Queen Mother's 団体/死体 lay in 明言する/公表する and 棒 as the Queen's 君主 護衛する on 儀式の 護衛する.?

He was also one of the first (国連の)平和維持軍s to enter Pristina, Kosovo's 資本/首都, where he 遭遇(する)d 冷気/寒がらせるing 証拠 of 民族の 洗浄するing.

This experience 奮起させるd his song No Bravery.?

Speaking of his time in Kosovo in 2021, he told of a 緊張した 遭遇(する) with ロシアの 軍隊s.

He said: 'I was the lead officer of 30,000 北大西洋条約機構 軍隊/機動隊s.

'We got to an airport where the ロシアのs were there already. I was given 指示/教授/教育 to 侵略(する)/超過(する) and overpower them.

'Fortunately, a general who had been given that 指示/教授/教育 was 直面するd by our own general who said, "I'm not having my 兵士s start World War III and told us to pull 支援する".'

Harry, the Duke of Sussex, rose to the 階級 of 中尉/大尉/警部補 in the Blues and 王室のs before he retrained as an Apache ヘリコプター co-操縦する in 2012 for his second 小旅行する of Afghanistan.

He chose to wear his regimental uniform when he married Meghan Markle at Windsor's St George's Chapel in 2018.?

The duke had been 推定する/予想するd to follow his father King Charles and grandfather Prince Philip into the Welsh Guards after 卒業生(する)ing from Sandhurst.?

He was said to have 選ぶd for the 世帯 Cavalry so he could 追求する his love of horses.?

William, who passed out of Sandhurst 軍の 学院 after his younger brother, joined his brother in the 世帯 Cavalry because of the variety of 役割s that the 連隊 請け負うs.?

It guards the 君主 at Buckingham Palace and 行為/法令/行動するs as the 君主's 機動力のある 護衛する on 明言する/公表する occasions.?

It also 供給するs 偵察 support to 空輸の 軍隊s on 操作/手術s.?

You're Beautiful singer Blunt, 50, served in the Armed Forces for six years. Above: Blunt serving in Kosovo in 1999

You're Beautiful singer Blunt, 50, served in the 武装した 軍隊s for six years. Above: Blunt serving in Kosovo in 1999

James Blunt live in concert at The AO Arena in Manchester earlier this month

James Blunt live in concert at The AO 円形競技場 in Manches ter earlier this month

Both Prince Harry and Prince William were soldiers in the Household Cavalry's other regiment, the Blues and Royals. Above: Harry with William in the uniform of the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals regiment on his wedding day in May 2018

Both Prince Harry and Prince William were 兵士s in the 世帯 Cavalry's other 連隊, the Blues and 王室のs. Above: Harry with William in the uniform of the 世帯 Cavalry's Blues and 王室のs 連隊 on his wedding day in May 2018

Prince Harry wearing the tropical dress of the Blues and Royals as he attends the Anzac Memorial service in Hyde Park in October 2018

Prince Harry wearing the 熱帯の dress of the Blues and 王室のs as he …に出席するs the Anzac 記念の service in Hyde Park in October 2018

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and her grandson Prince William, right, exchange smiles, as she inspects graduates during the Sovereign's parade at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, December 2006

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and her grandson Prince William, 権利, 交流 smiles, as she 検査/視察するs 卒業生(する)s during the 君主's parade at the 王室の 軍の 学院 Sandhurst, December 2006

Prince William, foreground, marches with other graduates, during the Sovereign's parade at Sandhurst in 2006

Prince William, foreground, marches with other 卒業生(する)s, during the 君主's parade at Sandhurst in 2006

The Palace said that William was attracted by the 連隊's 記録,記録的な/記録する in 最近の 衝突s, 含むing the Falklands War, the 1991 湾 War and 操作/手術s in Northern Ireland.??

The Blue and 王室のs and the Life Guards are the oldest and most 上級の 連隊s in the Army.

Princess Diana's former lover, James Hewitt, served as a captain in the Life Guards.

Harry left the Army in March 2015 and then had to give up his 名誉として与えられる 軍の 任命s after ending his 役割 as a working 王室の.?

Prince William went on to serve with the 王室の 空気/公表する 軍隊 and 王室の 海軍 before leaving active service in 2013.