Young mother is killed by her 罪人/有罪を宣告するd-殺害者 boyfriend during conjugal visit after 令状ing a message 説 she would be 'loyal even beyond death'

  • Medics were unable to save the 犠牲者 予定 to the extent of her 長,率いる 傷害s?

A young mother was 恐らく 窒息させるd to death by her 罪人/有罪を宣告するd-殺害者 partner during a conjugal 刑務所,拘置所 visit.

Gisella P?rez Gaspar, 27, is believed to have been killed by?Cristian Alexis Rivas S?nchez, 26, in a high-安全 刑務所,拘置所 in Palmira,?Valle del Cauca department, Colombia, on Sunday during a visit to see her partner.

An alarm was raised three hours after Gaspar entered the 刑務所,拘置所 施設, 当局 sent out to 答える/応じる to 報告(する)/憶測s of 'physical 侵略' in a 刑務所,拘置所 yard.

Medics were called on to help Gaspar in the 刑務所,拘置所's healthcare 施設, but they could only 決定する that she no longer showed 決定的な 調印するs.

公式の/役人s later said she died 予定 to the severity of her 長,率いる 負傷させるs.?

Her partner, 現在/一般に in 刑務所,拘置所 for 殺人, 武器 trafficking and 共謀 to commit a 罪,犯罪, is (刑事)被告 of having 窒息させるd her.

に引き続いて news of her death, it was 報告(する)/憶測d Gaspar had written heartbreaking messages on social マスコミ 強調する/ストレスing how they would 'get through this' together after his incarceration, 追加するing 'You know I'm... loyal, even beyond death'.?

'It doesn't matter where you are, I will be with you until the end,' a message overlaid on a picture of the couple reads

'It doesn't 事柄 where you are, I will be with you until the end,' a message overlaid on a picture of the couple reads

Gaspar leaves behind a three-year-old daughter following her death at the prison in Colombia

Gaspar leaves behind a three-year-old daughter に引き続いて her death at the 刑務所,拘置所 in Colombia

'A 射撃 is heard, the community arrives, this young woman is taken to a 医療の 中心, but 予定 to the severity of the 負傷させる, which was to the 長,率いる, she died,' recounted 陸軍大佐 Carlos Germ?n Oviedo, 指揮官 of the Cali Police.

S?nchez?is now 推定する/予想するd to be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with femicide.

Gisella leaves behind a three-year-old daughter, but it is not (疑いを)晴らす if the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う is the girl's biolog ical dad.

Gisella had written on social マスコミ in February, すぐに after S?nchez was 刑務所,拘置所d in Palmira, Colombia: 'My love, I want you to know I love you.

'I'll be there for you. These are just 実験(する)s, my love.

'I know that by 信用ing in God, we'll get through this and much more. Just have a little patience.

'Remember, I'll always be there for you in good times, bad times, and even the worst. I know that you and I can do it, don't let yourself be 敗北・負かすd, my love.

'Remember, we're waiting for you, my love. You know you're my sweetheart. You know I'm 確固たる, real, and loyal, even beyond death.'

Palmira 公式の/役人 William Andrey Espinosa said: 'We 嘆き悲しむ the 出来事/事件 that occurred within the 郊外住宅 de las Palmas 刑務所,拘置所 and 刑務所 Centre, where this 27-year-old woman was 殺人d by her own partner.

'We have asked the 当局, 特に the Public 検察官,検事's Office, to 調査/捜査する.'

報告(する)/憶測s of femicide in the 地域 have 増加するd in 最近の years.

公式の/役人s in Cali met earlier this year to discuss possible preventative 政策s 目的(とする)d at 取り組むing 暴力/激しさ against women, with 10 femicides 報告(する)/憶測d in 2023 alone.

'We have seven femicides and four more 事例/患者s to be 分類するd, 含むing the 事例/患者 that unfortunately occurred yesterday in the city of Palmira,' said?Yurani Andrea Ord??ez, 長官 of Women, Gender Equality and 性の 多様制 of the Valle del Cauca department.

An undated picture shows Gaspar with her partner Sanchez

An undated picture shows Gaspar with her partner Sanchez

'I know that by trusting in God, we'll get through this and much more. Just have a little patience,' Gaspar had written in messages shared on social media

'I know that by 信用ing in God, we'll get through this and much more. Just have a little patience,' Gaspar had written in messages 株d on social マスコミ

暴力/激しさ against women in Colombia has seen a 劇の uptick in 最近の years.

Between 2019 and 2020, the number of 報告(する)/憶測s climbed from 571 to 630.

A その上の 612 were 報告(する)/憶測d in 2022 alone.

Femicide is defined as the 殺人,大当り of women for their gender.

A 欠如(する) of 資源s, high levels of impunity and cultural 差別 have been 示唆するd as 推論する/理由s for the continuing 傾向.