Angela Rayner mocked Rishi Sunak's 高さ today as she (機の)カム under 圧力 over her historic 住宅 手はず/準備 at 副 総理大臣's Questions.

The 労働 副 leader 攻撃するd out as she 直面するd jibes from 副 総理大臣 Oliver Dowden and other Tory MPs in the ありふれたs, as they stood in for Mr Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer.

Ms Rayner is 存在 調査/捜査するd by Greater Manchester Police over whether she 正確に 登録(する)d to 投票(する) at her main home almost a 10年間 ago, まっただ中に (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that she lived どこかよそで with her husband.

She 取り組むd the 支配する 長,率いる-on at the start of DPMQs, using it as a way to attack the 政府 over leasehold 改革(する).

But she later went on the 不快な/攻撃 with an attack on the PM, who is in Germany 持つ/拘留するing 会談 with (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Olaf Scho lz.

言及/関連ing Mr Sunak's 辞職 in 2022 which is seen as having precipitated the end of Boris Johnson's 首相の職, she said the Tories?had swapped 'their biggest 選挙 勝利者 for a pint-sized loser'.

Mr Dowden 反対するd the jibes by 示唆するing the '権利 honourable landlady' should step 負かす/撃墜する, 追加するing the 労働 MP might start (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the House of ありふれたs as her 主要な/長/主犯 住居 if the pair were 要求するd to deputise again at 総理大臣's Questions.?

The Labour deputy leader lashed out as she faced jibes from Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden and other Tory MPs in the Commons, as they stood in for Mr Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer.

The 労働 副 leader 攻撃するd out as she 直面するd jibes from 副 総理大臣 Oliver Dowden and other Tory MPs in the ありふれたs, as they stood in for Mr Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer.

The PM? is in Germany holding talks with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and to meet UK soldiers based in the country (pictured)

The PM? is in Germany 持つ/拘留するing 会談 with (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Olaf Scholz and to 会合,会う UK 兵士s based in the countr y (pictured)

Mr Dowden replied: 'To begin with it, is a pleasure to have another exchange with (Ms Rayner) in this House, our fifth in 12 months, anymore of these and she'll be claiming it as her principal residence.'

Mr Dowden replied: 'To begin with it, is a 楽しみ to have another 交流 with (Ms Rayner) in this House, our fifth in 12 months, anymore of these and she'll be (人命などを)奪う,主張するing it as her 主要な/長/主犯 住居.'

With Mr Sunak in Berlin, Ms Rayner and 副 総理大臣 Mr Dowden took centre 行う/開催する/段階 in the ありふれたs on Wednesday.

But Ms Rayner pre-empted an attack line against her and opened the 開会/開廷/会期 by 説: 'I know this party opposite is desperate to talk about my living 手はず/準備, but the public want to know what this 政府 is going to do about theirs.'

She raised the 事例/患者 of a Brighton woman served with two no-fault eviction notices in 18 months, 追加するing: 'She joins nearly a million families at 危険 of homelessness 予定 to his party's 失敗 to 禁止(する) this cruel practice.

'Now instead of obsessing over my house, when will he get a 支配する and show the same obsession with ending no-fault evictio ns?'

Mr Dowden replied: 'To begin with, it is a 楽しみ to have another 交流 with (Ms Rayner) in this House, our fifth in 12 months, anymore of these and she'll be (人命などを)奪う,主張するing it as her 主要な/長/主犯 住居.'

Mr Dowden later 最高潮の場面d the 政府's 計画(する)s to 上げる defence spending, with Ms Rayner 説: 'We all want to see 2.5%, the difference is that we 港/避難所't 削減(する) the army to its smallest size since Napoleon.

'Never mind some 隠しだてする 深い 明言する/公表する, it's the 明言する/公表する of the Tory party that's the problem. They're in a 深い 明言する/公表する of 汚水.

'After 14 years they've failed renters, they've failed leaseholders and they've failed mortgage-支えるもの/所有者s.

He is rightly being heralded as the UK's first non-white PM, but Rishi Sunak's height is making fewer headlines. This is despite the fact that, at just 5ft 6inches tall, the former Chancellor is the shortest occupant of Number 10 since Winston Churchill
At 5ft 5in, Second World War her
o Sir Winston was shorter than Mr Sunak

At just 5ft 6inches tall, the former (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 is the shortest occupant of Number 10 since Winston Churchill.?At 5ft 5in, Second World War hero Sir Winston was shorter than Mr Sunak

Mr Sunak, who is now joining the 'under 5ft 7in club' of European leaders. French president Emmanuel Macron is just under 5ft 7in, whilst Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is 5ft 6

Mr Sunak, who is now joining the 'under 5ft 7in club' of European leaders. French 大統領,/社長 Emmanuel Macron is just under 5ft 7in, whilst Ukrainian 大統領,/社長 Volodymyr Zelensky is 5ft 6

'But I read with 利益/興味 that (Mr Dowden) has been 勧めるing his 隣人 in No 10 to call an 選挙 because he's worried they might get wiped out.

'Has he finally realised that when he stabbed Boris Johnson in the 支援する to get his mate into No 10 he was 溝へはまらせる/不時着するing their biggest 選挙 勝利者 for a pint-sized loser?'

Mr Dowden replied: 'I think the whole House will have heard, にもかかわらず all the bluster from the lady opposite, not a 選び出す/独身 word on whether she would 現実に 支援する our 計画(する)s to 投資する in our 武装した 軍隊s, no 計画(する)s in a dangerous world.

'And of course, as ever, the 副 leader is always looking to attack others' 失敗s but never the one to take 責任/義務 for her own.

'She once said you shouldn't be waiting for the police to bang on your door, if you did it then you shouldn't be doing your 職業.

'The 権利 honourable landlady should forget her 税金 advice and follow her own advice.'