London's Cavalry 大混乱: Moment-by-苦しめるing moment - how five army horses threw off their riders and rampaged for six miles across 資本/首都

大混乱 爆発するd in central London today as five horses threw off their riders and ran amok after 存在 spooked by building 作品.?

Four 兵士s lost their 開始するs at just after 8.20am before the animals fled through busy city streets, 負傷させるing four people?in three separate 出来事/事件s in the space of 10 minutes.?

Horses slammed into a 小旅行する bus parked on?Buckingham Palace Road and a taxi outside the Clermont Hotel - 粉砕するing their windows - before two were seen running through Aldwych with their chests covered in 血.?

The horses rampaged for six miles before they were finally caught in Limehouse, east London. The 負傷させるd horses saw a vet and all of the animals are now 支援する with the Army.?

Below, MailOnline 供給するs a minute by minute 決裂/故障 of how the 演劇 tic 出来事/事件 広げるd.??

Four soldiers lost their mounts at just after 8.20am before the animals fled through busy city streets, injuring four people in three separate incidents in the space of 10 minutes

Four 兵士s lost their 開始するs at just after 8.20am before the animals fled through busy city streets, 負傷させるing four people in three separate 出来事/事件s in the space of 10 minutes


8.25am: Horses spooked

This morning, six 兵士s and seven horses from the Life Guards were on an 延長するd Watering Order, an 演習 to keep up the fitness of animals not 伴う/関わるd in the public-直面するing King's Life Guard 義務s.?

As they passed through Wilton 三日月 in Belgravia at 8.40am, 建設業者s were using a travelator with 固める/コンクリート when some of the 固める/コンクリート (機の)カム off and 攻撃する,衝突する the 床に打ち倒す, 原因(となる)ing a noise.

Is is be
lieved that the five horses were spooked when some cement was dropped by the travelator onto the ground

がれき 存在 moved from a building on Wilton 三日月 Wilton 三日月, a street in the Belgravia area, where 建設業者s using a travelator with 固める/コンクリート are believed to have spooked the horses

This 原因(となる)d the horses to spook. Five bolted and two remained in place. Four 兵士s were unseated and three were 負傷させるd and taken to hospital. 非,不,無 are in a life-脅すing 条件.

Onlookers said one of the 世帯 Cavalry 兵士s was left '叫び声をあげるing in 苦痛' after he was thrown from his horse when it struck a car by the Clermont Hotel on Buckingham Palace Road, Victoria.


8.25am ? 8.35am: 'Total mayhem' 広げるs?

Over the next 10 minutes the horses bolted around the streets, slamming into 歩行者s and parked 乗り物s.?

救急車 乗組員s 扱う/治療するd four people in three separate 出来事/事件s in Buckingham Palace Road, Belgrave Square, and at the junction of Chancery 小道/航路 and (n)艦隊/(a)素早い Street, in the space of just 10 minutes.

One of the horses has also seemingly ran into a 二塁打-decker bus, 粉砕するing its windscreen

Members of the public were seen comforting one of the horses after it ran loose. Blood was seen on the road

Members of the public were seen 慰安ing one of the horses after it ran loose. 血 was seen on the road

The 演劇 began 近づく Buckingham Palace Road where 証言,証人/目撃するs saw a 軍人/修理人 thrown from his horse, and one of the loose animals 衝突,墜落d into a taxi waiting outside the Clermont Hotel, 粉々にするing the windows.

LBC spoke to the driver, Faraz, who said a white horse had 衝突する/食い違うd with his Mercedes people 運送/保菌者, leaving 血 spattered 負かす/撃墜する the 味方する.

Another of the animals 衝突,墜落d into a 小旅行する bus, 粉砕するing the windscreen.


8.35am onwards: 血まみれのd horses 長,率いる east

Two horses were then seen running in the road 近づく Aldwych, one of which appeared to be covered in 血.

新聞記者/雑誌記者 Jordan Pettitt, 26, said a white horse was 'vividly' stained red with 血 and he heard a 黒人/ボイコット horse 衝突する/食い違う with a taxi.

He said: 'The A4 at the Aldwych is usually pretty busy and it suddenly just fell silent.

Two of the horses - one with its chest covered in blood -?Aldwych bolt east through the streets of London near Aldwych

Two of the horses - one with its chest covered in 血 -?Aldwych bolt east through the streets of London 近づく Aldwych