Is it a bird? Is it a fish? Could it even be...the 最新の sighting of Nessie?

A monster hunter from 郡 Donegal spotted a dark 黒人/ボイコット 形態/調整 in the world famous loch - and he believes it is the mythical Nessie.

Eoin O'Faodhagain, 59, said his 'heart jumped' upon seeing a mysterious '18 foot' blob 現れる to the surface of the water.

The Irishman, who 定期的に goes online to watch the lake 経由で a webcam 位置を示すd 近づく Urquhart 城, thinks he has seen the Loch Ness Monster.

'I noticed a 位置/汚点/見つけ出す in the water 原因(となる)ing a 騒動 at the 辛勝する/優位 of the webcam 審査する to the 権利,' he said.

'My heart jumped because I thought this 騒動 was not the norm.'

Monster hunter?Eoin O'Faodhagain believes he may have spotted the Loch Ness Monster via a webcam located on the western shore of the loch (pictured)

Monster hunter?Eoin O'Faodhagain believes he may have spotted the Loch Ness Monster 経由で a webcam 位置を示すd on the western shore of the loch (pictured)

The 59-year-old said his?'heart jumped' when he saw the dark shape - which he believes to be 18 feet long - emerge to the surface (pictured: Loch Ness)

The 59-year-old said his?'heart jumped' when he saw the dark 形態/調整 - which he believes to be 18 feet long - 現れる to the surface (pictured: Loch Ness)

Upon 調査/捜査するing the (映画の)フィート数 その上の, Eoin explained that the mysterious 反対する in the water only got 'bigger and longer'..?

見積(る)ing the 騒動 on the surface of the water to be around 18 feet in length, the monster hunter 追加するd:?

'I 診察するd the (映画の)フィート数 and I am 納得させるd it is not a surface 大型船 of any 肉親,親類d, because it keeps changing its 外見.

Have YOU recently spotted 'Nessie'? Email

'The sighting of the 反対する in the water is やめる 際立った, because the surrounding surface water is 静める.'?

'That in itself puts it into the realm of Nessie - but it needs その上の 分析.'?

述べるing the find as 'unusual', he continued: 'There are no known creatures in Loch Ness that size. It could be the Loch Ness Monster.'

The first sighting of the supposed Loch Ness Monster was 記録,記録的な/記録するd in November 1933.

However the Nessie mystery could date as far 支援する as 565AD, when Irish missionary Saint Columba was 記録,記録的な/記録するd to have 遭遇(する)d a strange water monster in the River Ness, which 料金d the famous loch.

によれば his centuries-old biography, the water beast had 殺害された one man and attacked another when it fled in terror after Saint Columba made the 調印する of the cross and ordered it 支援する.?

However, in the 現在の day Mr?O'Faodhagain isn't too 脅すd of the rumoured beast.

He 定期的に スピードを出す/記録につけるs into a webcam 持続するd by Mikko Takala from Ness on the 逮捕する to 熱心に watch the loch from his home in Ireland.

Over the years, he’s racked up 多重の 入ること/参加(者)s in the 公式の/役人 Loch Ness Monster Sightings 登録(する).?

However 予定 to 最近の 制限s on webcam sightings, his most 最近の findings have been off the 記録,記録的な/記録する.?

Examining the clip 'unusual' further, the Irishman said the dark shape only became longer and bigger

診察するing the clip 'unusual' その上の, the Irishman said the dark 形態/調整 only became longer and bigger

The Irishman will be 長,率いるing across the sea to Scottish shores in August in a 企て,努力,提案 to even see the Loch Ness Monster in person during The 追求(する),探索(する) 週末 2024.?

This 最新の comes すぐに after the Loch Ness Centre in the Highlands asked 航空宇宙局?to lend its e xpertise in a fresh 追跡(する) for the supposed creature.?

'We are hoping that 専門家s from 航空宇宙局 might have some 前進するd imaging 科学(工学)技術 to ざっと目を通す the loch,' said Aimee Todd, marketing 経営者/支配人 for the Loch Ness Centre.

'We would have to sit 負かす/撃墜する and talk to them about how to get it here.'

The 最新の search will take place on the 90th 周年記念日 of the first organised surface watch of Loch Ness: Sir Edward Mountain's 探検隊/遠征隊, from May 30 to June 2.?

Since that first 探検隊/遠征隊 in 1934, the 選挙立会人s of the Monster, there have been over 1,156 sightings of the beast on the 公式の/役人 Loch Ness Monster sightings 登録(する).

Last year, the newly 改造するd Loch Ness Centre partnered with Loch Ness 探検 (LNE), an 独立した・無所属 and voluntary 研究 team, together with hundreds of in-person and 事実上の volunteers to search the famous waters of Loch Ness.

The search 結論するd with a hydrophone 逮捕(する)ing loud underwater noises and several 可能性のある sightings.