戦う/戦い of the Bays: AI gold 急ぐ 誘発するs 猛烈な/残忍な city 競争 as doom 宙返り飛行 San Francisco comes 支援する from the dead to kill off Boston's にわか景気

  • Boston was at the 最前部 of 人工的な 知能 開発 in the 1980s
  • But it is now struggling to 保持する talent with 創立者s leaving for the Bay Area?

Boston has 開始する,打ち上げるd an AI taskforce in an 試みる/企てる to stop an 'exodus' of companies 逃げるing the former 中心 for the 有望な lights of the Bay Area and New York.

にもかかわらず its status as a 主要な light of the 1980s AI 革命 - once 愛称d AI Alley - and 存在 home to two of the 最高の,を越す universities in the world, MIT and Harvard,? Boston is struggling to 保持する 最高の,を越す tech talent.?

Drawn in by the 約束 of 網状組織ing 適切な時期s and 投資家s, 創立者s are ますます 溝へはまらせる/不時着するing the Massachusetts city and moving to bigger 科学(工学)技術 中心s.

Co-創立者 of 網状組織ing group AI Innovators Community, Abhi Yadav, told The Boston Globe: 'I'm seeing the exodus every week.?創立者s are trying to make inroads in New York or the Bay Area.'

Boston has been 軍隊d to take 活動/戦闘 to try to 茎・取り除く the flow, with 知事 Maura Healey setting up a 26-person AI taskforce and 提案するing $100 million in 基金ing to create an '適用するd AI 中心'.

Last week Boston put on a conference at the MIT Media Lab for entrepreneurs, researchers and top executives

Last week Boston put on a 会議/協議会 at the MIT マスコミ Lab for entrepreneurs, 研究員s and 最高の,を越す (n)役員/(a)執行力のあるs

Pictured: A 1978 billboard from Boston's by-gone AI boom era, listing a number of top tech firms along with the anecdotal nickname for the area, 'AI Alley.' Boston was?a leading light of the 1980s AI revolution but is now struggling to retain top talent

Pictured: A 1978 billboard from Boston's by-gone AI にわか景気 時代, 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing a number of 最高の,を越す tech 会社/堅いs along with the anecdotal 愛称 for the area, 'AI Alley.' Boston was?a 主要な light of the 1980s AI 革命 but is now struggling to 保持する 最高の,を越す talent

In an effort to stop the exodus, Governor Maura Healey (pictured) has set up an AI taskforce and proposed $100 million in funding to create an 'Applied AI Hub'

In an 成果/努力 to stop the exodus, 知事 Maura Healey (pictured) has 始める,決める up an AI taskforce and 提案するd $100 million in 基金ing to create an '適用するd AI 中心'

For start-ups, the 財政上の draw of the Bay Area is (疑いを)晴らす.

An April 報告(する)/憶測 from nonprofit Bay Area 会議 経済的な 学校/設ける, seen by The Globe, 設立する that of the $31billion 投資するd in US AI companies last year, $22billion went to companies based in the Bay Area.?

The 激しい 投資 and high 濃度/密度 of big 指名する tech companies has earned the Hayes Valley 近隣 in San Francisco the 愛称 'Cerebral Valley'.?

The area is filled with erudite s tart-ups and 網状組織ing events with high-飛行機で行くing 投資家s - 含むing 産業 leaders OpenAI, 設立するd by Sam Altman, and chatbot start-up Anthropic, which just received a $2.75billion 投資 from アマゾン.?

The influx has made San Francisco the 震源地 of AI 開発, 製図/抽選 商売/仕事s 支援する in after many had fled to escape the city's 'doom 宙返り飛行'?which has seen 急に上がるing 罪,犯罪 and homelessness.?

一方/合間 Boston, にもかかわらず its high-濃度/密度 Ivy Leagues churning out stellar tech and AI whizzes after 卒業, is ますます 見解(をとる)d as a good launchpad for companies that then move on どこかよそで.?

CEO of Cambridge-based C10 Labs,?Shahid Azim, told The Globe: 'I do think there's 批判的な 集まり here if you're a startup person.'

The 問題/発行する is keeping the companies in the city once they grow beyond the 初期の 行う/開催する/段階s, Azim said many developers are 存在 'ひどく 新採用するd' by alluring San Francisco companies.?

Heavy investment and high density of big name tech companies has earned a neighborhood in San Francisco the nickname 'Cerebral Valley'

激しい 投資 and high 濃度/密度 of big 指名する tech companies has earned a 近隣 in San Francisco the 愛称 'Cerebral Valley'

Pictured: Sam Altman, the founder of OpenAI, whose offices are in San Francisco

Pictured: Sam Altman, the 創立者 of OpenAI, whose offices are in San Francisco?

The area is filled with start-ups and networking events with investors, as well as industry leader OpenAI

The area is filled with start-ups and 網状組織ing events with 投資家s, 同様に as 産業 leader OpenAI

Other 知能 computer system 創立者s are 逃げるing 負かす/撃墜する to the East Coast's 財政上の and cultural 中心 - New York - after getting an 初期の 上げる in Massachusetts.

Bo?anka Vitanova 設立するd her AI company TeamLift after taking part in the MassChallenge entrepreneurship program in Boston.?

But after the pandemic, she decided to relocate to New York.?

She told the Globe, 'Boston gave me that 早期に 押し進める,' but New York feels more dynamic. She said: 'It's easier to 会合,会う people ― there are more events, more 適切な時期s to 会合,会う (弁護士の)依頼人s, to 会合,会う 投資家s.'

Leila Pirhaji, 創立者 of ReviveMed, earned a 博士号 at MIT and stayed on as 研究員 before 設立するing her company.

ReviveMed started out in a 株d lab space in Cambridge, but Pirhaji has now moved to San Francisco.?

She said: 'The AI scene here is definitely bigger than the Boston area. You 無作為に 会合,会う people who do 冷静な/正味の stuff.'?

Images of crowds of experts at 'Forging the Future of Business with AI Summit' at MIT

Images of (人が)群がるs of 専門家s at '(1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むing the 未来 of 商売/仕事 with AI 首脳会議' at MIT

Panelist included world-renowned AI industry experts, hosted at the Boston school

討論者/講師 含むd world-renowned AI 産業 専門家s, hosted at the Boston school? ?

Gov Healey's AI taskforce is testament to the city's かかわり合い to keep talent from 逃げるing - but as the lucrative 産業 continues to grow, $100 million in 基金ing may not be 十分な in the 直面する of the Bay Area's multi-billion-dollar AI ecosystem.?

The 提案するd AI 中心 will 診察する how 人工的な 知能 can be used in Massachusetts' health care, 財政上の services, and education 部門s.?

The 知事 said earlier this year: 'Massachusetts has the 適切な時期 to be a 全世界の leader in 適用するd AI ? but it's going to take us bringing together the brightest minds in tech, 商売/仕事, education, health care and 政府.?

'That's 正確に/まさに what this 仕事 軍隊 will do.?Members of the 仕事 軍隊 will 共同製作する on 戦略s that keep us ahead of the curve by てこ入れ/借入資本ing AI and GenAI 科学(工学)技術, which will bring 重要な 利益 to our econ omy and communities across the 明言する/公表する.'

中尉/大尉/警部補 知事 Kim Driscoll said: 'Our 行政 認めるs AI as a transformative 科学(工学)技術 始める,決める to 影響(力) さまざまな 面s of our nation's economy.?

'This 仕事 軍隊 will position Massachusetts as a 中心 for talent and 商売/仕事 excellence, as we 診察する 経済的な 転換s driven by AI with the goal of 設立するing our 明言する/公表する as a 全世界の leader in its 効果的な and responsible utilization.'?

Bo?anka Vitanova founded her AI company TeamLift in Boston but now lives in New York

Bo?anka Vitanova 設立するd her AI company TeamLift in Boston but now lives in New York

CEO of Cambridge-based C10 Labs, Shahid Azim, told The Globe: 'I do think there's critical mass here if you're a startup person'

CEO of Cambridge-based C10 Labs, Shahid Azim, told The Globe: 'I do think there's 批判的な 集まり here if you're a startup person'

The AI 戦略の 仕事 軍隊 will consist of 26 individuals '代表するing members of the 商売/仕事 community, higher education 会・原則s, and 明言する/公表する and 地元の 政府.'

の中で those 任命するd to the 軍隊 are Erica Bradshaw, Harvard's 長,指導者 科学(工学)技術 Officer and?マイク Milligan, University of Massachusetts' 副大統領.?

市長 Michelle Wu also welcomed the 仕事 軍隊, 説: '科学(工学)技術 is 批判的な to 配達するing services and connecting 居住(者)s in Boston and across Massachusetts to 適切な時期.'

長官 of 科学(工学)技術 Services and 安全 and 明言する/公表する 長,指導者 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) Officer Jason Snyder 追加するd: 'We have the 条件s in place here in Massachusetts to 固く結び付ける our standing as the 中心 of AI and 現れるing 科学(工学)技術 in the 未来.

'[This]?認めるs the 緊急の need for the 明言する/公表する to engage with AI now, with the understanding that we do our best work together, with 明言する/公表する 政策 leaders, the 革新 産業, and higher education all at the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する.?

'We are working on 事業/計画(する)s that 出資する on this rich ecosystem to move our entire 明言する/公表する 今後.'

Last week the city put on a 会議/協議会 at the MIT マスコミ Lab for entrepreneurs, 研究員s and 最高の,を越す (n)役員/(a)執行力のあるs from?Meta, Nvidia, and Google.?

The '(1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むing the 未来 of 商売/仕事 with AI' 会議/協議会 述べるd itself as 'an 排除的, 打開 event featuring the most innovative minds てこ入れ/借入資本ing the 力/強力にする of AI.'?

During Boston's heyday as 'AI Alley', companies 含むing Palladian ソフトウェア, Lisp Machines and 象徴的なs were created at MIT's groundbreaking AI Lab.?

The city was once thought of as the home of '広大な/多数の/重要な Beginnings', but it's not (疑いを)晴らす if these new 計画/陰謀s will be enough to turn the tide flowing into Cerebral Valley.?