Iranian who first (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 亡命 in Greece before crossing Channel in small boat and settling in the UK says Rwanda 国外追放 法案 won't stop migrants coming to Britain

An Iranian man who (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 亡命 in Greece first before crossing the Channel in a small boat and settling in Britain says the 脅し of 国外追放s to Rwanda will not stop migrants from coming here.

Nima Moradi 主張するd the 政府's 'stop the boats' 計画(する) - which finally passed through 議会 on Monday night - will have hardly any deterrent 影響.

He 認める he had been 認めるd 亡命 in Greece, then pondered a move to Germany before deciding on the UK.

亡命 探検者s who have made it have been receiving Home Office letters 警告 them they 危険 存在 flown to Rwanda because they failed to 捜し出す 亡命 in the first '安全な country' they passed through.

But migrants (軍の)野営地,陣営ing in Dunkirk on the northern French coast have been 宣言するing they will still try to cross to UK - and keep coming 支援する even if 国外追放するd.?

Iranian migrant?Nima Moradi has criticised the 政府's Rwanda 国外追放 法案, 説 it would not 行為/法令/行動する as a deterrent to many more 亡命 探検者s wanting to cross the Chnanel

The BBC witnessed migrants boarding a small boat south of Calais in the early hours of yesterday morning, later confirmed to be the one which ran aground with five people dying

The BBC 証言,証人/目撃するd migrants 搭乗 a small boat south of Calais in the 早期に hours of yesterday morning, later 確認するd to be the one which ran 座礁して with five people dying

Mr Moradi believes many more will follow, while also criticising what he called the 欠如(する) of '安全な 大勝するs' 存在 申し込む/申し出d for 亡命 探検者s.

He told BBC2's Newsnight programme, hosted by Victoria Derbyshire, last night: 'When I left my country I wasn’t thinking about 目的地, I was thinking about 存在 安全な.

‘When I was in Greece I was thinking to go to Germany, but when I was 認めるd 亡命 I thought because I can speak English I will go to England.'

When asked whether the Rwanda 法案 would stop 亡命 探検者s from coming to the UK, he said 'no', 追加するing: 'You see how many people are trying to cross the Channel last night.'

More than 400 people crossed the Channel yesterday にもかかわらず a 悲劇 earlier in the day when five migrants 含むing a child died making the 試みる/企てる.

Three people were arre sted today on 疑惑 of 移民/移住 offences in 関係 with the 悲劇.

The new 法律 目的(とする)s to (疑いを)晴らす the way to send 亡命 探検者s who cross the Channel in small boats on a one-way flight to Kigali.

Rwanda's 政府 has 交渉するd a multi-million-続けざまに猛撃する 取引,協定 to 過程 亡命 使用/適用s by people 設立する to have 不法に tried to enter the UK.

But Mr Moradi 示唆するd many people would not take the 脅し 本気で.?

He said: 'People have 接近 to (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状), they already know the 法律 has passed but still they will try to do it because they will say, 'It’s not going to 適用する to me".'

Nima Moradi was granted asylum in Greece after fleeing Iran but decided to head to the UK

Nima Moradi was 認めるd 亡命 in Greece after 逃げるing Iran but decided to hea d to the UK

He told BBC2's Newsnight programme, in an interview with Victoria Derbyshire, that many migrants would believe Rishi Sunak's new Rwanda would 'not apply' to them

He told BBC2's Newsnight programme, in an interview with Victoria Derbyshire, that many migrants would believe Rishi Sunak's new Rwanda would 'not 適用する' to them

Last year, there were 67,337 asylum applications to the UK. Of those, 29,437 came from people who arrived in small boats. The Government claims the Rwanda scheme will act as a deterrent, however it only has the capacity to send 200 people a year to the East African country

Last year, there were 67,337 亡命 使用/適用s to the UK. Of those, 29,437 (機の)カム from people who arrived in small boats. The 政府 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the Rwanda 計画/陰謀 will 行為/法令/行動する as a deterrent, however it only has the capacity to send 200 people a year to the East African country

Last year, there were 67,337 亡命 使用/適用s to the UK and, of those, 29,437 (機の)カム from people who arrived in small boats.

The Rwanda 計画/陰謀's capacity is 200 people per year, meaning if the 計画/陰謀 had been running last year just 0.7 per cent of small boat migrants would be 国外追放するd.

Mr Moradi told last night's programme how it took him four 試みる/企てるs to get on a small boat crossing the Channel, 支払う/賃金ing £3,000 - 供給するd by his family - to people-smugglers organising the trip.

He said: 'When you’re there you are so desperate, you’re 危険ing your life - you know it’s dangerous, you might die, but you want to 賭事 because you have no other 選択.

‘It was scary ? I cannot swim, I thought I might die. But did I have another 選択 to make it here?

‘No, there wasn’t a 安全な 大勝する - the only way for me to (人命などを)奪う,主張する 亡命 was crossing the Channel.

Mr Moradi said he fled Iran because he 直面するd 迫害 as a critic of the 治める/統治するing 政権 before 存在 認めるd 亡命 in Greece but deciding to move on.

He said: 'I was 認めるd 亡命 in Greece but I was living in テントs without 接近 to electricity, without having 接近 to hygiene 施設s.

'If I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to get a meal I had to 列 for six, seven hours. I had no 未来, I couldn’t 統合する to the society.'

一方/合間, the 国家の 罪,犯罪 機関 today said 捜査官/調査官s were 尋問 two men from Sudan, 老年の 19 and 22, and a third 22-year-old 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う from south Sudan に引き続いて yesterday's five deaths in the Channel.

The French Maritime Prefecture has published a photo of the boat involved in yesterday's disaster - it shows mainly men sat on each side of the boat

The French 海上の 県 has published a photo of the boat 伴う/関わるd in yesterday's 災害 - it shows おもに men sat on each 味方する of the boat

Yesterday afternoon, dozens of migrants were brought ashore by Border Force and RNLI ships

Yesterday afternoon, dozens of migrants were brought 岸に by 国境 軍隊 and RNLI ships

It is thought the tragedy yesterday happened after a small boat was launched from Wimereux in northern France, between Boulogne and Calais

It is thought the 悲劇 yesterday happened after a small boat was 開始する,打ち上げるd from Wimereux in northern フラン, between Boulogne and Calais

They were 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of 容易にするing 違法な 移民/移住 and entering the UK 不法に in 関係 with the 悲劇.

The 55 生き残るing boat 乗客s have already been interviewed and are 推定する/予想するd to be spoken to その上の in the coming days.

A dinghy carrying more than 100 people 始める,決める off from Wimereux at around 6am on Tuesday but got into difficulty.

Three men, a woman and a girl died, によれば the French coastguard.

Some 49 people were 救助(する)d but 58 others 辞退するd to leave the boat and continued their 旅行 に向かって the UK, the coastguard said in a 声明.

総理大臣 Rishi Sunak said yesterday the 悲劇 '強調するs why you need a deterrent'.

He said: 'We want to 妨げる people making these very dangerous crossings. If you look at what's happening, 犯罪の ギャング(団)s are 偉業/利用するing 攻撃を受けやすい people. They are packing more and more people into these unseaworthy dinghies.

'We've seen an enormous 増加する in the numbers per boat over the past few years.

'This is what tragically happens when they 押し進める people out to sea and that's why, for 事柄s of compassion more than anything else, we must 現実に break this 商売/仕事 model and end this unfairness of people coming to our country 不法に.'

Rishi Sunak announced 'nothing will stand in our way' as he vowed to get flights to Rwanda started ahead of his 'stop the boats' plan finally being approved by Parliament on Monday

Rishi Sunak 発表するd 'nothing will stand in our way' as he 公約するd to get flights to Rwanda started ahead of his 'stop the boats' 計画(する) finally 存在 認可するd by 議会 on Monday

More than 400 people crossed the Channel in small boats on Tuesday including these migrants brought to shore in Kent by the RNLI Dover lifeboat

More than 400 people crossed the Channel in small boats on Tuesday 含むing t hese migrants brought to shore in Kent by the RNLI Dover lifeboat

People believed to be migrants were seen here disembarking from a British Border Force vessel after arriving at Dover yesterday

People believed to be migrants were seen here disembarking from a British 国境 軍隊 大型船 after arriving at Dover yesterday

The UK's 最高裁判所 has みなすd Rwanda an 危険な country for sending migrants to, 特記する/引用するing 政府 厳重取締s on critics and マスコミ, a 欠如(する) of independence の中で 裁判官s and lawyers and high 拒絶s of 亡命 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

The Rwanda 法案 and a new 条約 are ーするつもりであるd to 妨げる その上の 合法的な challenges to the 立ち往生させるd 亡命 計画/陰謀 -?説得力のある 裁判官s to regard the east African country as 安全な and giving 大臣s the 力/強力にする to ignore 緊急 (裁判所の)禁止(強制)命令s.

Some £290million has already been committed to the Rwanda 計画/陰謀, with a その上の £100million (ーのために)とっておくd over the next two years.

The cost of putting each migrant on a 計画(する) is 推定する/予想するd to reach £11,000, while Rwanda will get £20,000 for each 亡命 探検者 relocated there and a £120 million 最高の,を越す-up once 300 have arrived.