Rishi Sunak gave another strong hint at 税金 削減(する)s for the 選挙 today as he 主張するd the 政府 can 上げる defence spending and 緩和する the 圧力 on 労働者s.

On a visit to Berlin, the PM argued that 削除するing civil service numbers would 解放する/自由な up money for his 優先s.

He 主張するd the 計画(する)s to 攻撃する,衝突する 2.5 per cent of GDP on defence are 'fully 基金d' and he will still be able to '投資する in public services and 削減(する) people's 税金s'.

The comments (機の)カム まっただ中に Tory 神経s over whether (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Jeremy 追跡(する) will be able to 発表する more 税金 抑制(する)s before the country goes to the 投票s.

Many MPs are pinning their hopes on the move as a way to 生き返らせる the party's prospects of staying in 力/強力にする.?

Rishi Sunak gave another strong hint at 税金 削減(する)s for the 選挙 today as he 主張するd the 政府 can 上げる defence spending and 緩和する the 圧力 on 労働者s
Mr Johnson repeated his 見解(をとる) that the 税金 重荷(を負わせる) will not come 負かす/撃墜する to pre-Covid levels 'in my lifetime', にもかかわらず Jeremy 追跡(する)'s (人命などを)奪う,主張する that he had put the country on 跡をつける for lower 税金s
Mr Sunak chatting to 軍の 職員/兵員 inside a Boxer armoured 乗り物 in Berlin today

Asked by 放送者s whether prioritising defence would 衝撃 other かかわり合いs, Mr Sunak 主張するd there was '記録,記録的な/記録する 投資 in our p ublic services'.

He 追加するd: 'We have made a choice and I am not shying away from that choice. All 治める/統治するing is about prioritising. I have decided to prioritise defence because I think that is the 権利 thing to do for our country.

'I am not going to get into 令状ing the next manifesto here and now, but what I am 確信して about is that if you have a strong 計画(する) for the economy as we have and that 計画(する) is working, we stick to that 計画(する) we will be able to continue 増加するing defence spending.

'It is a 完全に 基金d 計画(する). We have got a very (疑いを)晴らす idea of how to 減ずる civil service headcount which has grown かなり over the last few years, and we can bring that 支援する and use that to 基金 what I 発表するd yesterday.


'And と一緒に that, continue to 投資する in public services and 削減(する) people's 税金s.'

Fresh 疑問s were cast on 大臣s' room for manoeuvre yesterday with 人物/姿/数字s showing 政府 borrowing coming in above 予測(する)s.

The public 部門 was £120.7billion in the red in the year to March, いっそう少なく than the previous 12 months but £6.6billion more than 予報するd by the 財務省 監視者.

Borrowing was £11.9billion in March, which is £4.7billion いっそう少なく than a year ago, but higher than the £10billion 推定する/予想するd by most 経済学者s.

There was brighter news in the closely-watched PMI, which showed the 私的な 部門 growing at its fastest 率 for almost a year.

The?reading was 54 in April, up from 52.8 in March - with anything above 50 代表するing 拡大.

ONS 人物/姿/数字s 解放(する)d yesterday showed the public 部門 £120.7billion in the red in the year to March, いっそう少なく than the previous 12 months but £6.6billion more than 予報するd by the 財務省 監視者

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