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負かす/撃墜するing Street today 主張するd a migrant returns を取り引きする フラン was 'not possible' because Britain would have to 受託する a 割当 of 難民s from the EU in 交流.

Any such 協定 is 'not on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する' because the 政府 'would not agree to any 肉親,親類d of 取引,協定 that would 要求する 割当s in return', a No10 spokeswoman said.

It (機の)カム after Foreign 長官 David Cameron 賞賛するd the pre-Brexit 手はず/準備 for sending Channel migrants 支援する to フラン.

'I'd love that 状況/情勢 to be the 事例/患者 again, that's the most sensible thing,' the former PM said, as he 強調する/ストレスd it was 'not 利用できる at the moment'.

Rishi Sunak this week saw his Rwanda 法案 finally 認可するd by 議会 as he 押し進めるs ahead with 計画(する)s to 国外追放する Channel migrants to the east African country.

Just hours after the PM had his new 法律s 認可するd by both the ありふれたs and Lords, 402 migrants arrived in Britain after crossing the Channel in seven boats on Tuesday.

Five people, 含むing a child, died while trying to make the perilous 旅行 to Britain the same day.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron praised the pre-Brexit arrangements for sending Channel migrants back to France

Foreign 長官 Dav id Cameron 賞賛するd the pre-Brexit 手はず/準備 for sending Channel migrants 支援する to フラン

A group of people travel in an inflatable boat across the Channel, bound for Dover on the south coast of England

A group of people travel in an inflatable boat across the Channel, bound for Dover on the south coast of England

Asked whether he might also have 追求するd the Rwanda 政策 - which Mr Sunak (人命などを)奪う,主張するs will help 阻止する migrant crossings - when he was in No10 between 2010 and 2016, Lord Cameron told ITV News: 'We had a 全く different 状況/情勢 because we had a 状況/情勢 where you could return people 直接/まっすぐに to フラン.

'Now, I'd love that 状況/情勢 to be the 事例/患者 again, that's the most sensible thing.

'People land on a beach in Kent, you take them straight 支援する to フラン, you therefore break the model of the people smugglers.

'That's not 利用できる at the moment. It's 簡単に not possible.'

Asked whether this was because of Brexit, the Foreign 長官 said: 'Because of the 状況/情勢 we're in, because of the 態度 of others and all the 残り/休憩(する) of it.

'It's not 利用できる at the moment so you've got a choice; do nothing, that is the Keir Starmer choice - talk about it, talk about faster 過程ing, talk about this, but 最終的に do nothing.

'Or you take innovative 活動/戦闘 to say, if you come to Britain 不法に on a small boat you're not going to stay so, therefore, don't come. That's the choice.'?

Under the EU's 'Dublin 規則', Britain 受託するd 714 亡命 探検者s from EU member 明言する/公表するs in 2019 out of?2,236 requests for 移転s.

In the same year, 263 亡命 探検者s were sent from Britain to EU member 明言する/公表するs out of 3,259 移転 requests, with 20 per cent (53) going to フラン.

The Dublin 規則 中止するd to 適用する to the UK at the end of the Brexit 移行 period on 31 December 2020.

The EU has created a new 亡命 and 移住 管理/経営 規則, 予定 to be introduced this summer, as a 交替/補充 to the Dublin 規則.

The 活動/戦闘 was 誘発するd by the 抱擁する 緊張する on the 圏's 亡命 網状組織 in the 直面する of the 2015 migrant 危機 on the continent.

A new '団結 機械装置' is 目的(とする)d at 株ing 責任/義務 for 難民s across all EU member 明言する/公表するs.

Asked about Lord Cameron's comments, a No10 spokeswoman told Westminster reporters this afternoon:?'I think what the Foreign 長官 was talking about was returns 協定s.

'明白に, as he said, it is the 事例/患者 that such a returns 協定 with the French is not possible and not on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する.

'We would not agree to any 肉親,親類d of 取引,協定 that would 要求する 割当s in return.'

Asked why a returns 協定 with フラン was not possible, when Britain has a returns 協定 with Albania, the spokeswoman said:?'We've spoken before returns 協定s with the EU and EU countries and we would never 受託する 割当s in return for that, and for that 推論する/理由 that's why it's not on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する.'

She 追加するd: 'It's not something we're 追求するing.'

The spokeswoman said questions about the 未来 of Britain's returns を取り引きする Albania, should the Balkan country 達成する its ambition of EU 会員の地位, were better directed に向かって the Tirana 政府.