Nudists 恐れる upmarket new 開発 will 軍隊 them off favourite beach where they have stripped off for more than 70 years

  • Naturists worry 買い手s won't be 知らせるd of naked 団体/死体s on their beach

Nudists have became embroiled in a planning 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over 恐れるs a new upmarket 開発 could 軍隊 them off of their favourite beach.?

Eastney Beach in Portsmouth, Hampshire, has 許すd naked sunbathers for more than 70 years and is one of only a handful still in use on the South Coast.

However, 計画(する)s to build 134 homes in a derelict 海軍の gunnery building that overlooks the beach have worried 充てるd naturists who 恐れる 買い手s won't be 知らせるd that it is 'going to be covered with naked 団体/死体s' in the summer.

Developers Orangestar 資本/首都 first submitted 計画(する)s to the city 会議 to transform Fraser 範囲 in 2018.

They 述べるd the 開発 as a 'fantastic 適切な時期 to regenerate a derelict 場所/位置' with homes of 'exceptional 質' for 豊富な 所有物/資産/財産 買い手s.

The apartment 計画(する)s are said to give 居住(者)s an '許容できる 基準 of living 環境' - whilst also 供給するing a £2m 組織/基盤/下部構造 投資 to Portsmouth City 会議.?

Nudists pictured strolling along Eastney Beach in?Portsmouth, Hampshire, in 2008

Nudists pictured strolling along Eastney Beach in?Portsmouth, Hampshire, in 2008

Naturists are now worrying that a new upmarket development, pictured,?could force them off of their favourite beach where they have stripped off more than 70 years

Naturists are now worrying that a new upmarket 開発, pictured,?could 軍隊 them off of their favourite beach where they have stripped off more than 70 years

But it has seen a 抱擁する (激しい)反発 from naturists and other 地元のs with 149 people 公然と 反対するing to it.

One objector, David 星/主役にするs, who has been using the beach for over 50 years, said: 'I think this is a ruse to 除去する the naturalists that have used this part of the beach for 10年間s whom will have nowhere to go unless there is a 指定するd area for them to go!

'Whilst a 少数,小数派 in the community they are する権利を与えるd to use the beach as is everyone else, and I feel that they are not 存在 扱う/治療するd 公正に/かなり or 存在 considered in this 使用/適用!

'As those wishing to buy a beachfront 所有物/資産/財産 may not be very 融通するing to nudists laid opposite their expensive apartments during the summer.'

He continued: 'I think that this is an 職権乱用 and will detract from the 地元の community whom have used the beach for many years.'

Another objector wrote: 'Fraser 範囲 has one of the few naturist beaches on the south coast and is one of the few clean and accessible 地元の beaches left after 相当な flood defences on our shores.

'We 地元の people need to be able to 接近 our natural 資源s to walk, swim or enjoy water sports.

'The space we have to enjoy these freedoms is becoming いっそう少なく and いっそう少なく each year and our 全住民 is 苦しむing with mental health and obesity 疫病/流行性のs.'

Barry Knell, 67, has been using the shingle beach since the year 2000 and said: 'I know other people have been using it for about 60 to 70 years, 連続する.

'A friend of 地雷, he goes to the swimming club, he's 94 and he's been using that beach since he was 20 years old.

'From a naturist point of 見解(をとる), we're 公正に/かなり shy and retiring people - but we're not embarrassed to be naked and to be seen.

'But, it's the thought that if they put the 開発 of homes, 権利 there, overlooking the beach, they probably won't 知らせる the 買い手s 適切に beforehand that the beach in 前線 of them in the summer is going to be covered with naked 団体/死体s.'

The retired civil servant said the main worry for other naturists who use the beach is that there may be '(民事の)告訴s' over the beach use - and that the 提案するd 玉石 sea defences will (問題を)取り上げる too much space.

Mr Knell said: 'We don't mind people seeing us, people see us all the time, but what we don't need is people complaining about us 存在 there when we've been doing it for as long as everybody can remember.

Pictured: Eastney Beach in Portsmouth which is one of only a handful of nudist beaches still in use on the South Coast

Pictured: Eastney Beach in Portsmouth which is one of only a handful of nudist beaches still in use on the South Coast

'The 影響 is likely to be is that there will be (民事の)告訴s that there are naked people on the beach. We understand the need for sea defences, sea levels are rising so that's just one of those things.'

Mr Knell 追加するd: 'What I should point out of course is that it's not 現実に 違法な, in this country, to be naked in a public place.'

He said tenants 'may complain about naked people 存在 on the beach' so 'they would need to be 知らせるd'.

Naturist Graham Jickells has been using Eastney Beach 'on and off for the last six to seven years' and said he and the other 使用者s of the 位置/汚点/見つけ出す 'take care of it'.

The 60-year-old 追加するd: 'That's the nature of our position, it's that 恐れる that the beach will no longer be used for naturists. The big 恐れる is the fact that にもかかわらず what the 会議 say, there will be this 漸進的な move to 押し進める all the naturists out and 減ずる 接近.'

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The IT surgical engineer from 隣人ing Gosport said the beach is 'very 井戸/弁護士席 used' by over 200 naturists.

A spokesperson from Orangestar 資本/首都, part of Investin PLC, has 保証するd 地元の naturists that 接近 to the beach will be '高めるd' by the 開発.

They said: 'At 現在の the beach is in 私的な 所有権 and no public 権利 of 接近 technically 存在するs, although this is not 施行するd.

'In tandem with the 認める of planning 許可 for the redevelopment of the 場所/位置, there is a 合法的な 必要物/必要条件 for the applicant to dedicate Fraser Beach as 接近 land pursuant to section 16 of the Countryside and 権利s of Way 行為/法令/行動する 2000 (CROWA).

'Where land is 献身的な under section 16, it means that one 任意に creates 接近 権利s over it on a 永久の basis, such that it operates in a 類似の way to open country.

'In this 尊敬(する)・点, public 権利s to 接近 to the beach will 現実に be 高めるd as part of the 開発 提案s.

歴史的に, the 場所/位置 was used to train The 王室の 海軍 throughout the 冷淡な War for gunnery until it の近くにd in the 1980s.

In the 早期に 2000s, defence 巨大(な) QinetiQ 購入(する)d the 場所/位置 and submitted 計画(する)s to build homes but the 使用/適用 was 結局 孤立した. If Orangestar 資本/首都 are 認可するd, they would 供給する 134 new homes across seven 封鎖するs.

Natural England asked for 詳細(に述べる)s regarding a number of 事柄s which may have a 可能性のある 衝撃 on the SPA.

A spokesperson for the developers said: 'We have been working for over six years with the 地元の community, the 会議 and other organisations to bring 今後 this derelict 場所/位置 for much needed new homes.

'We have been working closely with Natural England reg arding 保護するd 種類 and are 確信して that we can 打ち勝つ any 関心.

'We look 今後 to Portsmouth City 会議 認可するing the 計画(する)s, so we can get on 場所/位置 and begin work on the sea defences as quickly as possible.'

If 認可するd, the 会議 will receive over £2 million from the applicant as part of the community 組織/基盤/下部構造 徴収する.