• As many as 20 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs were seen burrowing out of a 刑務所,拘置所 in Venezuela

This is the bizarre moment a group of bungling 囚人s tunneled their way out of 刑務所,拘置所 only to be met by a team of police officers who were training outside.

Twenty daring 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd 犯罪のs were seen realising their error in real time as they 現れるd from a 穴を開ける in the 塀で囲む の上に the police (警察,軍隊などの)本部 training course in Maracaibo, Venezuela.

The officers were seen helping the red-直面するd inmates through the tight gap in the 塀で囲む before 主要な them 支援する inside the 刑務所,拘置所.

The 状況/情勢 became nervy for the group of some 30 police who were not carrying 武器s.

But police later 確認するd that 'everything is now under 支配(する)/統制する', 公式文書,認めるing three inmates needed 治療 for minor 傷害s 支えるd during their botched escape.?

Whoops! A suspect realises his mistake after burrowing through to the police training course

Whoops! A 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う realises his mistake after burrowing through to the police training course

Some 30 police were on the other side of the wall, ready to apprehend the 20-odd suspects

Some 30 police were on the other 味方する of the 塀で囲む, ready to apprehend the 20-半端物 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs

The clip of the not-so-広大な/多数の/重要な escape shows several red-直面するd men in yellow boiler 控訴s 存在 apprehended after burrowing through the outer 塀で囲む.

As the tunnel 開始 was so small, the 脱走者s were only able to squeeze straight into the 武器 of the waiting 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs.

Members of the Bolivarian 国家の Guard, the Bolivarian 国家の Police 軍団, Civil 保護 and the Bolivarian 国家の 知能 Service were all 報道によれば called in to help 信管を取り除く the 状況/情勢, によれば El Sol de Puebla.?

The 市長 of Maracaibo,?Rafael 押し通す?rez Colina, said later on April 17 that order had been 回復するd.

'In the morning today we have an 出来事/事件, a fight that broke at 8.30 in the morning.

'That fight (機の)カム with consequences: three 負傷させるd.?

'At the moment of the three 傷害s, all the police 団体/死体s that live in the 地域 (機の)カム and 行為/法令/行動するd.

'After that, they proceeded to …に出席する to the 負傷させるd and I know already they are 知らせるing the families that 権利 now there is no 推論する/理由 to 疑問 our 地方自治体の police.

'It is also important to say that there was no escape nor danger of escape from those 奪うd of liberty.

'Everything is under 支配(する)/統制する,' he 結論するd.

'There are no deaths in any of the 独房s, we do not have any 本気で 負傷させるd and the three わずかに 負傷させるd were duly 扱う/治療するd by Maracaibo Firefighters.'

Officers are seen holding on to one of the apparent escapees on April 17

Officers are seen 持つ/拘留するing on to one of the 明らかな 脱走者s on April 17

Police helped the suspects out of the hole before taking them back inside

Police helped the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs out of the 穴を開ける before taking them 支援する inside

In his speech, the 市長 made no 言及/関連 to the 穴を開ける made in the 塀で囲む.?

Police 長,指導者 Commissioner Gustavo Basabe said they are 調査/捜査するing the 試みる/企てるd break-out to 妨げる a 類似の 状況/情勢 occurring in the 未来.

One 地元の commented: 'Only in Venezuela.'

Another said: 'The 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs told each of them 'you're nicked, you're nicked, you're nicked...'

願望(する) wrote: 'Hahaha, what a thing to happen.'