Tenerife 公式の/役人 tells Brits looking for all-inclusive 日光 breaks to go どこかよそで as the island looks for 'greater 質' tourists who will 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる 'our famous Canary Island potatoes'

  • Carlos Tarife, 副 市長 for island 資本/首都, said tourists who want hotels with wristbands should got to the?Dominican 共和国

A 主要な Tenerife 政治家,政治屋 has told Brits looking for cheap all-inclusive 日光 breaks to go どこかよそで for their holidays as the island looks for 'greater 質' tourists who will 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる 'our famous Canary Island potatoes'.

Carlos Tarife, 副 市長 for the island 資本/首都 Santa Cruz, said holidaymakers 利益/興味d in staying in their hotels with their 義務的な wristbands on should 調書をとる/予約する places like the Dominican 共和国 instead.

He made his 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の comments just four days after thousands of Canary Islanders took to the streets of the 大西洋 群島 to 抗議する against the problems 原因(となる)d by 集まり 観光旅行,事業 and 需要・要求する their 政治家,政治屋s take 活動/戦闘.

政府 公式の/役人s in Tenerife, where protestors held up 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道するs that said: 'You enjoy we 苦しむ' and '観光旅行,事業 支払い猶予/一時停止 now', said around 30,000 people had taken part but organisers put the 人物/姿/数字 at 80,000.

In an interview on a Tenerife 無線で通信する 駅/配置する yesterday, Mr Tarife who is also 長,率いる of Public Services and the 環境 for Santa Cruz 会議, said when explaining why he was against a tourist 支払い猶予/一時停止: 'In the Canary Islands we have いっそう少なく hotel beds today than five or six years ago.

Carlos Tarife, deputy mayor for the island capital Santa Cruz (centre) urged holidaymaking Brits to look at places such as the Dominican Republic for sunny breaks instead of Tenerife

Carlos Tarife, 副 市長 for the island 資本/首都 Santa Cruz (centre) 勧めるd holidaymaking Brits to look at places such as the Dominican 共和国 for sunny breaks instead of Tenerife

A woman raised her fist as she pounded the streets in protest against the levels of tourism in the holiday-isles

A woman raised her 握りこぶし as she 続けざまに猛撃するd the streets in 抗議する against the levels of 観光旅行,事業 in the holiday-小島s

'That's go to do amongst other things with the fact that in the Canaries, and I'm referring 特に to Tenerife and southern Tenerife in particular, a model of four-星/主役にする hotels is changing to one of five-星/主役にする and five-星/主役にする 加える hotels.

'Where there were hotels with 250 beds, there's now hotels with いっそう少なく beds but greater 質.

'I think that is the type of 観光旅行,事業 we need here, not the type of 観光旅行,事業 with all-inclusive wristbands where holidaymakers stay inside the hotel and do everything in the hotel.

'For that I think there are 目的地s like the Dominican 共和国 and other places.'

He went on to tell 無線で通信する Marca Tenerife: 'I think we have to have five-星/主役にする hotels and five-星/主役にする 加える hotels where tourists don't just come to enjoy the 施設s there but where they come to enjoy our 地元の 製品s such as the famous Canarian potatoes, that's what should 利益/興味 us.'

Mr Tarife 原因(となる)d 論争 last year after 存在 pictured with a latex penis during a visit to a sex shop in a Tenerife shopping centre ahead of 地方自治体の and 地域の 選挙s.

The 右翼 政治家,政治屋 答える/応じるd to critics of the photo showing him 提起する/ポーズをとるing with the 巨大(な) phallus and two shop assistants 持つ/拘留するing up his 選挙 ちらしs by telling them to 'be happier' and 説: 'I bring out affection in people who 自然に 自由に publish a photo on their social マスコミ, even if some turn it into a 論争.'

Last week Spanish オペラ singer Ainhoa Arteta (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Britain's favourite holiday 目的地 attracts too many 'flip-flop'-wearing tourists.

The four-times-married soprano said the Spanish 政府 should be doing more to attract holidaymakers 捜し出すing a cultural experience.

The Basque-born 59-year-old, who first 成し遂げるd in London in 1999 with Placido Domingo, 発言する/表明するd her 関心 in an interview ahead of the Canary Island 抗議するs last Saturday, which were 支援するd by 選挙運動者s who organised smaller support events in cities 含むing London, Berlin and Malaga.

'Go Home Tourist' has be
en scrawled in English over a wall underneath a real estate promotion billboard in Nou Llevant, Mallorca, a neighbourhood that has seen a massive influx of foreign buyers over the past few years

'Go Home Tourist' has been scrawled in English over a 塀で囲む underneath a real 広い地所 昇進/宣伝 billboard in Nou Llevant, Mallorca, a neighbourhood that has seen a 大規模な influx of foreign 買い手s over the past few years

The islands are threatened by sea pollution, traffic gridlock and lack of cheap affordable housing linked to the pushing-up of property prices because of Airbnb-style holiday lets

The islands are 脅すd by sea 汚染, traffic gridlock and 欠如(する) of cheap affordable 住宅 linked to the 押し進めるing-up of 所有物/資産/財産 prices because of Airbnb-style holiday lets

Other demands from protestors include the protection of natural spaces, a tourist tax and better working conditions for hotel cleaners

Other 需要・要求するs from protestors 含む the 保護 of natural spaces, a tourist 税金 and better working 条件s for hotel cleaners?

The politician?caused controversy last year after being pictured with a latex penis during a visit to a sex shop in a Tenerife shopping centre

The 政治家,政治屋?原因(となる)d 論争 last year after 存在 pictured with a latex penis during a visit to a sex shop in a Tenerife shopping centre

Arteta, whose husbands have 含むd American baritone Dwayne Croft, touched on the type of 観光旅行,事業 Spain attracts after 存在 asked whether オペラ in her 母国 is in a healthy 明言する/公表する.

She told Majorcan daily Diario de Mallorca in an interview: 'Not at all. Spain is a cainite country, it's not a country that helps its singers and musicians.

'And it's a shame because we have truly talented singers.

'If this country 偉業/利用するd its cultural-historical patrimony and …を伴ってd it in all our theatres and auditoriums with ambitious programmes, we would attract cultural and not flip-flop 観光旅行,事業.'

She 追加するd, in a (疑いを)晴らす 言及/関連 to Barcelona and Madrid: 'The 省 of 観光旅行,事業 and Culture should 行為/法令/行動する together and we should be conscious there's culture around the country, not just in two cities.'

It comes after the April 20 抗議するs saw more than 50,000 furious 選挙運動者s 嵐/襲撃するing the streets, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing?the 抱擁する influx of tourists to the island is 原因(となる)ing major 環境の 損失, 運動ing 負かす/撃墜する 給料 and squeezing 地元のs out of cheap affordable 住宅, 軍隊ing dozens to live in テントs and cars instead.

Canary Island natives took to the streets on April 20 to demand the government temporarily limits tourist arrivals

Canary Island natives took to the streets on April 20 to 需要・要求する the 政府 一時的に 限界s tourist arrivals

Demonstrators packed into Weyler Square in the Tenerife capital Santa Cruz, the start point for a march on the Brit-popular holiday island

デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s packed into Weyler Square in the Tenerife 資本/首都 Santa Cruz, the start point for a march on the Brit-popular holiday island

抗議するs also got 進行中で at the same time in the other islands in the 群島, 含むing Lanzarote and Gran Canaria, with support デモs scheduled for the Spanish 本土/大陸 in cities like Malaga and Madrid 同様に as London and Berlin.

選挙運動者s were also quick to distance themselves from anti-tourist graffiti which appeared on 塀で囲むs and (法廷の)裁判s in and around Palm 損なう in southern Tenerife at the start of the month.

At the beginning of this week a picture was published in 地元の 圧力(をかける) showing the words 'Go Home' on a 雇う car in Tenerife.

'Go Home Tourist' was also scrawled in English?over a 塀で囲む underneath a real 広い地所 昇進/宣伝 billboard in Nou Llevant, Mallorca, a neighbourhood that has seen a 大規模な influx of foreign 買い手s over the past few years.?

Island newspaper Diario de Mallorca 述べるd it as the first example of 観光旅行,事業-phobia in Nou Llevant, and said it was 的d at the neighbourhood's 'new foreign 居住(者)s.'

In the last four years more than 750 apartments 価値(がある) up to ?2.5million (£2million) have been built there.

Around 70 per cent of the 所有物/資産/財産s are said to have been snapped up by foreigners, おもに Germans.

抗議する groups 含むing Canarias Se Agota, which in English translates literally as 'The Canary Islands are Exhausted', want the 当局 to paralyse two tourist 事業/計画(する)s 含むing one which 伴う/関わるs the construction of a five-星/主役にする hotel by one of Tenerife's last virgin beaches.

They are also 捜し出すing a かかわり合い from 地域の 政治家,政治屋s to change the tourist model and prote ct islands like Tenerife from the worst 超過s of 集まり 観光旅行,事業, 含むing sea 汚染, traffic gridlock and 欠如(する) of cheap affordable 住宅 linked to the 押し進めるing-up of 所有物/資産/財産 prices because of Airbnb-style holiday lets.

Other 需要・要求するs 含む the 保護 of natural spaces, a tourist 税金 and better working 条件s for hotel cleaners, who joined today's 抗議する in Santa Cruz as they 主張するd to 地元の 圧力(をかける): 'We are not slaves.'