First ever sex festival to be held in South Korea is cancelled after Japanese porn 星/主役にするs 予定 to …に出席する 恐れるd they would be KILLED 予定 to public 激しい抗議

  • 当局 slammed the 提案するd 'KXF The Fashion' event as 'morally harmful'

A sex festival 法案d as the 'first and largest' in South Korea has been cancelled after a public 激しい抗議 saw 発生地s pull out and performers やめる, 恐れるing they might be attacked or even stabbed if they …に出席するd.

Thousands of fans were 推定する/予想するd to flock to see their favourite Japanese porn 星/主役にするs at last 週末's 'KXF The Fashion' event, but it was called off just 24 hours before it was 予定 to begin.

South Korea is known for having a 保守的な approach to adult entertainment, with (土地などの)細長い一片 shows and public nudity 違法な, 同様に as the sale and 配当 of hardcore pornography.

地元の 当局 slammed the 提案するd event as 'morally harmful', with organisers 軍隊d to search for new 発生地s as they struggled to get 許可, losing tens of thousands in 歳入 as they had to 取り消す tickets.

一方/合間, a Korean women's group 抗議するd against the festival, arguing that rather than 'a 祝賀 of sex' it would encourage the 開発/利用 and objectification of women.?

When organisers finally secured a location, the actresses' agent said they could no longer partake. Pictured: Promo pics from a 2023 event

When organisers finally 安全な・保証するd a 場所, the actresses' スパイ/執行官 said they could no longer partake. Pictured: Promo pics from a 2023 event

Thousands of fans were expected to flock to see their favourite Japanese porn stars at last weekend's 'KXF The Fashion' event

Thousands of fans were 推定する/予想するd to flock to see their favourite Japanese porn 星/主役にするs at last 週末's 'KXF The Fashion' event

When organisers finally 安全な・保証するd a 場所, the actresses' スパイ/執行官 said they could no longer partake, 恐れるing that they might be attacked as (激しい)反発 to the show 'reached fever pitch'.

Organiser?物陰/風下 Hee Tae vented his 失望 that events had taken 'such an 考えられない turn', and said that he had received death 脅しs.

'I have been 扱う/治療するd like a 犯罪の without doing anything illeg al', he told?the BBC, 追加するing that it would have been within the 限定するs of the 法律 and that no?性の 行為/法令/行動するs were to be 成し遂げるd at the event.

He said his 目的(とする) was to bring an adult entertainment culture to South Korea as there is in other countries, challenging what he 述べるd as outdated 態度s.?

However, Mr 物陰/風下's company Play Joker has received (激しい)反発 for a 一連の 挑発的な stunts it has carried out.

Members of Suwon's Women's Hotline protested against the event last month, calling it 'exploitative'

Members of Suwon's Women's Hotline 抗議するd against the event last month, calling it 'exploitative'

Shocking ビデオ last year showed a young woman 存在 paraded through the streets of ソウル wearing nothing but a cardboard box, with passersby 招待するd to put their 手渡すs in and touch her breasts.?

選挙運動者s have argued that contrary to (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of equality, the festival is 的d at men with its marketing, which shows scantily-覆う? young women.

In a country where sexism and gender 暴力/激しさ is rife, they 述べるd the event's cance llation as a '勝利'.

'Whatever the organisers say, this was not a 祝賀 of sex, but the 開発/利用 and objectification of women, and the sex 産業 encourages 暴力/激しさ against women,' said Go Eun-cha, the director of the Suwon's Women's Hotline, which 抗議するd against the event last month.

Campaigners have argued that contrary to claims of equality, the festival is targeted at men with its marketing, which shows scantily-clad young women

選挙運動者s have argued that contrary to (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of equality, the festival is 的d at men with its marketing, which shows scantily-覆う? young women

When the event was 始める,決める to go ahead in their town of Suwon, the group 抗議するd with 調印するs 説 that the sex 産業 encourages 暴力/激しさ against women.

The 市長 非難するd the event for taking place 近づく a 最初の/主要な school and 脅すd to pull the 発生地's licence, 誘発するing it to pull out of hosting.

Mr 物陰/風下 設立する a new 場所, but his 提案するd event was again criticised by 地元の 当局, with the 発生地 cancelling again.?

He then 設立する a boat ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れるd in ソウル whose promoter said he could 持つ/拘留する the event, but the leaseholder 脅し ened to pull the plug if it went ahead.

An event was put on in 2023 by organiser Play Joker, which was not as widely marketed

An event was put on in 2023 by organiser Play Joker, which was not as 広範囲にわたって marketed

After cutting numbers 大幅に from the 初めの 5,000 attendees he had planned for, Mr 物陰/風下 settled for an 地下組織の 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 with a capacity of 400.

The Gangnam 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 kept the event a secret and said it would 持つ/拘留する it, にもかかわらず the 会議 令状ing letters to hundreds of restaurants in an 成果/努力 to 妨げる it from doing so. But?the actresses' decided to 身を引く, 特記する/引用するing safety 関心s.

にもかかわらず, the company has 公約するd to 持つ/拘留する the event in June, with ソウル's 市長 報道によれば 説 that the city has?'no 意向 of getting 伴う/関わるd in the 未来'.