Low traffic neighbourhood vigilantes 除去する bollards with some householders too 脅すd to speak out over road-静めるing 計画/陰謀 that has divided neighbourhood

Birmingham 居住(者)s have today spoken of their 'divided neighbourhood' where anti-LTN vigilantes 強制的に 除去する bollards and 脅す those who try to stop them.

The Low Traffic Neighbourhood 計画/陰謀 (LTN) was 開始する,打ち上げるd in Kings ヒース/荒れ地 as part of Birmingham City 会議's 'Places for People' 戦略, designed to 減ずる traffic and make them safer places to walk and cycle.?

LTN 計画/陰謀s have 誘発するd heated 審議 ever since their introduction in 2020, with critics raising 関心s over the 衝撃 on 地元の 商売/仕事s and 緊急 service 乗り物s.

Now, 居住(者)s in the 地元の area say they are 証言,証人/目撃するing volatile 返答s from anti-LTN 選挙運動者s, which has left some people fearful of speaking out.?

When approached by 地元の paper BirminghamLive, one 居住(者) said:?I'd rather you didn't use my 指名する.?I don't want people egging my house - the whole thing is a bit of a minefield.'

Henry Poultney of Grace and James 
restaurant (pictured) in Kings Heath said he 'wholeheartedly' backed the LTN scheme

Henry Poultney of Grace and James restaurant (pictured) in Kings ヒース/荒れ地 said he 'wholeheartedly' 支援するd the LTN 計画/陰謀?

Bollards and planters in place in the LTN zone in Birmingham King's Heath

Bollards and planters in place in the LTN zone in Birmingham King's ヒース/荒れ地

Daniel Cooke, who lives on 駅/配置する Road, said he had been '脅すd' by a driver for trying to 取って代わる a plastic 障壁 on his road. 'There's a lot of 敵意を持った behaviour from people in cars,' he said.

READ MORE: < a style="font-weight: bold;" target="_self" class="class" href="http://www.yansite.jp/etoj.cgi?sw=j&URL=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13345577/tvshowbiz/article-13381475/tvshowbiz/article-13449427/tvshowbiz/article-13551633/news/article-13575175/tvshowbiz/article-13579889/debate/tvshowbiz/article-13592835/tvshowbiz/article-13603637/tvshowbiz/article-13619751/news/mostread/news/article-13108337/Florence-Pugh-father-Post-Office-scandal-LTNs-Oxford-ZEZ.html">Florence Pugh's father compares himself to 犠牲者 of '地位,任命する Office スキャンダル' as he 告発する/非難するs woke 'いじめ(る)s' of 'destroying' his restaurant with 計画(する)s to 拡大する 無 放出/発行 zone after LTN '災害'

'Every two months, 請負業者s will come and put a brand new bollard in, but it will be out again within 24 hours - they just disappear. The 会議 put up plastic 障壁s but drivers just get out their cars, move them and 運動 on.'?

Another 駅/配置する Road 居住(者), who did not wish to be 指名するd, said people 除去するing bollards had made his street 'worse than ever before' and that the whole topic of LTNs had been banned from his street's Whatsapp group.

'In the last 18 months we've noticed an organised 成果/努力 to 除去する bollards,' they said, 'やめる a few have gone 行方不明の. They take months to be 取って代わるd and then they're 除去するd again within hours. I think in the whole of last year, our bollard must have been in for about a week in total. As a result, the street is worse than it's ever been - even before the LTN was introduced.'

Henry Poultney of Grace and James ワイン 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 said: 'Some people purposely 除去する bollards on York Road and 運動 負かす/撃墜する, putting kids and 歩行者s at 危険.?

A plastic barrier covers the spot where a bollard once stood in the LTN zone in Kings Heath

A plastic 障壁 covers the 位置/汚点/見つけ出す where a bollard once stood in the LTN zone in Kings ヒース/荒れ地?

'We had a guy last 週末 who drove up the kerb just to get past when the road was 十分な of people - it's very dangerous.'?

But Henry said the LTN 事業/計画(する) brings 'real 利益s' to the community and にもかかわらず it いつかs 存在 an 'inconvenience', he 'wholeheartedly' supports the LTN.

Amanda, who has worked at vintage 着せる/賦与するing 蓄える/店 最高の,を越す 白人指導者べったりの東洋人 on York Road for the past 15 years, agreed with Henry.?

She said: 'When they open up the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s in the summer and put the (法廷の)裁判s out it creates a nice social atmosphere which is good for 商売/仕事. The 大多数 of people on this road don't mind it - but there are a few exceptions.'?

One 地元の 商売/仕事 owner, who didn't want to be 指名するd, said 商売/仕事 was better before the LTNs and that 'people would 運動 here and buy stuff', but on that day he hadn't had a 選び出す/独身 顧客.

The 協議 段階 on the second 行う/開催する/段階 of the 計画/陰謀 has now come to an end, with new 提案s for more '永久の' 解答s to some of the 問題/発行するs raised during the first 段階 - 含むing the unauthorised 除去 of bollards.

提案するd changes 含む a new 協定 of one-way streets and diagonal modal filters that will continue to 確実にする that through-traffic is unable to 削減(する) through the area.?

Changes will also be made around York Road to 演説(する)/住所 現在進行中の 問題/発行するs with unauthorised 乗り物s entering and travelling through this 歩行者 zone, the 会議 has said.