Culture 委員会 議長,司会を務める says she feels 'sorry' for Huw Edwards and his family after the BBC newsreader 辞職するd まっただ中に explicit photos スキャンダル

The chairwoman of the Culture, マスコミ and Sport 委員会 has said she feels 'very sorry' for Huw Edwards and his family after the BBC newsreader 辞職するd に引き続いて 主張s that he paid a young person for sexually explicit photos.

Britain's most famous newsreader, 62, has been off 空気/公表する since last July after the 主張s 現れるd. He 辞職するd from the 会社/団体 earlier this week on advice of his doctors.?

The BBC said its 星/主役にする 錨,総合司会者, who?broke the news of Queen Elizabeth II's death,?left the 会社/団体 on health grounds. However, they did not について言及する (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that he sent more than £35,000 to a 十代の少年少女 in return for sexually explicit photographs.

Dame Caroline Dinenage told the 発言する/表明する of the Listener & テレビ視聴者 (VLV) spring 会議/協議会 on Wednesday: 'The BBC are in a really difficult position over things like this because at the point that the 主張s were made last summer, it was 不明瞭な as to 正確に/まさに who was making the 主張s and 正確に/まさに what they were.'

Huw Edwards was last seen on the screen on July 5 last year when he covered King Charles' visit to Scotland (pictured)

Huw Edwards was last seen on the 審査する on July 5 last year when he covered King Charles' visit to Scotland (pictured)

Caroline Dineage made the comments during the Voice of the Listener & Viewer (VLV) spring conference on Wednesday

Caroline Dineage made the comments during the 発言する/表明する of the Listener & テレビ視聴者 (VLV) spring 会議/協議会 on Wednesday

A mocked up version of a reported Instagram message exchange between the BBC star and a teenager

A mocked up 見解/翻訳/版 of a 報告(する)/憶測d Instagram message 交流 between the BBC 星/主役にする and a 十代の少年少女

'It turns out now, of course, that the way Huw Edwards was 行為/行うing himself was outside of work time, on his own 器具/備品, and it was a consensual activity with someone who was of age, so 現実に nothing, as much as it may be distasteful to some, it was nothing 違法な happened and he's する権利を与えるd to a 私的な life.'

Ms Dineage, who is also the 保守的な MP for Gosport, 追加するd: 'I feel very sorry for him and I feel 特に sorry for his family.

'Whether there's anything more that the BBC could have done to have changed that, I don't know.

'But it's horrible. It feels fundamentally wrong that someone's whole life has been 損失d irreparably by something like that.'

Edwards had been absent from 審査するs since the story first broke and his wife 以前 said he was receiving in-患者 hospital care and 苦しむing "serious mental health 問題/発行するs".

The family of the 無名の young person 初めは complained to the BBC about Edwards in May 2023, and Edwards was 公然と 指名するd by his wife as the BBC presenter at the centre of the 主張s in July.

In a statement released by Mr Edward's wife Vicky Flind last year, she said that he was receiving in-patient hospital care following the claims first reported in The Sun that he paid a teenager for explicit photographs

In a 声明 解放(する)d by Mr Edward's wife Vicky Flind last year, she said that he was receiving in-患者 hospital care f ollowing the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs first 報告(する)/憶測d in The Sun that he paid a 十代の少年少女 for explicit photographs

Scotland Yard 調査/捜査するd the 主張s but later dropped their 調査(する),?説 that no 犯罪の offence had taken place.

He was the BBC's highest-paid newsreader, with a 支払う/賃金 bracket of £435,000-£439,999 in the year 2022/2023, によれば the 会社/団体's most 最近の 年次の 報告(する)/憶測.

During his career with the 放送者, Edwards also became a fixture for their ニュース報道 of major political events 含むing the 総選挙 同様に as 錨,総合司会者ing the BBC's broadcast of the King's 載冠(式)/即位(式) last year.

In February, the BBC apologised to the young person's family, who'd complained about Edwards two months before he was 一時停止するd.

In a 声明 at the time, the 会社/団体 定評のある that there had been 'shortcomings' in the way it had dealt with the 事例/患者 as it reviewed its (民事の)告訴s 手続きs.?

Huw was 指名するd by his own wife as the BBC 星/主役にする - minutes after Scotland Yard dropped their 調査(する) into the 主張s last year.

There had been a frenzy of 憶測 about the 身元 of the 星/主役にする. Gary Lineker and Jeremy Vine had felt 強いるd to 否定する that they were the man in question.?

Vicky Flind then 問題/発行するd the shock 声明 and 明らかにする/漏らすd?her husband was '苦しむing from serious mental health 問題/発行するs' に引き続いて the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that 現れるd in The Sun the に引き続いて day.


十分な timeline of Huw Edwards' explicit photos スキャンダル and BBC 辞職

April 2023

Police were 接触するd but 'no criminality was identified'.

May 18, 2023?

A family member of the young person, who was 17 at the time, made an in-person (民事の)告訴 about the behaviour of a BBC presenter.

May 19, 2023

A 原告,告訴人 接触するd the BBC in a 29-minute call to the BBC's audience services team, and the 詳細(に述べる)s were referred to the 法人組織の/企業の 調査s Team.

The family member 報道によれば asked the 放送者 to stop sending their family member cash.

The 法人組織の/企業の 調査s Team decided the (民事の)告訴 didn't 含む an 主張 of criminality, but 長所d more 調査.?

The 捜査官/調査官s email the?原告,告訴人 to get more (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) but they get no 返答.

The star anchor's prestigious career involved breaking the news of Queen Elizabeth II's death and both Prince William and Prince Harry 's weddings. Pictured with?Justin Welby on May 6, 2023

The 星/主役にする 錨,総合司会者's prestigious career 伴う/関わるd breaking the news of Queen Elizabeth II's death and both Prince William and Prince Harry 's weddings. Pictured with?Justin Welby on May 6, 2023

Huw Edwar
ds attends an exclusive breakfast in March 2019

Huw Edwards …に出席するs an 排除的 breakfast in March 2019

June 6, 2023

After getting no reply to the email, the 法人組織の/企業の 調査s Team tries to call the 原告,告訴人 but the call does not connect.

However, the Sun 報告(する)/憶測d later that the family said no one from the 会社/団体 phoned them for a proper interview after they complained.

The BBC said no more 試みる/企てるs to 接触する the family were made after this date, but that the 事例/患者 'remained open'.

July 5, 2023

Huw Edwards is seen for the last time on the BBC as he covered?King Charles' visit to Scotland.?

July 6, 2023

The Sun 知らせるs BBC 圧力(をかける) Office about 主張s against the 星/主役にする presenter.

The BBC 開始する,打ち上げるs an '出来事/事件 管理/経営 group' of 最高の,を越す (n)役員/(a)執行力のあるs after becoming aware of new 主張s 'of a different nature' against the presenter.?

It is the first time Mr Davie or any (n)役員/(a)執行力のある directors were made aware of the 事例/患者, によれば the BBC.

A 上級の 経営者/支配人 持つ/拘留するs the first conversation with the presenter 関心d.

It is agreed he should not appear on 空気/公表する while the 主張s are inv estigated.

Huw Edwards was last seen on the screen on July 5 last year when he covered King Charles' visit to Scotland (pictured)

Huw Edwards was last seen on the 審査する on July 5 last year when he covered King Charles' visit to Scotland (pictured)

The BBC was under-pressure after the allegation were made public by The Sun on July 7

The BBC was und er-圧力 after the 主張 were made public by The Sun on July 7

July 7, 2023

The Sun published its 排除的 which 申し立てられた/疑わしい that a BBC presenter, 無名の at the time, paid a total of £35,000 for 性の content to someone beginning when they were 17.?

But a lawyer 事実上の/代理 on に代わって of the young person told The Sun that evening there was 'no truth' to the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.?

The BBC said it would 調査/捜査する and it made 接触する with the 主要都市の Police.

July 8, 2023

The 原告,告訴人 sends the BBC '構成要素s 関係のある to the (民事の)告訴'.

There is a frenzy of 憶測 about the 身元 of the 星/主役にする. Gary Lineker, Jeremy Vine, Rylan Clark and Nicky Campbell all feel 強いるd to 否定する that they were the man in question.?

Edwards, who was born in Bridgend and brought up in Llangennech, Carmarthenshire, joined the BBC as a trainee in 1984. Pictured on the six o'clock news in 1999
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Edwards, who was born in Bridgend and brought up in Llangennech, Carmarthenshire, joined the BBC as a 訓練生 in 1984. Pictured on the six o'clock news in 1999