Terror group Hamas has 解放(する)d a sickening proof-of-life ビデオ of Israeli-American 人質 Hersh Goldberg-Polin, nearly seven months after he was kidnapped に引き続いて the 残虐な October 7 侵略.?

The 24-year-old, born in California in March 2000, who was taken from the Nova Festival on October 7, was seen in a ビデオ 地位,任命するd by Hamas today 非難するing Israeli 首相 Benjamin Netanyahu for leaving him with the terror group for 200 days.?

Goldberg-Polin, who can be seen 行方不明の his left 手渡す and part of his arm, begins by identifying himself, before 説: 'I was 逮捕(する)d on October 7 at the Nova Festival in Rei'm. I went out 捜し出すing entertainment with my friends.?

The emaciated man, who has spent more than six months as a 人質 and was seen with a shaved 長,率いる, said: 'Instead, I 設立する myself struggling to 生き残る with serious 傷害s all over my 団体/死体.

'にもかかわらず, I took it upon myself to 保護する myself and the people who were afraid around me because there was no one to 保護する us that day.?

He then 非難するs Netanyahu and his 政府's 決定/判定勝ち(する) not to 救助(する) the 人質s, 説: 'Benjamin Netanyahu and his 政府, [you] should be ashamed of yourselves because you neglected us along with thousands of other 国民s.?

Hersh Goldberg-Polin (pictured) can be seen missing his left hand and part of his arm

Hersh Goldberg-Polin (pictured) can be seen 行方不明の his left 手渡す and part of his arm

He was one of around 250 hostages taken by Hamas on October 7

He was one of around 250 人質s taken by Hamas on October 7?

Hersh Golberg-Polin, 24, was taken by Hamas fighters while he attended the Nova festival

Hersh Golberg-Polin, 24, was taken by Hamas 闘士,戦闘機s while he …に出席するd the Nova festival?

Hersh's parents (pictured
) have been fighting for their son's release since he was kidnapped two hundred days ago

Hersh's parents (pictured) have been fighting for their son's 解放(する) since he was kidnapped two hundred days ago

'You should be ashamed of yourselves for leaving us for two hundred days, and all the 成果/努力s of the army have failed.?

'Also, you should be ashamed because all the 取引,協定s that were 申し込む/申し出d to you were 拒絶するd. Don't you want to end this nightmare??

'Benjamin Netanyahu and members of his 政府, at a time when you are 持つ/拘留するing lunched with your families, think of us 抑留者s in 地下組織の hell without water, food, or sun; without the 治療 I need for so long.?

'I ask you the 総理大臣, your 政府 and the 閣僚. Every day we are here, you ignore us more and more, and you ignore our 血.?

'Do what is 推定する/予想するd of you and bring us home すぐに, or has this become too big for you??

'It is time to を引き渡す the 政府 重要なs and 避難させる the 省s and sit in your homes.?

He blamed Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for leaving him with the terror group for 200 days

He 非難するd Israeli 首相 Benjamin Netanyahu for leaving him with the terror group for 200 days

He was severely injured when he was taken from the Nova Festival

He was 厳しく 負傷させるd when he was taken from the Nova Festival

In the horrifying footage, Hersh is seen climbing into the bed of a Hamas pickup truck moments after his left arm was blown off

In the horrifying (映画の)フィート数, Hersh is seen cli mbing into the bed of a Hamas 好転 トラックで運ぶ moments after his left arm was blown off

Hersh and several other young men were loaded, at gunpoint, into the bed of a Hamas pickup truck. Blood coated each of their bodies

Hersh and several other young men were 負担d, 銃をつきつけて, into the bed of a Hamas 好転 トラックで運ぶ. 血 coated each of their 団体/死体s

After the anti-Netanyahu comments, he then pivots to tell his family how much he 行方不明になるs and loves them.??

'Another and last thing is more important than all; my mother, my father, Liby and Orly - I love you so much and 行方不明になる you so much, and I thijnk about you every day that passes on me.

'I know you're doing your best to get me home as soon as possible. I want you to stay strong for me, and not stop until we all return home in peace.'

言及/関連ing Passover, he finished by 説: 'I 推定する/予想する and hope to see you very soon after all this 悲劇 is over. It won't be a happy holiday for me, but I wish you one.'

The 人質's 会議 in Tel Aviv told MailOnline: 'For more than 200 days, 133 人質s have been held 捕虜 by Hamas, 耐えるing daily physical, 性の, and psychological torment.

'Hersh's cry is the 集団の/共同の cry of all the 人質s - their time is 速く running out. With each passing day, the 恐れる of losing more innocent lives grows stronger.

'We cannot afford to waste any more time; the 人質s must be the 最高の,を越す 優先.

'All the 人質s must be brought home - those alive to begin the 過程 of rehabilitation, and those 殺人d for a dignified burial.

'This 苦しめるing ビデオ serves as an 緊急の call to take swift and 決定的な 活動/戦闘 to 解決する this horrific 人道的な 危機 and 確実にする the 安全な return of our loved ones.'

Previous ビデオ (映画の)フィート数 shows Goldberg-Polin?and several other young men were piled into the 支援する of a 乗り物 銃をつきつけて. They are shown pulling themselves into the トラックで運ぶ, 含むing Hersh, who 行為/行うd himself calmly にもかかわらず his calamitous 傷害.?

In the ビデオ, Goldberg-Polin's 血まみれの left 四肢 was seen protruding as he hoisted himself into the トラックで運ぶ at around 9am on Saturday October 7 at the Nova music festival in southern イスラエル.

The (映画の)フィート数, 最初 暴露するd by Anderson Cooper's team at CNN, showed several Palestinian テロリストs dragging three other young men into the トラックで運ぶ with Goldberg-Polin, the last of whom was thrown on 最高の,を越す of the three 負傷させるd men.

People rush to landing humanitarian aid packages dropped over the northern Gaza Strip

People 急ぐ to 上陸 人道的な 援助(する) 一括s dropped over the northern Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片

The conflict has sparked regional unrest pitting Israel and the US against Iran and allied militant groups across the Middle East

The 衝突 has 誘発するd 地域の 不安 pitting イスラエル and the US against Iran and 連合した 交戦的な groups across the Middle East

Israel has said several times that it plans to evacuate displaced civilians from Rafah ahead of a six-week military operation that will likely begin in May

イスラエル has said several times that it 計画(する)s to 避難させる 追い出すd 非軍事のs from Rafah ahead of a six-week 軍の 操作/手術 that will likely begin in May

Smoke rises following Israeli strikes, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas

Smoke rises に引き続いて Israeli strikes, まっただ中に the 現在進行中の 衝突 between イスラエル and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas

Rachel Goldberg, Hersh's mother, has been a 重要な 人質s 行動主義者 and has 押し進めるd for Hamas to 解放(する) the 概算の 129 remaining 人質s, who today 示すd 200 days as 囚人s.??

The イスラエル-Hamas war was 誘発するd by the 前例のない October 7 (警察の)手入れ,急襲 into southern イスラエル in which the 交戦的なs killed around 1,200 people, mostly 非軍事のs, and 誘拐するd around 250 人質s.?

The war in Gaza has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, によれば 地元の health 公式の/役人s, around two-thirds of them children and women.

にもかかわらず the 血まみれの cost of the war, イスラエル is still 準備するing to follow through until the end, and was this week seen building an enormous テント city to 避難させる the more than one million Palestinians who have sought 避難 in Rafah, the last standing city in the Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片.?

Photos from 衛星 imaging company 惑星 Labs show a 示すd build up of テントs in a uniform pattern 近づく 旅宿泊所 Younis, which has 大部分は been levelled during the 血まみれの 侵略 of the Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片 by イスラエル's 軍の.

The photos, taken three days apart on April 18 and April 21 それぞれ, show white structures 存在 built up 意味ありげに over a short period of time.

Relatives and supporters tape their mouth shut and bind their hands as they hold placards bearing portraits of Israelis held hostage in Gaza since the October 7 attacks

親族s and 支持者s tape their mouth shut and 貯蔵所d their 手渡すs as they 持つ/拘留する 掲示s 耐えるing portraits of Israelis held 人質 in Gaza since the October 7 attacks

A boy walks near a clock counting days, as today marks 200 days since people were taken hostages by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas

A boy walks 近づく a clock counting days, as today 示すs 200 days since people were taken 人質s by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas

Relatives of hostages, held by Hamas, gather to stage a protest against the government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and demanding an end to the war and immediate return of them to their homes

親族s of 人質s, held by Hamas, gather to 行う/開催する/段階 a 抗議する against the 政府 of 総理大臣 Binyamin Netanyahu and 需要・要求するing an end to the war and 即座の return of them to their homes

イスラエル has said several times that it 計画(する)s to 避難させる 追い出すd 非軍事のs from Rafah ahead of a six-week 軍の 操作/手術 that will likely begin in May.

Egyptian 公式の/役人s told the 塀で囲む Street 定期刊行物 that the first few weeks will be 献身的な to 避難させるing 難民s to 旅宿泊所 Younis and other areas equipped with 避難所s and 医療の 施設s.

The 準備s come as the US says that Hamas is gearing up for a '十分な-sc ale 地域の war.'

明言する/公表する Department spokesperson Matt Miller said that Hamas was 'moving the goalposts' in 人質 and 停戦 交渉s, 追加するing that the terror group 拒絶する/低下するd a 'very 重要な 提案', though did not 明示する what this was.?

He said: 'It certainly does seem like Hamas is more 利益/興味d in a 十分な-規模 地域の war.

'It takes two to make an 協定, and 権利 now Hamas has signalled that they don't want an 協定.'?

Miller 勧めるd Hamas to stay at the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, telling the group the ball was 'in their 法廷,裁判所.'