Iranian rapper is 宣告,判決d to be hanged for supporting 抗議するs over the death of a woman 逮捕(する)d for wearing an '妥当でない' hijab

  • Mahsa Amini died in police 保護/拘留 in late 2022, 誘発するing 国家の 乱暴/暴力を加える
  • Toomaj Salehi wrote songs 批判的な of the 政権 and …に出席するd demonstrations?

A popular?反体制者 Iranian rapper has been 宣告,判決d to death for supporting 抗議するs over the death of a woman 逮捕(する)d for wearing an '妥当でない' hijab.

Toomaj Salehi, 33, will be hanged for 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s linked to a period of 全国的な 不安 に引き続いて the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police 保護/拘留 in 2022, Salehi's lawyer told?Iranian newspaper Sharq on Wednesday.

In public 声明s, Salehi had vocalised support for the wave of 'Women, Life, Freedom' demonstrations, 主要な to his 逮捕(する) in October 2022.

He also 解放(する)d songs criticising the Iranian 政権 and 需要・要求するing greater liberties and women's 権利s. Salehi had 地位,任命するd pictures of himself …に出席するing some of the 抗議するs in support of Iranian-Kurd Mahsa Amini.

Amini died in September 2022 after 存在 逮捕(する)d for 恐らく 侵害する/違反するing strict hijab 支配するs. Demonstrations since have led to thousands of 逮捕(する)s, 同様に as 報告(する)/憶測s of 拷問 and death at the 手渡すs of the Iranian 明言する/公表する.

Salehi was 逮捕(する)d in 2022 over his public 声明s and music supporting demonstrations

Mahsa Amini, 22, poses in an undated photo. She died in police custody in September 2022

Mahsa Amini, 22, 提起する/ポーズをとるs in an undated photo. She died in police 保護/拘留 in September 2022

Iranians protests the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was detained by the morality police, October 27. 2022

Iranians 抗議するs the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was 拘留するd by the morality police, October 27. 2022

People gathering next to a burning motorcycle in the capital Tehran on October 8, 2022 amid a wave of unrest triggered by the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody a month prior

People 集会 next to a 燃やすing motorcycle in the 資本/首都 Tehran on October 8, 2022 まっただ中に a wave of 不安 誘発する/引き起こすd by the death of Mahsa Amini in police 保護/拘留 a month 事前の

に引き続いて his 2022 逮捕(する), Salehi was 宣告,判決d last year to six years and three months in 刑務所,拘置所 for '汚職 on Earth', but 避けるd a death 宣告,判決 予定 to a 最高裁判所 判決,裁定.

The 最高裁判所 設立する '欠陥s in the 初めの 宣告,判決' and returned the 事例/患者 to a 地裁 for re-examination.?

'支店 One of the 革命の 法廷,裁判所 of (the central city of) Isfahan in an 前例のない move, did not 施行する the 最高裁判所's 判決,裁定 ... and 宣告,判決d Salehi to the harshest 罰,' his lawyer Amir Raisian told Sharq.

The 革命の 法廷,裁判所 had (刑事)被告 Salehi of '援助 in sedition, 議会 and collusion, 宣伝 against the system and calling for 暴動s',Raisian said.

Iranian 司法の has not 確認するd the 宣告,判決 yet. Salehi has 20 days to 控訴,上告 the 判決,裁定.

'We will definitely 控訴,上告 this 判決,' his lawyer said.?

Salehi has since 申し立てられた/疑わしい 拷問 in 刑務所,拘置所, によれば Iran Wire.?

The rapper 反駁するd the 告訴,告発s against him during the 裁判,公判 in March, によれば Raisian.

The rapper's page on Twitter/X, managed by his 親族s, said at the time the only just 判決 would be his 十分な '無罪放免 and 解放(する)'.

'There was no 合法的な and 正当化するd citation,' they (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

In a social マスコミ 地位,任命する 事前の to his 逮捕(する), Salehi wrote: 'You should know that I am not afraid of death, 監禁,拘置, and tort ure.?

'What I 恐れる is to see women sell their 団体/死体s out of want and shut my mouth.?

'I am afraid of watching people bend into the trash 貯蔵所 up to their waist [to find food] but remain silent; to see you (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 a 労働者 and stay 静かな; to 証言,証人/目撃する your 殺人,大当り of a 抗議する人 and 拷問ing of his 司法(官)-捜し出すing family, and shut up… There's a sea of 血 between you and me.'

Salehi was first 逮捕(する)d in September 2021 after his songs about 汚職, poverty, 死刑執行s and 暴力/激しさ against protestors went viral.

Protesters hold flags and posters of Iranian hip-hop artist Toomaj Salehi following his arrest in 2021

抗議する人s 持つ/拘留する 旗s and posters of Iranian hip-hop artist Toomaj Salehi に引き続いて his 逮捕(する) in 2021

Salehi refuted the accusations agains
t him during the trial in March, according to his lawyer

Salehi 反駁するd the 告訴,告発s against him during the 裁判,公判 in March, によれば his lawyer

A demonstrator raises his arms and makes the victory sign during a protest for Mahsa Amini, in Tehran on September 19, 2022

A デモ参加者/実演宣伝者 raises his 武器 and makes the victory 調印する during a 抗議する for Mahsa Amini, in Tehran on September 19, 2022

Demonstrations around the world broke upon news of the death of Mahsa Amini?(Buenos Aires pictured in September 2022)

Demonstrations around the world broke upon news of the death of Mahsa Amini?(Buenos 空気/公表するs pictured in September 2022)

A protester holds a portrait of Mahsa Amini during a demonstration on Istiklal avenue in Istanbul on September 20, 2022

A 抗議する人 持つ/拘留するs a portrait of Mahsa Amini during a demonstration on Istiklal avenue in Istanbul on September 20, 2022

国際アムネスティ was の中で many 権利s groups calling for his 解放(する) at the time.

'Iran's 当局 must すぐに and 無条件に 解放(する) #TomajSalehi, a 反体制者 非難する artist 拘留するd 単独で for 演習ing his 権利 to freedom of 表現.

'In his songs, he spoke out against repression, 汚職, poverty and impunity & called for accountability,' a 声明 read.

抗議するs against the Iranian 政権 have 強めるd since the death of Mahsa Amini in police 保護/拘留 in September 2022.

22-year-old Amini had recently been 認める to university and planned to become a lawyer when she was 拘留するd by police for 妥当でない wearing of a headscarf.

She fell into a 昏睡 after her 逮捕(する) and died in 怪しげな circumstances in hospital in Tehran on 16 September 2022.

The Islamic 共和国's 公式の/役人s told マスコミ that Amini 苦しむd a heart attack while 拘留するd by 'morality police', 否定するing 報告(する)/憶測s she had been beaten.

漏れるd 医療の ざっと目を通すs and 主張s of police brutality led 観察者/傍聴者s to believe she had died at the 手渡すs of the police.

Iran 証言,証人/目撃するd its largest 抗議するs since at least 2009 in 返答 to her death, まっただ中に a 衝突/不一致 between a 明言する/公表する tending に向かって 厳格な人 観察 of inferred 宗教的な 法律 and a more 自由主義の Iranian community.

Iranian demonstrators taking to the streets of the capital Tehran on September 21, 2022

Iranian デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s taking to the streets of the 資本/首都 Tehran on September 21, 2022

People take part in a protest in Trafalgar Square after marching through London on the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amin, on September 13, 2023 in London, England

People 参加する a 抗議する in Trafalgar Square after marching through London on the first 周年記念日 of the death of Mahsa Amin, on September 13, 2023 in London, England

Iranian 'morality police' have since 開始する,打ち上げるd 時折起こる (選挙などの)運動をするs to 口頭で or violently 逮捕(する) and 're-educate' women 設立する in 違反 of 規則s in 返答 to changing dress codes and norms.

The 義務的な wearing of the hijab was introduced by 最高の leader Ayatollah Khomeini on 7 March 1979, すぐに after the Islamic 革命.

The nation also 可決する・採択するd its 'morality police' around this time to 規制する behaviour after a period of secularisation through the 中央の-20th century.

In the year to March 2014 - the last with data 利用できる - patrols stopped nearly three million women for not wearing their hijab in line with 規則s.

In 2020, 国際アムネスティ 報告(する)/憶測d the horrors of Iranian 尋問 策略, which 含むd pepper spraying genitals, pulling finger nails and stringing up 囚人s in agonising positions.

Nine men have been 遂行する/発効させるd in 抗議する-関係のある 事例/患者s 伴う/関わるing 殺人,大当り and other 暴力/激しさ against Iranian 安全 軍隊s, によれば The New Arab.?