Pictured: Teacher who was stabbed with 同僚 and pupil in 'バタフライ knife' attack in 第2位 school as Year 9 pupil is quizzed by police on 疑惑 of 殺人未遂 after nightmare 広げるd in the playground

  • A staff member was '削除するd across the neck' earlier today, 証言,証人/目撃するs said

A teacher who was 恐らく stabbed と一緒に her 同僚 and a pupil by a teenage schoolgirl has been 指名するd as the school's 長,率いる of year seven.

演劇 and Welsh teacher Fiona Elias was 明らかにする/漏らすd?to be の中で the three 存在 扱う/治療するd for 非,不,無-life 脅すing 傷害s after the ordeal this morning.

Police have 逮捕(する)d a teenage girl on 疑惑 of 殺人未遂 after she 恐らく stabbed the two teachers and a young pupil with a バタフライ knife.?

The 1800-pupil school in Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, was put in lockdown and a 'Code Red' was 発表するd over the (衆議院の)議長 system - with children told to shut?themselves inside classrooms and keep their 長,率いるs 負かす/撃墜する until police arrived.

A ビデオ taken by a pupil in the playground was 地位,任命するd on social マスコミ, showing what appeared to be a stabbing take place before the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う was overpowered by a male member of staff.?

Jonathan Edwards, the 独立した・無所属 MP for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, said the teachers were stabbed while 介入するing when a pupil was attacked.?

'There has been a stabbing of one of the students, and then teachers have tried to 介入する and unfortunately also some of the teachers have been stabbed,' he told Channel 5 News.?

Drama and Welsh teacher Fiona Elias was revealed to be among the three being treated for non-life threatening injuries after the incident this morning

演劇 and Welsh teacher Fiona Elias was 明らかにする/漏らすd to be の中で the three 存在 扱う/治療するd for 非,不,無-life 脅すing 傷害s after the 出来事/事件 this morning

A teacher is among three people injured after a horror knife attack at?Ysgol Dyffryn Aman secondary school in south Wales, police revealed today

A teacher is の中で three people 負傷させるd after a horror knife attack at?Ysgol Dyffryn Aman 第2位 school in south むちの跡s, police 明らかにする/漏らすd today

The staff member at the school, also known as Amman Valley School, was allegedly 'slashed across the neck' in the knife attack shortly after 11.15am

The staff member at the school, also known as Amman Valley School, was 恐らく '削除するd across the neck' in the knife attack すぐに after 11.15am

Emergency services including police and two air ambulances raced to the school this morning following reports of a 'major incident'

緊急 services 含むing police and two 空気/公表する 救急車s raced to the school this morning に引き続いて 報告(する)/憶測s of a 'major 出来事/事件'

An aerial view of the scene following the?Ysgol Dyffryn Aman (Aman valley School) stabbing

An 空中の 見解(をとる) of the scene に引き続いて the?Ysgol Dyffryn Aman (Aman valley School) stabbing?

Teacher?Darrel Campbell (pictured) is said to have intervened to wrestle the butterfly knife from the teenage girl

Teacher?Darrel Campbell (pictured) is said to have 介入するd to 格闘する the バタフライ knife from the teenage girl?

A Year Nine pupil was 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of 殺人未遂 and taken away in 手錠s for 尋問, it is understood.?< /p>

Both teachers were airlifted to hospital に引き続いて what police called a '多重の stabbing' at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman (Aman valley School).?

The 傷害s 苦しむd by the two teachers and the pupil are not life-脅すing, Dyfed-Powys Police said.?

注目する,もくろむ-証言,証人/目撃するs said one was 削除するd across the throat with a バタフライ knife and six paramedics carried her into a ヘリコプター on the school playing field.

Grandmother Maria Davies, 50, said: 'She didn't look very good - there were medics all around her. We are all just praying she pulls through.

'Not long after I saw the schoolgirl in 手錠s 存在 taken into a police car.'

Mrs Davies was の中で hundreds of worried parents who dashed to the school gates after ビデオ of the stabbings was 地位,任命するd on social マスコミ.

Dyfed-Powys Police later 安心させるd them 説 an 逮捕(する) had been made and they were not looking for anyone else in 関係 with the stabbings.

A young student who jumped the school 盗品故買者 to escape said: 'It was at the end of the morning break when I heard Code Red 存在 called over the (衆議院の)議長s.

'I've never heard one before but I knew what it meant.

'You're supposed to run to a classroom but I was closer to the school 盗品故買者 so me and a few other boys jumped it.'

Some pupils hid in cupboards where they messaged their parents to let them know what was happening inside the bilingual school.

But most were kept inside locked classrooms and told to keep their 長,率いる 負かす/撃墜する until the danger had passed.

The shocking 影響 of the stabbing was caught on ビデオ, in which one boy could be heart shouting:?'That girl's got stabbed.'?

The ビデオ appears to show two girls on the ground in an outside area before one is pulled away by staff.?

One boy can be heard 説: 'What the f***, what the f***?' before a teacher orders the students to 'get to class now'.?

A male pupil said: 'It was horrible, there was 血 all over the ground but I didn't panic.

The school is currently under 'code red' and pupils have been put in the canteen in order to preserve the crime scene

The school is 現在/一般に under 'code red' and pupils have been put in the canteen ーするために 保存する the 罪,犯罪 scene

Police and worried parents waiting at the school gates of Ysgol Dyffryn Aman, also known as Amman Valley School after a multiple stabbing this afternoon

Police and worried parents waiting at the school gates of Ysgol Dyffryn Aman, also known as Amman Valley School after a 多重の stabbing this afternoon

The school was placed on 'code red' and students were not released from lockdown until officers had spoken to classrooms individually, one parent said

The school was placed on 'code red' and students were not 解放(する)d from lockdown until officers had spoken to classrooms 個々に, one parent said

One parent said: 'This is a quiet area and a nice school with a good community. We just can't figure out what has gone on'

One parent said: 'This is a 静かな area and a nice school with a good community. We just can't 人物/姿/数字 out what has gone on'

'Both teachers were 不正に 傷つける but one was stabbed in the neck. She is one of the best teachers here, everybody likes her.'

Hundreds of parents arrived at the school gates after 審理,公聴会 about the stabbing on social マスコミ.

Superintendent Ross Evans, Carmarthenshire 指揮官, said: 'Just after 11.20am this morning we received a call advising us of an 出来事/事件 at Amman Valley School in Carmarthenshire.

'緊急 services すぐに …に出席するd and the school was locked 負かす/撃墜する for the safety of all on the 前提s.

'Three people - two teachers and a teenage pupil - have been taken to hospital with を刺す 負傷させるs. The family members of all those 負傷させるd have been 知らせるd.

'A teenage girl has been 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of 殺人未遂 and 現在/一般に remains in police 保護/拘留.

'I would like to 安心させる parents and the public that the 出来事/事件 has 結論するd, and pupils have now left the school.

'We are working with the school and other 機関s to 確実にする appropriate support is 利用できる to all 伴う/関わるd.

'This was a very 苦しめるing 出来事/事件 and our thoughts are with the 犠牲者s, their family and everyone 衝撃d by what has happened.

'I am aware that there is (映画の)フィート数 of the 出来事/事件 現在/一般に 広まる on social マスコミ and would ask that this is 除去するd to 避ける 法廷侮辱(罪) and 苦しめる to those 影響する/感情d.

'I would also ask that people do not 推測する while there is a police 調査 現在進行中の.

'We are working with the school, Carmarthenshire 郡 会議, and other 機関s to 確実にする appropriate support is 利用できる to all 伴う/関わるd.

Parents waiting outside the school gates waiting outside before they tearfully embraced their sons and daughters when they were released at about 3.20pm

Parents waiting outside the school gates waiting outside before they tearfully embraced their sons and daughters when they were 解放(する)d at about 3.20pm?

< /div>
The alleged incident is said to have taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman, also known as Amman Valley School, in Ammanford in the west Wales county. Pictured: Two air ambulances on the school field

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 出来事/事件 is said to have taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman, also known as Amman Valley School, in Ammanford in the west むちの跡s 郡. Pictured: Two 空気/公表する 救急車s on the school field?

'地元の people will see more police in the area over the coming days as the 調査 continues.'

議員 Karen Davies, a 知事 at the school, told WalesOnline she was told that two members of staff had 支えるd を刺す 負傷させるs.

'It is shocking. You hear about these things happening in Manchester and London but it is literally our 包括的な here,' she said.?

One parent, Charlotte Rogers, who waited for her daughter to be 解放(する)d from the school, said she had been told that three people were stabbed.

Referring to her daughter, Ms Rogers 追加するd: 'She said she was 脅すd. She's a 堅い cookie so fingers crossed. I just want to give her a big 抱擁する. I just want everyone to be 安全な. This shouldn't have happened.'

Adam Price, Plaid Cymru MS for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, who …に出席するd the school between 1980 and 1987, 述べるd the 出来事/事件 as a 'bolt from the blue'.

He said there would be lessons to learn to minimise the chances of such an 出来事/事件 happening again.

Mr Price 追加するd: 'It is my home town, my school, and it is an excellent school in a really の近くに-knit community. So a knife attack like this is not something you associate with our community.

'It was my only 第2位 school and it is a school that is 権利 at the heart of the community. It is a very big 第2位 school, a very big 包括的な, and it has a very strong ethos and history going 支援する over 100 years.'

The Welsh language school has 1,800 pupil aged 11 to 18. The school is situated in the north of the Ammanford town centre, while the town itself is a few miles north-east of the western terminus of the M4

The Welsh language school has 1,800 pupil 老年の 11 to 18. The school is 据えるd in the north of the Ammanford town centre, while the town itself is a few miles north-east of the western terminus of the M4

One air ambulance is said to have now left the field and is reportedly flying towards the University Hospital in Cardiff. The second remains on site

One 空気/公表する 救急車 is said to have now left the field and is 報道によれば 飛行機で行くing に向かって the University Hospital in Cardiff. The second remains on 場所/位置

The alleged incident is said to have taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in Ammanford in the west Wales county

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 出来事/事件 is said to have taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in Ammanford in the west むちの跡s 郡

Teaching unions have 警告するd that pupil behaviour and 暴力/激しさ in schools has より悪くするd in 最近の years.?

Mair Wyn, who has been a 知事 at Amman Valley School for 34 years, said 'times have changed' and 'a teacher's 職業 is very dangerous'.

She said: 'You looked up to a teacher in my time, you were afraid of a teacher. But I think every school is under danger really when you think about it, you don't know what's around the corner.'

Police put all pupils in the school's canteen as they try to 保存する the classroom and surrounding areas as a 罪,犯罪 scene.

Children were hugged by their parents after 存在 let out of school at 3.30pm, the usual time.

It is understood both women teachers were flown by 空気/公表する 救急車 to the University Hospital of むちの跡s, 70 miles from Ammanford.

Dyfed-Powys Police said: 'Three people have been 負傷させるd and are receiving 治療.

'One person has been 逮捕(する)d and we are not looking for anyone else in 関係 with this 出来事/事件.

'緊急 services remain at the scene and the school has been の近くにd while 調査s continue.

'We are working closely with the school and Carmarthenshire 郡 会議. We are aware that there is (映画の)フィート数 of the 出来事/事件 現在/一般に 広まる on social マスコミ.

'We would ask that this is 除去するd to 避ける 法廷侮辱(罪) and 苦しめる to those 影響する/感情d. We would ask that people do not 推測する while there is a police 調査 現在進行中の.'