墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な mistake: 未亡人 watches as her husband is buried in wrong 位置/汚点/見つけ出す - before his 棺 has to be dug up again and put in 訂正する 陰謀(を企てる)

  • Barry Halksworth was 予定 to be buried in a 二塁打 陰謀(を企てる) after his death 老年の 82?
  • But 'human error' meant he was 割り当てるd the wrong 位置/汚点/見つけ出す and had to be moved

A 未亡人 has 明らかにする/漏らすd how she had to stand by and watch her husband get buried in the wrong 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 予定 to a parish 会議 mix-up.

Barry Halksworth?― who subsequently had to be disinterred and moved to the 訂正する 位置/汚点/見つけ出す?― died 老年の 82 after a period of ill health.

He was 予定 to be buried in a 二塁打 陰謀(を企てる) at his 地元の church which had been reserved 12 years earlier.

But 'human error' 原因(となる)d by a 記録,記録的な/記録する-keeping system that 時代遅れの 支援する more than 60 years meant he was 割り当てるd the wrong 位置/汚点/見つけ出す.

The bus 倉庫・駅 managing director's wife, Celia, 71, only discovered the problem when she arrived for the funeral at 13th century St Margaret's Church in Ormesby, Norfolk, but was unable to do anything about it.

Celia, 71, only discovered the problem when she arrived for the funeral?at 13th century St Margaret's Church in Ormesby, Norfolk (pictured)

Celia, 71, only discovered the problem when she arrived for the funeral?at 13th century St Margaret's Church in Ormesby, Norfolk (pictured)?

She said: 'We had reserved the 陰謀(を企てる) years before but on the day of the funeral we realised there was a 穴を開ける where there shouldn't be.

'The vicar had already blessed the 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な and it was too late to do anything by that time, so the burial took place.

'I said something to the undertaker about it 存在 wrong and he said 'That'll be a 大規模な 量 of paperwork'.

'It did 影響する/感情 the moment. I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to get it over with to get 支援する home and look at what we'd arranged.'

にもかかわらず the error, she 主張するd she would not be 捜し出すing 補償(金).

'I didn't see the point. I'm not that sort of person,' said Mrs Halksworth, who has a daughter from a previous marriage.

'A mistake was made ? what can you do about it? No 量 of 補償(金) could change it.'

Noble Mrs Halksworth 追加するd: 'I was going to leave him where he was but he'd said he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to be in the 二塁打 陰謀(を企てる). We planned to be buried together.'??

Ormseby St Margaret and Scratby Parish 会議 had to 適用する to the Diocese of Norwich for the 団体/死体 to be exhumed and reinterred in the 訂正する 陰謀(を企てる).

The grim 仕事 was carried out several weeks later, 早期に in the morning to 避ける onlookers. Mrs Halksworth chose not to …に出席する.

述べるing a 会合 she had with 議員s who apologised for the error, she 追加するd: 'They were surprised I was not angry but I said you can't get angry about something that has already happened.'

The Halksworth had lived in the leafy village for 10年間s and reserved the 二塁打 陰謀(を企てる) in 2010 with the parish 会議, which is 責任がある the graveyard.

すぐに after Mr Halksworth's death に引き続いて a period of ill-health in February 2022, his family began making 手はず/準備 for his funeral on March 17.

A 報告(する)/憶測 into the mix-up 設立する the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) had not been 正確に 記録,記録的な/記録するd, so the 会議's burial 調書をとる/予約する and 地図/計画する of the graveyard showed no 証拠 of the 保留(地)/予約.

As a result, then clerk Philip 石/投石する and 現在の 副/悪徳行為-chairman Kathryn Wendt, who were 責任がある managing burials, 示すd up the next 利用できる 陰謀(を企てる) for his send-off, rather than the one he was 推定する/予想するing a few feet away.

Mrs Halksworth had 供給するd paperwork to the undertakers showing the 場所 of the reserved 陰謀(を企てる) but this was not passed on to the 会議 or the gravediggers.

A burial 委員会 会合 two weeks after the 出来事/事件 設立する a 'lapse' in 手続き had led to the wrong 陰謀(を企てる) 存在 配分するd.

The 会議 paid the 学校/設ける of 共同墓地 and Crematorium 管理/経営 £550 to 行為/行う a review of its 手続きs, which led to new 政策s 存在 introduced.

These 含むd digitising its 記録,記録的な/記録するs and creating a 'specialised communications 壇・綱領・公約' for all burial ground 事柄s.

Ormesby 議員 (頭が)ひょいと動く Hill, who has since taken over 管理/経営 of the graveyard, said: 'You just cannot afford to make errors while doing this. Afterwards, we made sure it could never happen again and put in the proper checks and balances.

'They were using the same 記録,記録的な/記録する-keeping system that had been in place since 1958. If you do not do things 適切に, this is what happens.'

現在の clerk Chris Batten 非難するd 'human error', 追加するing: 'Such 出来事/事件s, while 残念な, 強調する the need for 強健な systems, which we continuously 精製する with modern 科学(工学)技術.'