ITV 長,指導者 爆破s BBC for outbidding them to buy the 権利s to Meghan Markle US show 控訴s while 'bleating' about 予算s

  • ITV's 長,指導者 slammed the BBC for buying the 権利s to the 合法的な 演劇 show?

ITV's 最高の,を越す programming boss has attacked the BBC for buying the 権利s to Meghan Markle's US 合法的な 演劇 控訴s while the 会社/団体 is 'bleating' about programme 予算s.

Kevin Lygo 明らかにする/漏らすd that the 公然と 基金d 放送者 had 'outbid' his own company to acquire the American show, 追加するing this was not the 権利 way to use licence 料金 payer's money.

Speaking at the 発言する/表明する of the Listener and テレビ視聴者 Spring 会議/協議会, Mr Lygo said: 'We hear the BBC bleating about it [lower 予算s] and they have all the money in the world.

'Why do they buy all that American stuff? I have had a go at so many 異なる nt BBC people about this.

ITV 's top programming boss has attacked the BBC for buying the rights to Meghan Markle 's US legal drama Suits (pictured) while the corporation is 'bleating' about programme budgets

ITV 's 最高の,を越す programming boss has attacked the BBC for buying the 権利s to Meghan Markle 's US 合法的な 演劇 控訴s (pictured) while the 会社/団体 is 'bleating' about programme 予算s

Kevin Lygo revealed that the publicly funded broadcaster had 'outbid' his own company to acquire the American show, adding this was not the right way to use licence fee payer's money

Kevin Lygo 明らかにする/漏らすd that the 公然と 基金d 放送者 had 'outbid' his own company to acquire the American show, 追加するing this was not the 権利 way to use licence 料金 payer's money

'They just bought 控訴s, you know the thing with Meghan Markle in. You think why? They outbid us. What's that got to do with licence 料金 payers money?'

ITV has long held 関心s about the way the BBC competes against it for the 権利s for foreign shows, まっただ中に 恐れるs it is 運動ing the price up for 商業の 競争相手s.

The 商業の 放送者 has 以前 (刑事)被告 the BBC of buying up expensive US shows to 'maximise' younger audience 見解(をとる)ing 人物/姿/数字s.

In the past it has criticised the way the BBC had bought US show Gossip Girl which it said 'saw the BBC 申し込む/申し出 意味ありげに above the market'.

研究 by the Daily Mail also 以前 明らかにする/漏らすd that most of 風刺漫画s that the BBC 申し込む/申し出s for older children were foreign 活気/アニメーションs.

In March, the BBC 明らかにする/漏らすd it had acquired all nine seasons of 控訴s.

For seven series' Meghan Markle played paralegal Rachel Zane, with her character becoming an 弁護士/代理人/検事 on the series. The show used to 空気/公表する on Dave in the UK.

Last year Ofcom told the BBC it needed to be more open about its 戦略 for buying foreign shows.

The マスコミ regulator said the 会社/団体 needed to explain in its 年次の 計画(する) how acquiring foreign shows as …に反対するd to making its own British programming supported 'distinctiveness'.

Research by the Daily Mail also previously revealed that most of cartoons that the BBC offers for older children were foreign animations. Stock photo

研究 by the Daily Mail also 以前 明らかにする/漏らすd that most of 風刺漫画s that the BBC 申し込む/申し出s for older children were foreign 活気/アニメーションs. 在庫/株 photo

For seven series' Meghan Markle played paralegal Rachel Zane, with her character becoming an attorney on the series. The show used to air on Dave in the UK

For seven series' Meghan Markle played paralegal Rachel Zane, with her character becoming an 弁護士/代理人/検事 on the series. The show used to 空気/公表する on Dave in the UK

Gina Torres as Jessica Pearson, Rick Hoffmann as Louis Litt, Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane, Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter, Patrick Adams as Mike Ross in Season One of Suits

Gina Torres as Jessica Pearson, Rick Hoffmann as Louis Litt, Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane, Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter, Patrick Adams as マイク Ross in Season One of 控訴s

ITV in a submission to Ofcom had (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the 会社/団体 had '劇的な 増加するd' what it was spending on foreign bought content over a six year period.

This 含むd 取引,協定s for series 含むing Superman and Lois, and Marvel films 含むing Avengers 組み立てる/集結する.

ITV had said: 'The first 問題/発行する with the BBC acquiring mainstream third-party content is that it sits uncomfortably with its 使節団 to be 独特の and take creative 危険s.'

It 追加するd: 'The second 問題/発行する… is that the BBC competes in the market against other 放送者s, such as ITV, inflating the price at which the content is 購入(する)d.'

A BBC 広報担当者 said: 'Our spend on 取得/買収s remains very small when compared to our 全体にわたる 予算, where we are the largest 生産者 of 起こる/始まるd programmes in the UK.

'We spend いっそう少なく than five パーセント of our 年次の content 予算 on acquired programmes, far いっそう少なく compared with other 放送者s.'

This comes as Mr Lygo 認める ITV's biggest 演劇 攻撃する,衝突する in year, Mr Bates Vs the 地位,任命する Office had lost about £1 million, まっただ中に lacklustre programme sales abroad.

Mr Lygo, the managing director of マスコミ and entertainment of ITV, told the 発言する/表明する of the Listener & テレビ視聴者 (VLV) spring 会議/協議会 today: 'Mr Bates has made a loss of something like a million 続けざまに猛撃するs and we can't continually do this.

'Of course, some things are very profitable on the channel, and some things aren't.

'But it's a challenge to be able to 基金 some of the things that aren't, 明白に, of international 控訴,上告.

'We're hoping this may be because it 原因(となる)d such a 熱狂的興奮状態 here that maybe sales will 選ぶ up, but there's no 証拠 of it yet.

'If you're in Lithuania, four hours on the British 地位,任命する Office? Not really, thank you very much. So you can see the challenges here.'