Pictured: Migrants on the boat that 転覆するd in Channel punch the 空気/公表する and wave at the camera as they continue their 旅行 to Britain moments after 悲劇 that left five dead

This photo shows migrants on the boat that 転覆するd in the Channel? punching the 空気/公表する and waving just minutes after the 悲劇 that left five dead 含むing a girl.?

The massively overcrowded small boat with 112 people on board 簡潔に ran 座礁して off the northern French coast at Wimereux, 近づく Boulogne-sur-Mer.

This 原因(となる)d panic and after people stood up, the boat became unbalanced and flipped over, throwing dozens of people 含むing women and children into the 冷淡な water.?The girl who died was 老年の between four and seven.

に引き続いて the 悲劇, the 生き残るing 乗客s remained onboard and continued on their 旅行 to Britain, under 護衛する by the French 海軍.??In a photo 解放(する)d by the French 海上の 県 just after the 災害, some are seen?punching the 空気/公表する in 勝利 and waving at the camera.

It comes as three people were 逮捕(する)d today on 疑惑 of 容易にするing 違法な 移民/移住 and entering the UK 不法に, with police?尋問 two men from Sudan 老年の 19 and 22, and a third 22-year-old 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う from south Sudan.?

The French Maritime Prefecture has published a photo of the boat just after the disaster. Some of those onboard appear to be punching the air in triumph and waving at the camera

The French 海上の 県 has published a photo of the boat just after the 災害. Some of those onboard appear to be punching the 空気/公表する in 勝利 and waving at the camera?

The massively overcrowded small boat with 112 people on board briefly ran aground off the northern French coast at Wimereux, near Boulogne-sur-Mer

The massively overcrowded small boat with 112 people on board 簡潔に ran 座礁して off the northern French coast at Wimereux, 近づく Boulogne-sur-Mer?

Almost 5,000 migrants have made the crossing over the Channel to Britain so far this year

Almost 5,000 migrants have made the crossing over the Channel to Britain so far this year

It is thought the tragedy yesterday happened after a small boat was launched from Wimereux in northern France, between Boulogne and Calais

It is thought the 悲劇 yesterday happened after a small boat was 開始する,打ち上げるd from Wimereux in northern フラン, between Boulogne and Calais

Craig Turner, 副 director of 調査s for the 国家の 罪,犯罪 機関 said today: 'This 悲劇の 出来事/事件 once again 論証するs the 脅し to life 提起する/ポーズをとるd by these crossings and bring into 焦点(を合わせる) why it is so important to 的 the 犯罪の ギャング(団)s 伴う/関わるd in organising them.

'We will do all we can with partners in the UK and フラン to 安全な・保証する 証拠, identify those 責任がある this event, and bring them to 司法(官).'

A group of young men '急ぐd the boat' just as it 始める,決める off, によれば (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.?

'These are the men who could 井戸/弁護士席 be 責任がある the deaths,' an 調査/捜査するing source said today.

'The problem is that they are already in Britain, and undoubtedly (人命などを)奪う,主張するing 亡命'.

A 犯罪の 調査 into the deaths has been opened by the Boulogne-sur-Mer 検察官,検事.?

It (機の)カム just hours after?Rishi Sunak's Rwanda?法案 to 阻止する migrants from making the perilous crossing was passed in 議会.

Rishi Sunak 公約するd to let nothing 'stand in our way' yesterday as he gears up to send Channel migrants to Rwanda?by July after the 政府's 国外追放 計画(する) was finally passed by 議会.

Last year, there were 67,337 亡命 使用/適用s to the UK. Of those, 29,437 (機の)カム from people who arrived in small boats.

The Rwanda 計画/陰謀's capacity is 200 people per year. It means if the 計画/陰謀 had been running last year, it would have 国外追放するd いっそう少なく than 0.7 per cent of small boat migrants.

ーに関して/ーの点でs of the cost of the 旅行 per person, for the first 300 migrants sent to Rwanda, it will cost the 政府 £1.8million per 長,率いる,?Whitehall's 公式の/役人 spending 監視者 said.

Yesterday afternoon, dozens of migrants were brought ashore by Border Force and RNLI ships

Yesterday afternoon, dozens of migrants were brought 岸に by 国境 軍隊 and RNLI ships

Last year, there were 67,337 asylum applications to the UK. Of those, 29,437 came from people who arrived in small boats. The Government claims the Rwanda scheme will act as a deterrent, however it only has the capacity to send 200 people a year to the East African country

Last year, there were 67,337 亡命 使用/適用s to the UK. Of those, 29,437 (機の)カム from people who arrived in small boats. The 政府 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the Rwanda 計画/陰謀 will 行為/法令/行動する as a deterrent, however it only has the capacity to send 200 people a year to the East African country

Migrants were seen beating back the French police using only wooden sticks and firecrackers

Migrants were seen (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing 支援する the French police using only 木造の sticks and 爆竹s

Once the migrants were in the boat, the officers said there was no more they could do

Once the migrants were in the boat, the officers said there was no more they could do

A helicopter of the Emergency medical services takes off from Wimereux on April 23

A ヘリコプター of the 緊急 医療の services takes off from Wimereux on April 23

Emergency vehicles were seen beside an ice cream shop on the beach at Wimereux in France yesterday morning

緊急 乗り物s were seen beside an ice cream shop on the beach at Wimereux in フラン yesterday morning

The 総理大臣 said the?'悲劇の' 出来事/事件 '強調するs' the need for the deterrent 影響 of the Rwanda 計画(する).

Three men, a woman and a little girl 溺死するd after the dinghy they were on flipped over in the 早期に hours of this morning off the coast of northern フラン, casting around 112 people into the Channel.?

(映画の)フィート数 of the moments before the boat 開始する,打ち上げるd showed 得点する/非難する/20s of people running に向かって the sea as they tried to (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 支援する the French officers on Wimereux beach in northern フラン 早期に on Tuesday morning.

Once the migrants were in the water, the French police said there was nothing more they could do as they didn't have a boat.

Moments later, the boat 攻撃する,衝突する a sandbank and 原因(となる)d panic that led to the boat 転覆するing and five people - 含むing a little girl - 溺死するing.

Rescue boats were also seen off the coast of northern France as emergency services searched for survivors

救助(する) boats were also seen off the coast of northern フラン as 緊急 services searched for 生存者s

Emergency workers rushed to the sea in a bid to save migrants who got in trouble while trying to cross the Channel

緊急 労働者s 急ぐd to the sea in a 企て,努力,提案 to save migrants who got in trouble while trying to cross the Channel

Only then did French police 緊急発進する a boat to save the remaining 生存者s.

However, when some of the migrants 辞退するd to be 救助(する)d and 再開するd the boat's engine, the French 海軍 instead 護衛するd them onwards に向かって Britain, which they reached at around lunchtime on Tuesday.?

Guirec Le Bras, the Boulogne 検察官,検事, has opened an enquiry into '過失致死, 犯罪の 協会 and the 援助 of foreigners in an 不規律な 状況/情勢.'

Some 申し立てられた/疑わしい smugglers 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of 非難する up to £1000-a-長,率いる for the voyage to Britain have already been 逮捕(する)d and their 航海の 器具/備品 押収するd, Mr Le Bras said.

This 含むd boats 類似の to the one used, which are designed for 20 people 最大限.

Mr Le Bras also 確認するd that police had fought running 戦う/戦いs with police in the lead up to the three men, a woman in her 早期に 30s, and the the girl 老年の between four and seven 溺死するing.

One of the helicopters was seen flying low over the beach at Wimereux this morning

One of the ヘリコプターs was seen 飛行機で行くing low over the beach at Wimereux this morning

Another air ambulance was seen landing at the side of the beach in Wimereux

Another 空気/公表する 救急車 was seen 上陸 at the 味方する of the beach in Wimereux

A member of the French Gendarmerie talks with a driver 
of a passing car in Wimereux, near Calais

A member of the French Gendarmerie 会談 with a driver of a passing car in Wimereux, 近づく Calais

The regional governor of the Calais region, Prefet Jacques Billant (pictured), condemned the human traffickers who packed victims into the boat

The 地域の 知事 of the Calais 地域, Prefet Jacques Billant (pictured), 非難するd the human traffickers who packed 犠牲者s into the boat