EXCLUSIVEPictured: Hero teacher who bravely 武装解除するd girl 'going mad' with a knife by putting her into an armlock during horror Ammanford school stabbing

A hero teacher bravely 武装解除するd a schoolgirl 'going mad' with a knife 削除するing other teachers and a pupil in the playground.

Darrel Campbell waded into the morning break mayhem to 格闘する a バタフライ knife from the teenage girl.

An 注目する,もくろむ-証言,証人/目撃する said Mr Campbell put the girl into an armlock until police and 緊急 services arrived. Neither of the 負傷させるd teachers' or the pupil's 傷害s are life-脅すing.?

The 1800-pupil Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, was put into lockdown after a 'Code Red' was called over the (衆議院の)議長 system.

The girl, a Year Nine pupil, was 手錠d and taken away for 尋問 into what police 述べるd as a '多重の stabbing'.

Darrel Campbell waded into the morning break mayhem to wrestle a butterfly knife from the teenage girl

Darrel Campbell waded into the morning break mayhem to 格闘する a バタフライ knife from the teenage girl

Photos show him posing
 outside the plush Harbourmaster Hotel in Aberaeron

Photos show him 提起する/ポーズをとるing outside the plush Harbourmaster Hotel in Aberaeron

A person has been arrested after three people were left injured following a 'major incident' at a Ysgol Dyffryn Aman school in Carmarthenshire. A large police and ambulance presence can be seen

A person has been 逮捕(する)d after three people were left 負傷させるd に引き続いて a 'major 出来事/事件' at a Ysgol Dyffryn Aman school in Carmarthenshire. A large police and 救急車 presence can be seen

Pupils were walking 支援する into lessons after their 中央の-morning break when the teenage 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う 恐らく stabbed another girl in the stomach.

Two teachers tried to stop the attack and both were knifed, one was 削除するd across the throat によれば a girl pupil who 証言,証人/目撃するd the stabbings.

She said: 'Everyone was running and there were 叫び声をあげるs that the girl had was going mad with a knife.

'Mr Campbell arrived on the scene and put her in a headlock and got the knife off her.'

Mr Campbell, 長,率いる of Year 11, was uninjured in the 出来事/事件 at the 1800-pupil bilingual school.

This afternoon Dyfed-Powys Police 確認するd that two teachers and a teenage pupil had been taken to hospital with を刺す 負傷させるs.

調査s are continuing surrounding the 出来事/事件, which took place just after 11.20am this morning.

The teenage girl remains in police 保護/拘留 and she has been 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of 殺人未遂.?

Crowds of parents are seen waiting outside the school gates watching as emergency workers attend the incident

(人が)群がるs of parents are seen waiting outside the school gates watching as 緊急 労働者s …に出席する the 出来事/事件

More than 10 police cars and two air ambulance helicopters were sent to the school following the incident

More than 10 police cars and two 空気/公表する 救急車 ヘリコプターs were sent to the school に引き続いて the 出来事/事件?

The 出来事/事件 is said to have 伴う/関わるd two girls before two staff 介入するd, a 上級の 教育の professional, who does not work at the school, told むちの跡s Online.

It is thought a 女性(の) teacher is one of those 負傷させるd, but this is yet to be 確認するd. She was said to have been flown by 空気/公表する 救急車 70 miles to the University Hospital of むちの跡s in Cardiff.

Terrified students jumped the 7ft-high perimeter 盗品故買者 to escape the horror attack which took place after the 中央の-morning break, one pupil told The Times.?

Police are not looking for anyone else in relation to the 緊急 状況/情勢 and 警告するd people who had 株d (映画の)フィート数 on social マスコミ to 除去する it 'to 避ける 法廷侮辱(罪) and 苦しめるing those 影響する/感情d'.?

総理大臣 Rishi Sunak 表明するd his 'shock' at the news and thanked 緊急 services as he said his thoughts are with all those 影響する/感情d. 労働 leader Sir Keir Starmer 述べるd it as 'awful news'.

The school was under 'code red' and pupils locked in their classrooms for several hours. They tearfully embraced their parents who had 急ぐd to wait outside as they walked out of the school gates at around 3.20pm.

Carmarthenshire 郡 会議 moved to 安心させるd parents to say the 出来事/事件 'has been 含む/封じ込めるd' and that family members of the 負傷させるd had been 知らせるd.

An ambulance can be seen outside the school with worried parents standing outside the building

An 救急車 can be seen outside the school with worried parents standing outside the building

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, and First Minister Vaughan Gething took to X to express their shock

総理大臣 Rishi Sunak, 労働 leader Sir Keir Starmer, and First 大臣 Vaughan Gething took to X to 表明する their shock

Teaching union the 協会 of School and College Leaders Cymru 述べるd it as a 'horrifyi ng 出来事/事件'.

Director Eithne Hughes said: 'While we don't know the 十分な 詳細(に述べる)s of what has happened, this is 明確に a horrifying 出来事/事件 and our thoughts and 祈りs are with everyone 影響する/感情d at the school and in the wider community.'

One parent said: 'This is a 静かな area and a nice school with a good community. We just can't 人物/姿/数字 out what has gone on. My daughter saw an 空気/公表する 救急車 land outside. It is unbelievable.'

Cllr Davies told むちの跡s Online: I have no 確定/確認 on how serious the 傷害s are. I send my thoughts to those 負傷させるd and all the people there. I know how 井戸/弁護士席 the school rehearsed lockdown and I am sure everything is under 支配(する)/統制する.'

Another 関心d parent Lisa Barrett said her daughter texted her 説 the school had been placed under a lockdown.

She told BBC むちの跡s: 'This is not something you 推定する/予想する - you 運動 your child to school and think they will be 安全な. It is good to know that the children are locked in the classrooms.'

Mrs Barrett said she had not heard anything from the school as of yet.

'I am just waiting,' she 追加するd. 'I don't know if I should go 負かす/撃墜する there or not.'

Police speak to worried parents outside the school gates after?classrooms were put in 'lockdown' following the incident

Police speak to worried parents outside the school gates after?classrooms were put in 'lockdown' に引き続いて the 出来事/事件?

One worried parent said officers would be speaking to classrooms individually before lifting the lockdown

One worried parent said officers would be speaking to classrooms 個々に before 解除するing the lockdown

The school is currently under 'code red' and pupils have been put in the canteen in order to preserve the crime scene

The school is 現在/一般に under 'code red' and pupils have been put in the canteen ーするために 保存する the 罪,犯罪 scene

The alleged incident is said to have taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman, also known as Amman Valley School, in Ammanford in the west Wales county. Pictured: Two air ambulances on the school field

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 出来事/事件 is said to have taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman, also known as Amman Valley School, in Ammanford in the west むちの跡s 郡. Pictured: Two 空気/公表する 救急車s on the school field?

Another mother waiting outside the gates, 指名するd Rebecca, told ITV Cymru むちの跡s said the school is 存在 kept on 'code red'.

'明白に I’ve seen the blue lights, and I know we don’t blue light unless we have to and I’ve seen the 空気/公表する 救急車 leave,' she said.

'They’re keeping the school on lockdown - code red as the y’re calling it - and the police will be speaking to the classes 個々に, then take them to get their lunch, then take them 支援する to their classrooms.'

Plaid Cymru leader Liz Saville Roberts wrote on X that her heart 'goes out to the pupils, families and staff of the school, and to the 緊急 services who are 答える/応じるing to the 状況/情勢'.

While First 大臣 Vaughan Gething was left 'shocked to hear news of serious 出来事/事件 in Rhydaman'. He wrote on X: 'A 深く,強烈に worrying time for the school, families and community. Diolch to first responders.'

地元の 議員 略奪する James said: 'My thoughts are with the headteacher, teaching staff, parents and pupils of Ysgol Dyffryn Aman after today's major 出来事/事件.

'I have been in 接触する with Carmarthenshire 会議 and will 供給する any support I can to the school during this difficult time.'

地元の MP Jonathan Edwards, who is the MP for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, 表明するd his 関心 about the 出来事/事件 on social マスコミ.

The Welsh language school has 1,800 pupil aged 11 to 18. The school is situated in the north of the Ammanford town centre, while the town itself is a few miles north-east of the western terminus of the M4

The Welsh language school has 1,800 pupil 老年の 11 to 18. The school is 据えるd in the north of the Ammanford town centre, while the town itself is a few miles north-east of the western terminus of the M4

One air ambulance is said to have now left the field and is reportedly flying towards the University Hospital in Cardiff. The second remains on site

One 空気/公表する 救急車 is said to have now left the field and is 報道によれば 飛行機で行くing に向かって the University Hospital in Cardiff. The second remains on 場所/位置

The alleged incident is said to have taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in Ammanford in the west Wales county

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 出来事/事件 is said to have taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in Ammanford in the west むちの跡s 郡

'Thoughts are with everyone 支援する home and with the 当局 答える/応じるing,' he wrote.

Adam Price, Plaid Cymru member of the Senedd for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, and a former pupil at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman, said his thoughts were with the school.

Mr Price 地位,任命するd on social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約 X: 'As we wait for more (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) to be 解放(する)d, my thoughts, like the 残り/休憩(する) of us, are with the school's community.'

The Church of All Saints in Ammanford has opened its doors to 申し込む/申し出 help and pastoral support in 返答.

Bishop of St Davids, Dorrien Davies, said: 'My thoughts and 祈りs are with the 負傷させるd, the staff, pupils and families of all at Dyffryn Amman School.'

Dyfed-Powys Police and two 空気/公表する 救急車s were called to the scene.

One 空気/公表する 救急車 is said to have now left the field and is 報道によれば 飛行機で行くing に向かって the University Hospital in Cardiff. The second remains on 場所/位置.

The Welsh language school has 1,800 pupils 老年の 11 to 18. The school is 据えるd in the north of the Ammanford town centre, while the town itself is a few miles north-east of the western terminus of the M4.

Leader of the Welsh 保守的なs Andrew RT Davies 述べるd the 出来事/事件 at a school '極端に 関心ing'.