French 大統領 Macron laid on a crunching 取り組む as he took to the field for a charity football match in Paris.

The 競争の激しい 政治家,政治屋 showed his dogged 決意 as he 星/主役にするd 負かす/撃墜する the 対立 in an 運動競技の 陳列する,発揮する in the run up to his country hosting the Olympics in July.

Images from the event showed him as he put the boot into his 対立 as he reached out his 脚 in an 試みる/企てる to 取り組む.

Another showed him grimace in 集中 as the 大統領 buried his ball into the 底(に届く) left in a 冷笑的な 刑罰,罰則.

And a third saw Macron helping up another felled member of the oppositon, as they appeared to laugh in shock as they raised themselves up from the turf.?

Images from the event showed him as he put the boot into his opposition as he reached out his leg in an attempt to tackle

Images from the event showed him as he put the boot into his 対立 as he reached out his 脚 in an 試みる/企てる to 取り組む

Another showed him grimace in concentration as the politician buried his ball into the bottom left in a cynical penalty

Another showed him grimace in 集中 as the 政治家,政治屋 buried his ball into the 底(に届く) left in a 冷笑的な 刑罰,罰則

A third saw Macron helping up another felled member of the oppositon, as they appeared to laugh in shock as they raised themselves up from the turf

A third saw Macron helping up another felled member of the oppositon, as they appeared to laugh in shock as they raised themselves up from the turf

The competitive premier showed his dogged determination as he stared down the opposition in an athletic display in the run up to his country hosting the Olympics in July

The 競争の激しい 首相 showed his dogged 決意 as he 星/主役にするd 負かす/撃墜する the 対立 in an 運動競技の 陳列する,発揮する in the run up to his country hosting the Olympics in July

The cunning footballer flashed a smirk as his teammates played their way up the pitch, just outside Paris

The cunning footballer flashed a smirk as his チーム仲間s played their way up the pitch, just outside Paris

Playing alongside him was Didier Deschamps (behind, right) - the French national football team's former coach who led the team to victory in the 2018 World Cup, making him only the third person to win the competition as a player and a manager

Playing と一緒に him was Didier Deschamps (behind, 権利) - the French 国家の football team's former coach who led the team to victory in the 2018 World Cup, making him only the third person to 勝利,勝つ the 競争 as a player and a 経営者/支配人

Macron walked to the pitch hand-in-hand with his wife Brigitte, as he enthusiastically grin
ned at the prospect of a kick about

Macron walked to the pitch 手渡す-in-手渡す with his wife Brigitte, as he enthusiastically grinned at the prospect of a kick about

…に出席するing the Varietes Club charity football match と一緒に his wife Brigitte?at the Bernard Giroux stadium in Plaisir, outside Paris, in an event that raised??57,500 for charity.

Playing と一緒に him was?Didier Deschamps - the French 国家の football team's former coach who led the team to victory in the 2018 World Cup, making him only the third person to 勝利,勝つ the 競争 as a player and a 経営者/支配人.

In a monocrome white and 黒人/ボイコット 道具 paired with grey socks, Macron enjoyed a 支配的な 業績/成果 - running across the pitch with the ball at his feet.

But this is not the first time the French 首相 has revelled in his 運動競技の prowess - as only last month his personal photographer Soazing de la Moissonni?re 原因(となる)d やめる a 動かす in フラン? when she 解放(する)d two images 描写するing him 続けざまに猛撃するing a punchbag.

With his 直面する a picture of steely 解決する as chiselled biceps rippled from beneath his shirt, the 黒人/ボイコット-and-white 発射s of Macron were received as a 陳列する,発揮する of 'ultimate virility' によれば French newspaper Nice-Matin.?

Many posited that the 発射/推定 of machismo and strength (機の)カム as part of a PR 不快な/攻撃 as the French 大統領 takes a harder 姿勢 on the Russia-ウクライナ共和国 war, with Macron having paused 長年の 成果/努力s to 持続する a closer 社債 with his 相当するもの in Moscow Vladimir Putin.

But in reality, Macron's pugilistic photo-op is just the 最新の in a years-long (選挙などの)運動をする of 行う/開催する/段階d shoots designed to portray the Elysee Palace 長,指導者 as a dashing, 有能な and admirable 代表者/国会議員 of フラン and her 利益/興味s.

Unlike the PR (選挙などの)運動をするs of other 国家の leaders - such as uber-machismo Putin -?the 公式の/役人 images of Macron by de la Moissonni?re are more tasteful.

Macron looked serious as he stood hands-on-hips as he seriously approached his penalty

Macron looked serious as he stood 手渡すs-on-hips as he 本気で approached his 刑罰,罰則

Celebrating, he took in his applause - recognising his fans with a clap of his own

Celebrating, he took in his 賞賛 - recognising his fans with a clap of his own

The French President raised his hands to the heavens to celebrate the game - with the few fans gathered on the sidelines

The French 大統領 raised his 手渡すs to the heavens to celebrate the game - with the few fans gathered on the sidelines

Attending the Varietes Club charity football match alongside his wife Brigitte at the Bernard Giroux stadium in Plaisir, outside Paris, in an event that raised ?57,500 for charity

…に出席するing the Varietes Club charity football match と一緒に his wife Brigitte at the Bernard Giroux stadium in Plaisir, outside Paris, in an event that raised ?57,500 for charity

They 逮捕(する) the French leader's looks, 信用/信任 and charm as much as his masculinity and physical 能力s.

From pictures of the 大統領 flashing a winning smile as he lounged on a 情熱 colour sofa with a crisp, unbuttoned shirt 明らかにする/漏らすing his hairy chest, to the 悪名高い portrait of Macron wearing a Zelensky-style hoody as he strode into the Golden Room of the Elysee Palace in the 早期に days of the ウクライナ共和国 war - many of the snaps 捜し出す to 陳列する,発揮する him as a man of versatility and character, rather than a hard-nosed, no-nonsense 政治家.

His photographic oeuvre reads like a 目録 of calculated nonchalance, with each image serving a 二重の 目的: to humanise the 政治家,政治屋 and to 事業/計画(する) an aura of 教祖的指導力.?

But the most 最近の images of Macron's ボクシング workout come at a time when he is working to position himself as the strongman of Europe standing up to Putin.

This has led many to 推測する that Macron wants to show off his fighting spirit and 決意 after 軍の 専門家s said he is bidding to lead 北大西洋条約機構 as a 'Napoleon'.

Last month Macron 宣言するd the prospect of sending Western ground 軍隊/機動隊s into ウクライナ共和国 should not be '支配するd out' and 勧めるd European leaders not to be 'cowards' when it comes to the defence of ウクライナ共和国.

He also chastised Putin for 脅すing the use of 核の 装置s and reminded him フラン also has an 前進するd 武器s programme in interviews with French マスコミ.

In an uncharacteristically brash retort to Putin's 最新の 一区切り/(ボクシングなどの)試合 of 核の sabre-動揺させるing, Macron said: 'We must first and 真っ先の feel 保護するd because we are a 核の 力/強力にする. We are ready; we have a doctrine (for the use of 核の 武器s).'

The pictures were released by Macron's official photographer Sazig de la Moissonniere and show the French leader in a boxing gym yesterday, where he flexed his muscles as he hit a punching bag

The pictures were 解放(する)d by Macron's 公式の/役人 photographer Sazig de la Moissonniere and show the French leader in a ボクシング gym yesterday, where he flexed his muscles as he 攻撃する,衝突する a punching 捕らえる、獲得する

His face set in a determined grimace, Macron aimed to show off his fighting spirit and determination after military experts said he is bidding to lead NATO as a 'Napoleon'

His 直面する 始める,決める in a 決定するd grimace, Macron 目的(とする)d to show off his fighting spirit and 決意 after 軍の 専門家s said he is bidding to lead 北大西洋条約機構 as a 'Napoleon'

Macron's cringe-worthy portrayal of strength with the boxing photos resemble similar attempts by Russian president Putin, whose office previously released photos of him beating an opponent in Judo, playing ice hockey or riding shirtless on a horse

Macron's cringe-worthy 描写 of strength with the ボクシング photos 似ている 類似の 試みる/企てるs by ロシアの 大統領,/社長 Putin, whose office 以前 解放(する)d photos of him (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing an 対抗者 in Judo, playing ice ホッケー or riding shirtless on a horse

In an age of social media where every flex and flicker is meticulously curated, Emmanuel Macron appears committed to per
fecting the art of visual rhetoric

In an age of social マスコミ where every flex and flicker is meticulously curated, Emmanuel Macron appears committed to perfecting the art of visual rhetoric

In some of his 最新の comments about the war, the French 大統領 said last week that a ロシアの victory in ウクライナ共和国 'would 減ずる Europe's 信用性 to 無' as he again 辞退するd to 支配する out (軍隊を)展開する,配備するing 軍隊/機動隊s.

It's a 著名な 出発 from Macron's approach earlier in his 大統領/総裁などの地位 when he sought to develop a strong, communicative 関係 with Vladimir Putin.

In the 早期に days of the ウクライナ共和国 war, Macron was ひどく criticised by Western partners for his continued 試みる/企てるs to 行為/行う 外交 with Putin, 主張するing on speaking to his ロシアの 相当するもの at 正規の/正選手 intervals as he 押し進めるd for a 停戦.

Macron's photoshoots have long divided public opinion in フラン, and the images of Macron pummelling the 激しい 捕らえる、獲得する were no different.

French マスコミ relations 専門家 Gaspard Gantzer said his 大統領,/社長 wants to show 'he is a Frenchman like any other... that he is in 広大な/多数の/重要な physical 形態/調整... that he wants to fight.'

Women's magazine Femme Actuelle also piled in, commenting that the photos showed 'a 決定するd look, as if he wants to do 戦う/戦い with his 対抗者… He seems to 攻撃する,衝突する so hard that his biceps pop out from under his 黒人/ボイコット T-shirt.'

Others however were quick to put 負かす/撃墜する Macron's photo-op.

Macron's pugilistic photo-op is just the latest in a years-long campaign of staged shoots designed to portray the Elysee Palace chief as a dashing, capable and admirable representative of France

Macron's pugilistic photo-op is just the 最新の in a years-long (選挙などの)運動をする of 行う/開催する/段階d shoots designed to portray the Elysee Palace 長,指導者 as a dashing, 有能な and admirable 代表者/国会議員 of フラン

But Macron's PR drive seeks to portray the Head of State as the complete package

But Macron's PR 運動 捜し出すs to portray the 長,率いる of 明言する/公表する as the 完全にする 一括

Macron pets a dog as he sits at his desk in the Elysee Palace

Macron pets a dog as he sits at his desk in the Elysee Palace

An image of Macron wearing a drab hoody emerged in the days following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, leading many to suggest the French President was modelling his looks on the then-lauded Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky

An image of Macron wearing a 淡褐色 hoody 現れるd in the days に引き続いて the 突発/発生 of war in ウクライナ共和国, 主要な many to 示唆する the French 大統領 was modelling his looks on the then-称讃するd Ukrainian 総理大臣 Volodymyr Zelensky

Commentator Jonathan Bouchet-Petersen wrote in French 出版(物) 解放 that the photos were a 'rather 狼狽ing communication choice'.

He said he 最初 thought they were the 製品 of a generative AI programme - and would have preferred that were the 事例/患者.

'Be careful, Rocky Macron is a real man,' the writer quipped in a sarcastic 言及/関連 to Sylvester Stallone's character who managed to end the 冷淡な War in his fight with Soviet 最高の-競技者 Ivan Drago - after 支えるing hundreds of blows to the 長,率いる.

French Greens MP Sandrine Rousseau also 表明するd her 失望 on social マスコミ, reposting the image with the comment: 'What a 敗北・負かす for progressivism. And what poverty of political communication.'