'My cousin texted me, he said he was in a locked room. Everyone's shocked': Panic-stricken parents are 再会させるd with their children at school gates after two teachers and teenage pupil are stabbed in shock school knife attack

  • Hundreds 急ぐd to the school gates outside Ysgol Dyffrun Aman?

Panic-stricken parents have been 再会させるd with their children at a school gates after two 女性(の) teachers and a pupil were stabbed by a teenage schoolgirl.?

The 1800-pupil school in?Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, was put in lockdown?after the girl 恐らく 攻撃するd out with a バタフライ knife and a 'Code Red' was 発表するd over the (衆議院の)議長 system.

Children were told to lock themselves inside classrooms and keep their 長,率いるs 負かす/撃墜する until police arrived.?

A Year Nine pupil was 逮捕(する)d on 疑惑 of 殺人未遂 and taken away in 手錠s for 尋問, it is understood. The 傷害s of the three 犠牲者s?are not life-脅すing, Dyfed-Powys Police said.

Luke Poole, a family member of two students at the school, said his 親族 had to lock himself into a room to 避ける the stabbings.????

'My sister and cousin are in the school. My cousin texted me that someone has been stabbed. I come and check it out to make sure everything's okay, and my cousin said that he's in a locked room,' he told the BBC.?

'I'm just waiting for my sister and him to get out now.?I feel worried, I think everyone's a bit shocked 同様に.'?

Police speak to worried parents outside Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in Wales after?classrooms were put in 'lockdown' following the incident

Police speak to worried parents outside Ysgol Dyffryn Aman in むちの跡s after?classrooms were put in 'lockdown' に引き続いて the 出来事/事件?

One worried parent said officers would be speaking to classrooms individually before lifting the lockdown

One worried parent said officers would be speaking to classrooms 個々に before 解除するing the lockdown

One 関心d parent told LBC: 'If I'm honest I don't feel 安全な sending him tomorrow to school, but that's 明白に a discussion I'll have with him this evening.?

'It's a very 脅すing 状況/情勢 to be in for everyone.'?

A 脅すd pupil said: 'It was breaktime, and I was in the IT class. I walk out, and this pupil tells me there's been a stabbing. At first I didn't believe her but a few moments after that I hear Code Red, and I've never heard that before.'?

They 追加するd: 'There was an instant 急ぐ of adrenaline, and instinct, so I just thought it would be best to jump the gate. I thought as quick as I could.'?

Earlier hundreds 急ぐd to Ysgol Dyffryn Aman's school gates with their sons and daughters locked inside for several hours.?

READ MORE: Person is 逮捕(する)d and three people 含むing 'teacher' 負傷させるd after 'knife attack 伴う/関わるing two girls'


Coaches lined the streets outside to take those home whose loved ones unable to come 選ぶ them up.?

They tearfully embraced their children at around 3.20pm as they walked out of the school gates.?

The small community was left shocked by the 申し立てられた/疑わしい stabbing which is understood to have 負傷させるd two 女性(の) teachers and a pupil.?

The school was placed on 'code red' and students were not 解放(する)d from lockdown until officers had spoken to classrooms 個々に, one parent said.

The schoolgirl was 逮捕(する)d and police are not looking for anyone else in relation to the 緊急 状況/情勢 which has now been '含む/封じ込めるd'.??

One parent said: 'This is a 静かな area and a nice school with a good community. We just can't 人物/姿/数字 out what has gone on. My daughter saw an 空気/公表する 救急車 land outside. It is unbelievable.'?

Another 関心d parent Lisa Barrett said her daughter texted her 説 the school had been placed under a lockdown.?

She told BBC?むちの跡s: 'This is not something you 推定する/予想する - you 運動 your child to school and think they will be 安全な. It is good to know that the children are locked in the classrooms.'

Mrs Barrett said she had not heard anything from the school as of yet.?

'I am just waiting,' she 追加するd. 'I don't know if I should go 負かす/撃墜する there or no t.'?

Another mother waiting outside the gates, 指名するd Rebecca, told ITV Cymru むちの跡s said the school is 存在 kept on 'code red'.?

The school is currently under 'code red' and pupils have been put in the canteen in order to preserve the crime scene

The school is 現在/一般に under 'code red' and pupils have been put in the canteen ーするために 保存する the 罪,犯罪 scene

Parents waiting outside the school gates waiting outside before they tearfully embraced their sons and daughters when they were released at about 3.20pm

Parents waiting outside the school gates waiting outside before they tearfully embraced their sons and daughters when they were 解放(する)d at about 3.20pm?

One parent said: 'This is a quiet area and a nice school with a good community. We just can't figure out what has gone on'

One parent said: 'This is a 静かな area and a nice school with a good community. We just can't 人物/姿/数字 out what has gone on'

The school was placed on 'code red' and students were not released from lockdown until officers had spoken to classrooms individually, one parent said

The s chool was placed on 'code red' and students were not 解放(する)d from lockdown until officers had spoken to classrooms 個々に, one parent said

Crowds of parents are seen waiting outside the school gates watching as emergency workers attend the incident

(人が)群がるs of parents are seen waiting outside the school gates watching as 緊急 労働者s …に出席する the 出来事/事件

'明白に I've seen the blue lights, and I know we don't blue light unless we have to and I've seen the 空気/公表する 救急車 leave,' she said.

'They're keeping the school on lockdown - code red as they're calling it - and the police will be speaking to the classes 個々に, then take them to get their lunch, then take them 支援する to their classrooms.'

One sibling whose sister was inside the school told LBC they would be waiting their until she was 解放(する)d.?

'I went to this school a few years ago and to see the fact it has turned out like this is very upsetting and it's made me angry in a way,' they said.?

'All I know is that I'm going to wait here until my sister has been 解放(する)d but we 港/避難所't had any time でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる of when they're going to be 解放(する)d.'?

Another anxious mother just 手配中の,お尋ね者 to see her son to come out and to know what had happened.?

She said the only message she had received was from an former police officer working in the school who told her her son was 安全な.?

An ambulance can be seen outside the school with worried parents standing outside the building

An 救急車 can be seen outside the school with worried parents standing outside the building

A person has been arrested after three people were left injured following a 'major incident' at a Ysgol Dyffryn Aman school in Carmarthenshire

A person has been 逮捕(する)d after three people were left 負傷させるd に引き続いて a 'major 出来事/事件' at a Ysgol Dyffryn Aman school in Carmarthenshire

In an interview with WalesOnline, 議員 Karen Davies - a LEA 知事 at the school - said she had been told the 出来事/事件 伴う/関わるd a stabbing.

'I have been told someone has been 逮捕(する)d and that two members of staff have been stabbed, but have no 確定/確認 on how serious the 傷害s are,' she told the news website.

'I send my thoughts to those 負傷させるd and all the people there. I know how 井戸/弁護士席 the school rehearsed lockdown and I am sure everything is under 支配(する)/統制する.'

総理大臣 Rishi Sunak 表明するd his 'shock' at the news and thanked 緊急 services as he said his thoughts are with all those 影響する/感情d. 労働 leader Sir Keir Starmer 述べるd it as 'awful news'.? ??