• Police 逮捕(する)d four 抗議する人s after 警告 them they could 直面する 犯罪の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s if they did not 分散させる
  • The 決起大会/結集させる at the Austin campus was 組織するd by the university's パレスチナ 団結 委員会 (PSJ) 一時期/支部
  • It comes as 引き分けs with 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs kicked off at universities across the country on another day of mayhem in US

Hundreds of 州警察官,騎馬警官s have marched on the University of Texas at Austin before scuffling with プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 抗議する人s as demonstrations kicked off at campuses across the country.

Police 逮捕(する)d at least four 行動主義者s - who burst out in 涙/ほころびs when they were 手錠d - after 警告 them they could 直面する 犯罪の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s if they did not 分散させる.

The 決起大会/結集させる at the Austin campus was 組織するd by the university's?パレスチナ 団結 委員会 (P SJ) 一時期/支部 and quickly descended into anarchy.

The group said it was 奮起させるd by their 'comrades' at Yale and Columbia University, where in-person classes have been 取り消すd 予定 to the 不安 誘発するd by '野営s for Gaza.'

It comes as プロの/賛成の-Gaza groups took to universities across the US and 衝突/不一致d with police and ユダヤ人の 反対する-抗議する人s, with furious デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s spotted at USC, Harvard, UC Berkeley, Brown and NYU.

Police 逮捕(する) a student?during a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ demonstration at the The University of Texas at Austin
Police 逮捕(する)d 行動主義者s - who burst out in 涙/ほころびs when they were 手錠d - after 警告 them they could 直面する 犯罪の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s if they did not 分散させる
Students walked out of class and gathered in 抗議する as プロの/賛成の-Gaza groups took to universities across the US and 衝突/不一致d with police
A University of Southern California 抗議する人 is 拘留するd by USC Department of Public Safety officers
One of the 抗議する人s 拘留するd by Texas 州警察官,騎馬警官s is seen above
Police have 逮捕(する)d at least four デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s at UT Austin after 警告 them they could 直面する 犯罪の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s if they did not 分散させる
The 決起大会/結集させる at the Austin campus was 組織するd by the university's パレスチナ 団結 委員会 (PSJ) 一時期/支部
The 抗議する人s in Austin asked for 'support' on Instagram as 暴動 police showed up on campus
USC Public Safety officer 知らせるs students that they must 分散させる on Wednesday
プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 支持者s from Harvard University and the Massachusetts 学校/設ける of 科学(工学)技術 決起大会/結集させる at MIT at an 野営 for パレスチナ at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts

The PSC 一時期/支部 at UT Austin said on Instagram: 'UT 行政 has called on 明言する/公表する 州警察官,騎馬警官s in an 試みる/企てる to 脅す us into silence.'

They 追加するd: 'get these pics off our campus.' Texas Department of Public Safety officers were also seen in horses and 暴動 gear at the 抗議する. has reached out to the Texas Department of Public Safety for 付加 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状). Several プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s were seen sobbing as they watched police enter the scene.?

Hundreds of Texas 州警察官,騎馬警官s went into the University of Texas at Austin campus to 支配(する)/統制する a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ student 抗議する
デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s? at UT Austin were seen sobbing as they watched police enter the scene
One of the 抗議する人s is seen as he was 拘留するd by police
The PSC 一時期/支部 said on Instagram: 'UT 行政 has called on 明言する/公表する 州警察官,騎馬警官s in an 試みる/企てる to 脅す us into silence'
They 追加するd: 'get these pics off our campus'
The group said it was 奮起させるd by their 'comrades' at Rutgers, Yale and Columbia University

The over 200 抗議する人s are 需要・要求するing UT-Austin divest from any 製造業者s 供給(する)ing イスラエル with 武器s 援助(する) the war against Hamas in Gaza.

They gathered at the university's Gregory Gym and marched に向かって the South Lawn, where they planned to sit for the 残り/休憩(する) of the day.?


One of the デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s 逮捕(する)d was one of the 抗議する's 組織者s, with an officer 選び出す/独身ing him out 説 he would be the first to be 逮捕(する)d, によれば the Tribune.?

Also on Wednesday, police 衝突/不一致d with 抗議する人s at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

University of Southern California 抗議する人s carry a テントs around Alumni Park
A プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 抗議する人 is 拘留するd by police?on the campus of the University of Texas in Austin
University of Southern California 抗議する人s fight with University Public Safety officers as they try to 除去する テントs
法律 施行 work to 含む/封じ込める a (人が)群がる during a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ demonstration at the The University of Texas at Austin
公式の/役人s broke up a テント demonstration after students began (軍の)野営地,陣営ing out for パレスチナ after a call by US C's Divest from Death 連合 and 国家の Students for 司法(官) in パレスチナ
プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 抗議する人s 始める,決める up a テント 野営 in 前線 of Sproul Hall on the UC Berkeley campus on Monday
Student sand community members support 抗議する人s who have locked themselves inside of Siemens Hall 抗議するing in support of プロの/賛成の-Palestinian at Cal Poly Humboldt on Tuesday

公式の/役人s broke up a テント demonstration after students began (軍の)野営地,陣営ing out for パレスチナ after a call by?USC's Divest from Death 連合 and 国家の Students for 司法(官) in パレスチナ.

It comes as the 状況/情勢 in Columbia University in New York City?remained 緊張した with campus 公式の/役人s 説 it would continue 会談 with プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 抗議する人s for another 48 hours.

University 大統領 Minouche Shafik had 始める,決める a midnight 最終期限 to reach an 協定 on (疑いを)晴らすing an 野営 of 抗議する人s on campus but the school 延長するd 交渉s, 説 it was making 'importan t 進歩.'

Student 抗議する人s had committed to 取り去る/解体するing and 除去するing a 重要な number of テントs, the Ivy League university said in a 声明.

On Wednesday morning, the 野営 appeared 静める and a little smaller than the previous day.

Student デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s 占領する the プロの/賛成の-Palestinian 'Gaza 団結 野営' on the West Lawn of Columbia University on April 24
An 野営 抗議するing the 集団殺戮 in Gaza, goes into its second day, on the grounds of the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, 部隊d 明言する/公表するs on April 23
テントs stand in an 野営, where students are 抗議するing in support of Palestinians at Emerson College on Wednesday
New York University (NYU) students and faculty 参加する in a 抗議する against イスラエル at Washington Square Park on Tuesday

Police first tried to (疑いを)晴らす the 野営 at Columbia last week, when they 逮捕(する)d more than 100 抗議する人s. But the move backfired, 事実上の/代理 as an inspiration for other students across the country to 始める,決める up 類似の 野営s and 動機づけるing 抗議する人s at Columbia to 再編成する.

どこかよそで, at the University of Minnesota, Democratic U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar …に出席するd a 抗議する late Tuesday, hours after nine 抗議する人s were 逮捕(する)d on the campus when police took 負かす/撃墜する an 野営 in 前線 of the library. Hundreds had 決起大会/結集させるd in the afternoon to 需要・要求する their 解放(する).?


Omar's daughter was の中で the デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s 逮捕(する)d at Columbia last week.?

Students at some 抗議するs were hiding their 身元s. At an 野営 of about 40 テントs at the heart of the University of Michigan's campus in Ann Arbor, almost every student wore a mask, which was 手渡すd to them when they entered.?

一方/合間 more than 40 抗議する人s were 逮捕(する)d Monday at an 野営 at Yale University.?

The upwelling of demonstrations has left universities struggling to balance campus safety with 解放する/自由な speech 権利s. Many long 許容するd the 抗議するs, but are now 施し物ing out more 激しい-手渡すd discipline, 特記する/引用するing safety 関心s.

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