A heartbreaking ビデオ 逮捕(する)d the moment a man 嘆く/悼むd the death of his Golden Retriever while the pooch was lying inside a cage at an airport 終点 after it went eight hours between flights without water.?

Jo?o Fantazzini 最初 paid to have the five-year-old pet flown on a Gol 航空機によるs flight from S?o Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport in the southeastern city of S?o Paulo to Sinop 地方自治体の Airport in Sinop, a municipality in the west-central 明言する/公表する of Mato Grosso on Monday.?

The 航空機による, however, 誤った placed Joca on a different flight - a total of three hours and a half - to Fortaleza International Airport in Fortaleza, the 資本/首都 of the 明言する/公表する of Cear?.?

Joca was given some water while he waited to 出発/死 Fortaleza but spent の近くに to 90 minutes on the 滑走路.

The pooch then went three hours and half in the 空気/公表する before 上陸 in S?o Paulo.

Jo?o Fantazzini's pet Golden Retriever, Joca, died from cardiac 逮捕(する) Monday after going almost eight hours without drinking water while it flew on two airplanes and stood on the 滑走路 inside a kennel
Jo?o Fantazzini 株d a moment with his dog after he 設立する him dead inside the kennel at S?o Paulo/ Guarulhos International Airport on Monday. He had Gol 航空機によるs 飛行機で行く the dog from S?o Paul airport t to Sinop 地方自治体の Airport in Sinop, Mato Grosso, but the 航空機による placed the dog on a flight to Fortaleza International Airport in Fortaleza, the 資本/首都 of the 明言する/公表する of Cear?

Fantazzini 結局 returned to S?o Paulo after learning of the 航空機による's error and was 知らせるd by a 経営者/支配人 that the dog had fallen ill.?

A ビデオ 解放(する)d by his family showed him 一打/打撃ing the furry pet while it lay behind the kennel's door.?

Fantazzini (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Joca was dead by the time a 経営者/支配人 護衛するd him to a waiting area.

The dog's death was 原因(となる)d by a cardiac 逮捕(する), によれば t he death 証明書.

'My love was 殺人d, my best choice, love of my life. You were very young!!,'?Fantazzini said in an Instagram 声明 …を伴ってd by a 一連の pictures of him and Joca.


'I remember the day I got you and our 関係 was momentary! My son, 許す me for 存在 selfish in wanting you by my 味方する!

'You are the love of my life forever! I will 行方不明になる you daily! I 行方不明になる giving you your apple every morning, taking you to the pool and taking care of yourself daily! Thank you for everything my friend!'?

Jo?o Fantazzini cuddles with his pet Golden Retriever, Joca
Gol 航空機によるs 受託するd 責任/義務 for the dog's death, calling it an '操作の 失敗'
Fantazzini paid 尊敬の印 to his dog, Joca, on Instagram:?'I remember the day I got you and our 関係 was momentary! My son, 許す me for 存在 selfish in wanting you by my 味方する!?You are the love of my life forever! I will 行方不明になる you daily! I 行方不明になる giving you your apple every morning, taking you to the pool and taking care of yourself daily!'

In a 声明? to Metropoles, Gol 定評のある that an '操作の 失敗' led to the dog's death.

'GOL sympathizes with the 苦しむing of Joca's 後見人 and his family. We understand his 苦痛 and are 深く,強烈に sorry for the loss of your pet,' the 航空機による said.?

'The Company is 申し込む/申し出ing all necessary support to the 教える and his family from the 手始め. The 調査 of the 詳細(に述べる)s of what happened is 存在 carried out with total 優先 by our team.'

The 航空機による has since 一時停止するd the transportation of animals in the 貨物 section, but has welcomed them to 飛行機で行く in the cabin with their owners.

Silvio Costa Silva, who 長,率いるs the Ports and Airports 省, said the department joined the 国家の Civil 航空 機関 in the 調査.?

During a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 Wednesday, 大統領? Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva wore a tie with print of a dog and 勧めるd the?国家の Civil 航空 機関 and Gol 航空機によるs to never let a 類似の 出来事/事件 happen again.

'The dog died because he spent eight hours without drinking water, 罠にかける inside the 計画(する),' Lula said. 'I think Gol has to be accountable. I think Anac (国家の Civil 航空 機関) has to 監視する this, and I think we cannot 許す this to continue happening in Brazil.'

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