共謀 nation! From chemtrails to Taylor Swift psyops, the 2024 race is rife with bunk. California and Texas are hotspots for wacky ideas, but can YOU guess which 明言する/公表する 最高の,を越すs the chart?

共謀 theories are 栄えるing in California, Texas, Alabama, and New York this 選挙 year.

But there's another US 明言する/公表する where fringe ideas are even closer to the mainstream, 研究 shows.

A 全国的な 調査する of 3,000 投票者s 設立する that in 共謀 theories have the deepest roots in Florida.

Floridians may be 傾向がある to wacky ideas because they spend so much time on social マスコミ, 研究員s said.

It could also be 予定 to 'disenfranchisement' from the 明言する/公表する's wider-than-普通の/平均(する) wealth gaps, they 追加するd.

'It goes all the way to the top!' The archetypal conspiracy theorist from comedy show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

'It goes all the way to the 最高の,を越す!' The archetypal 共謀 理論家 from comedy show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Conspiracy theories are thriving in Florida, California, Texas, Alabama, and New York this election year

共謀 theories are 栄えるing in Florida, California, Texas, Alabama, and New York this 選挙 year?

The 日光 明言する/公表する's oddball leaning was on 陳列する,発揮する at former 大統領,/社長 Donald Trump's hush money 裁判,公判 earlier this month.

Max Azzarello, the man who 始める,決める himself 燃えて outside the New York courthouse, and later died from his 傷害s, was from St. Augustine, Florida.

Azzarello 地位,任命するd online about everything from Covid-19 存在 an '経済的な doomsday 装置' to mafia-run colleges.

Other theories have been doing the 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs as America 長,率いるs into a 意見の不一致を生じる 選挙 season.

About a fifth of Americans believe pop 星/主役にする Taylor Swift is part of a 共謀 to help Joe Biden 勝利,勝つ re-選挙 in November.

Many 理論家s 推定する/予想するd her to 是認する Biden when …に出席するing the 最高の Bowl in February to 元気づける on boyfriend Travis Kelce, of the Kansas City 長,指導者s.

Nearly a 4半期/4分の1 of US adults say the Baltimore 橋(渡しをする) 崩壊(する) last month was not an 事故 and せいにする it to a dastardly 陰謀(を企てる), a DailyMail.com/TIPP 投票 showed.

一方/合間, 井戸/弁護士席-worn theories about chemtrails enlivened 国会議員s in Tennessee this month.

Max Azzarello of St. Augustine, Florida, set himself on fire outisde?the New York courthouse where Donald Trump's historic hush-money trial was taking place

Max Azzarello of St. Augustine, Florida, 始める,決める himself on 解雇する/砲火/射撃 outisde?the New York courthouse where Donald Trump's historic hush-money 裁判,公判 was taking place

Azzarello, a conspiracy theorist, had posted online about everything from Covid-19 being an 'economic doomsday device' to mafia-run colleges

Azzarello, a 共謀 理論家, had 地位,任命するd online about everything from Covid-19 存在 an '経済的な doomsday 装置' to mafia-run colleges

Republicans are bigger fans of conspiarcy theories than are Democrats, researchers said

共和国の/共和党のs are bigger fans of conspiarcy theories than are 民主党員s, 研究員s said

They passed a 共和国の/共和党の-led 法案 that forbids 'intentional 注射, 解放(する), or dispersion' of 化学製品s into the 空気/公表する.

Critics said it was a sop to 権利-wingers who believe in a secret 政府 program to 追加する 有毒な 化学製品s into the atmosphere from 航空機.

Proponents say 化学製品s could be sterilizing people, 減ずるing lifespans, or some form of mind 支配(する)/統制する.

The 調査する by betting 会社/堅い Oddspedia 設立する that most 共謀 theories were about 政府 干渉, which features in about two thirds of them.

脅すs about healthcare and 薬/医学 are in nearly half of theories, says the 調査する.

About a third 含む yarns about secret societies and 外国人 lifeforms, it 追加するs.

共謀 theories typically explain an event or 始める,決める of circumstances as the result of a secret 陰謀(を企てる) by a cabal of usually powerful schemers.

They're most often outlandish nonsense ? but not always.

The 理論家s were 権利 about John Lennon 存在 covertly 調査(する)d by the 連邦検察局.

And the big タバコ 会社/堅いs did keep 静かな about how cigarettes were 殺人,大当り people for 10年間s.?

Many theorists expected Taylor Swift to endorse Biden when attending the Super Bowl in February to cheer on boyfriend Travis Kelce, of the Kansas City Chiefs.

Many 理論家s 推定する/予想するd Taylor Swift to 是認する Biden when …に出席するing the 最高の Bowl in February to 元気づける on boyfriend Travis Kelce, of the Kansas City 長,指導者s.

Tennessee Republicans this month passed a bill that forbids 'intentional injection, release, or dispersion' of chemicals into the air

Tennessee 共和国の/共和党のs this month passed a 法案 that forbids 'intentional 注射, 解放(する), or dispersion' of 化学製品s into the 空気/公表する

Nearly a quarter of respondents said the Baltimore bridge went down due to a conspiracy

Nearly a 4半期/4分の1 of 回答者/被告s said the Baltimore 橋(渡しをする) went 負かす/撃墜する 予定 to a 共謀

Theories about the disaster emerged soon after Baltimore's bridge fell into the Patapsco River

Theories about the 災害 現れるd soon after Baltimore's 橋(渡しをする) fell into the Patapsco River?

Across the board, about four in five Americans 固執する to at least one 共謀 theory, the 調査する shows.

They're 特に popular の中で 共和国の/共和党のs, with 35 パーセント of GOP 投票者s classed as a 'strong to 穏健な' 信奉者.

That compares to just 14 パーセント of 民主党員s.

回答者/被告s most often 遭遇(する) theories on social マスコミ, 特に Facebook and X/Twitter, they said.

Fully 90 パーセント of 投票者s said the theories can 影響(力) perceptions of 候補者s in this year's 選挙.

< p class="mol-para-with-font">Another 57 パーセント said they were spread by people based overseas.

They're likely to play a 役割 in the November contest between Trump, a 共和国の/共和党の, and Biden, a 民主党員, 研究員s said.

Another, 候補者 ― the 独立した・無所属 Robert F. Kennedy Jr ― has vaunted his own 共謀 ideas about Covid-19 and 集まり 狙撃s.

They've '堅固に守るd themselves as a 著名な element of American political discourse,' 研究員s said in a 声明.

'Our 調査 明らかにする/漏らすs a landscape where 政治家,政治屋s and social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約s alike 与える/捧げる to the spread of these theories, blurring the lines between 意向 and unintentional 活動/戦闘s.'