Humza Yousaf is on the brink of 存在 軍隊d out as Scotland's First 大臣 after the SNP's former 連合 partners turned on him during a day of 大混乱 at Holyrood.

The Scottish Greens tonight said they would 支援する a Tory-led no-信用/信任 投票(する) in Mr Yousaf, which is 推定する/予想するd next week.

It (機の)カム hours after Mr Yousaf booted the Greens' co-leaders out of his Scottish 政府 in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over?gender?and 環境の 政策s.

Lorna Slater 開始する,打ち上げるd a bitter attack on Mr Yousaf after she and fellow co-leader Patrick Harvie were 除去するd from their junior 大臣の 地位,任命するs.

Mr Yousaf 終結させるd a 2021 力/強力にする-株ing 取引,協定 between the SNP and Scottish Greens - known as the Bute House 協定 - in a pre-emptive move to 避ける the Greens embarrassing him by themselves ending the 取引,協定 in a 投票(する) next month.

But the 活動/戦闘 means he now leads a 少数,小数派 行政 at Holyrood with 63 SNP seats in the 129-seat Scottish 議会.

The 大混乱 誘発するd the Scottish?保守的なs to (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する a 動議 of no-信用/信任 in the First?大臣, with a crunch 投票(する) on the 動議 かもしれない coming on Wednesday.

Tonight, a furious Ms Slater said her party now had 'no 信用/信任 in a 進歩/革新的な 政府' in Scotland and would try to 倒れる Mr Yousaf after little more than a year in the 最高の,を越す 職業.

And Mr Harvie told BBC 無線で通信する Scotland's Drivetime programme:?'It's very (疑いを)晴らす that Humza Yousaf has decided to 燃やす his 橋(渡しをする)s with the 進歩/革新的な, プロの/賛成の-independence 大多数 that was 設立するd in the Bute House 協定.'

It also means that Alba MSP Ash Regan?- Mr Yousaf's former 挑戦者 for the SNP leadership - could 持つ/拘留する the 勢力均衡 in the 投票(する).

Mr Yousaf voiced the hope that the two parties could continue to work together on an ad-hoc basis to prop up is minority administration.

Mr Yousaf 発言する/表明するd the hope that the two parties could continue to work together on an 広告-hoc basis to 支え(る) up is 少数,小数派 行政.?

But he was subjected to a furious attack from Green Lorna Slater (right), who lost her junior ministerial role today, along with fellow co-leader Patrick Harvie (centre).

But he was 支配するd to a furious attack from Green Lorna Slater (権利), who lost her junior 大臣の 役割 today, along with fellow co-leader Patrick Harvie (centre).

The Bute House Agreement, which was voted for by members of both parties in August 2021, brought Greens into government for the first time anywhere in the UK, and gave the SNP a majority in the Scottish Parliament when its votes there were combined with those of the seven Green MSPs.

The Bute House 協定, which was 投票(する)d for by members of both parties in August 2021, brought Greens into 政府 for the first time anywhere in the UK, and gave the SNP a 大多数 in the Scottish 議会 when its 投票(する)s there were 連合させるd with those of the seven Green MSPs.

It also means that Alba MSP Ash Regan - Mr Yousaf's former challenger for the SNP leadership - could hold the balance of power in the vote. When she defected away from the SNP Mr Yousaf said she was 'no great loss' to the party.

It also means that Alba MSP Ash Regan - Mr Yousaf's former 挑戦者 for the SNP leadership - could 持つ/拘留する the 勢力均衡 in the 投票(する). When she defected away from the SNP Mr Yousaf said she was 'no 広大な/多数の/重要な loss' to the party.

What was the Bute House 協定??

After the May 2021 Scottish 議会 選挙, Nicola Sturgeon's SNP 現れるd as the largest party but without an 全体にわたる 大多数.

The Scottish Greens saw their best-ever result with eight MSPs, enough to give the two プロの/賛成の-independence parties a working 大多数 at Holyrood.

交渉s began soon after the 選挙 and the 取引,協定 (疑いを)晴らすd its final 障害物 at the end of August 2021 when Green members 投票(する)d to 認可する it.

The Bute House 協定 takes its 指名する from the First 大臣's 公式の/役人 住居 in Edinburgh, where the 草案 取引,協定 was 調印するd.

Ms Sturgeon said the 取引,協定 was a 'historic' moment, and that Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater were '堅い' 交渉者s.

What did the two parties agree to?

Mr Harvie and Ms Slater both entered 政府 as 大臣s. Their 大臣の地位s 含むd tenants' 権利s, the heat in buildings 戦略, the circular economy and biodiversity.

と一緒に the text of the Bute House 協定, which 始める,決める out the 期待s for each party, a 株d 政策 programme for their time in 政府 was published.

This 含む/封じ込めるd a number of 環境の 政策s, a かかわり合い to 器具/実施する rent 支配(する)/統制するs, and a 'fair fares review' for public 輸送(する).

The 協定 also 始める,決める out 10 areas where the two parties could continue to 同意しない.

These 含むd 航空 政策, green freeports, the defence 部門 and 経済的な 原則s 関係のある to 概念s of 維持できる growth.

What happened today?

First 大臣 Humza Yousaf called Mr Harvie and Ms Slater into his 住居 at Bute House and told them he was ending the 取引,協定.

In a あわてて-arranged 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 later than morning, he said the 協定 had 'run its course'.

He told 新聞記者/雑誌記者s the 決定/判定勝ち(する) meant a 'new beginning' for his party in 政府.

Why did the 取引,協定 落ちる apart?

Mr Yousaf's 活動/戦闘 was a?pre-emptive move to 避ける the Greens embarrassing him by themselves ending the 取引,協定 in a 投票(する) next month.

The Greens were 怒り/怒るd when the Scottish 逮捕する 無 長官 Mairi McAllan 発表するd last week the Scottish 政府 was to 溝へはまらせる/不時着する a 重要な 気候 change 的.

That, 連合させるd with a 決定/判定勝ち(する) to pause the use of puberty blockers for new 患者s …に出席するing the only Scottish gender 身元 clinic for children in Glasgow, resulted in the Greens 説 last week that they would have a 投票(する) on the 未来 of the 力/強力にする-株ing 取引,協定.

Why is Humza Yousaf now 直面するing a 投票(する) of no 信用/信任?

?The Bute House 協定 had committed Green MSPs to 支援 the 政府 in 信用/信任 投票(する)s, but as the 取引,協定 has now ended, the Tories are 捜し出すing to 偉業/利用する this.

Scottish 保守的な leader Douglas Ross 発表するd the Tories would bring 今後 a 投票(する) of no 信用/信任 in Mr Yousaf, who he branded as a 'weak' and 'failed' First 大臣.

If such a 投票(する) passed, it would mean 議会 no longer has 信用/信任 in the leadership of Mr Yousaf, which would then place him under 大規模な 圧力 to 辞職する.




