連邦の 政府 to spend $161million on an Australia-wide gun 登録(する) after two police officers were 殺人d on a remote 所有物/資産/財産

The Albanese 政府 is 始める,決める to 設立する a 国家の 小火器 登録(する) - a new countrywide database designed to 支える community safety - に引き続いて the 悲劇の Wieambilla 狙撃s in 2022.

In the 連邦の 予算, scheduled for May 14, $161.3million will be 投資するd over four years to 設立する the 登録(する), with 明言する/公表する and 領土 小火器 管理/経営 systems 昇格d to be compliant with the new 連邦/共和国 database.

The かかわり合い follows an 協定 by 国家の 閣僚 in December, though the 基金ing 手はず/準備 had become a sticking point for the 改革(する) to 進歩.

It is understood that South Australia, Tasmania, the Northern 領土 and the ACT could each 要求する as much as $30million to connect to a new 連邦の database.

The 悲劇 at Wieambilla, Queensland in December 2022 was the catalyst to making the 改革(する), after it was 初めは recommended に引き続いて the 1996 Port Arthur 大虐殺 返答.

Constables Rachel McCrow (right) and Matthew Arnold (left) were?shot and killed by three Christian extremists, Gareth, Nathaniel and Stacey Train, at their remote property

Constables Rachel McCrow (権利) and Matthew Arnold (left) were?発射 and killed by three Christian 極端論者s, Gareth, Nathaniel and Stacey Train, at their remote 所有物/資産/財産

The Albanese government is set to establish a National Firearms Register - a new countrywide database designed to bolster community safety. It was originally recommended following the 1996 Port Arthur massacre (pictured)

The Albanese 政府 is 始める,決める to 設立する a 国家の 小火器 登録(する) - a new countrywide database designed to 支える community safety. It was 初めは recommended に引き続いて the 1996 Port Arthur 大虐殺 (pictured)

On April 28, 1996 ツバメ Bryant killed 35 people in Port Arthur, Tasmania, and another 23 people were 負傷させるd.

At the time, it was considered one of the world's worst 大虐殺.?

Byrant is serving 35 life 宣告,判決s and more than a thousand 付加 years' 刑務所,拘置所 without 仮釈放(する).?

Constables Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold, and 隣人 Alan Dawe were 発射 and killed by three Christian 極端論者s, Gareth, Nathaniel and Stacey Train, at their remote 所有物/資産/財産 in?Wieambilla, 300km to Brisbane's west.

One of the 悪党/犯人s was a licensed 小火器 支えるもの/所有者.

The tragedy at Wieambilla in December 2022 was the catalyst to making the reform (stock)

The 悲劇 at Wieambilla in December 2022 was the catalyst to making the 改革(する) (在庫/株)

The 登録(する) will 許す 法律 施行 to 査定する/(税金などを)課す 小火器 危険s by 供給するing frontline police officers across the country with 近づく real-time (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on 小火器, parts and owners.

小火器 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) will also be linked to other 関連した police and 政府 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状), 含むing data from the 国家の 犯罪の 知能 System.

'Once 設立するd, police will know where 小火器 are, who owns them, and what other 危険s to the community and police may 存在する,' a 声明 解放(する)d by 弁護士/代理人/検事-General 示す Dreyfus said.

'The Australian 政府 is committed to 保護するing the Australian community and 確実にするing Australia's 小火器 法律s remain の中で the most 効果的な in the world.'

READ MORE:?殺人 調査 after a young mother-of-four is killed in a house 解雇する/砲火/射撃 - as a man, 35, and a little girl escape
Erica Hay, 30, was discovered in a rear bedroom of a home in Currie Street, Warnbro, in Perth's southern suburbs at about 1am on Friday morning (pictured)

Erica Hay, 30, was discovered in a 後部 bedroom of a home in Currie Street, Warnbro, in Perth's southern 郊外s at about 1am on Friday morning (pictured)