This is the adorable moment a clever elephant returned a toddler's tiny shoe after it was dropped into a zoo enclosure.

In the 削減(する) clip, the 抱擁する creature can be seen gently scooping up the tiny blue and yellow shoe using its enormous foot and 非常に長い trunk.

Slowly しっかり掴むing the minuscule footwear, the friendly 巨大(な) delicately returned the shoe dropping it 支援する into the young 訪問者's 手渡す.

The smart creature 指名するd Shanmai - which means 'Mountains' - lives at the Shendiaoshan Wild Animal Nature Reserve in Weihai, 中国.

At first ちらりと見ること Shanmai 最初 believed the shoe was food but upon 選ぶing it up soon realised it wasn't a bite to eat, によれば a staff member.

Adorable footage has emerged from a nature reserve in China, showing a kind elephant returning a toddler's show after it had fallen into a zoo enclosure (pictured)

Adorable fo otage has 現れるd from a nature reserve in 中国, showing a 肉親,親類d elephant returning a toddler's show after it had fallen into a zoo enclosure (pictured)

The clever giant named Shanmai, initially believed the footwear was food but soon realised it wasn't upon scooping it up (pictured: the elephant returning the shoe)

The clever 巨大(な) 指名するd Shanmai, 最初 believed the footwear was food but soon realised it wasn't upon scooping it up (pictured: the elephant returning the shoe)

But the 肉親,親類d elephant's good 行為 didn't go unnoticed as a zookeeper later rewarded Shanmai a watermelon for their 肉親,親類d gesture.

This comes すぐに after tourists in South Africa had a terrifying 遭遇(する) with a furious bull elephant whilst on a safari 小旅行する.

READ MORE:?Adorable moment girl, 2, 得る,とらえるs her brother for a cuddle just hours after he's born

The horrifying clip showed the enraged elephant 解除するing the bus of helpless tourists into the 空気/公表する with its tusks before 劇的な slamming them 支援する 負かす/撃墜する to the ground not once - but twice.

Cowering 乗客s could be heard crying as the driver loudly 叫び声をあげるd at the 抱擁する beast at Pilanesberg 国家の Park 近づく Johannesburg, South Africa to 支援する away from the 乗り物.

にもかかわらず the 小旅行する guide loudly yelling at the animal to 'move, move' whilst smacking the 味方する of his open-味方するd トラックで運ぶ - the elephant was not deterred, stamping its feet at the tourists hoping to 乗る,着手する on their safari 小旅行する.

Going in for a second 一連の会議、交渉/完成する, the 11-foot creature let out a loud trumpet before he positioned his 抱擁する tusks underneath the 乗り物 nearly 倒れるing it as he pulled it sky-high.

In the clip that 現れるd online on March 19, the disgruntled elephant 支援するd away from the bus, whilst flapping its wide ears vigorously.

Angry elephants are known to have 広げるd 注目する,もくろむs, 同様に as spread ears when approaching a perceived 脅し によれば Asilia Africa.

A furious elephant (pictured) nearly toppled an open-sided tour bus in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa not once - but twice

A furious elephant (pictured) nearly 倒れるd an open-味方するd 小旅行する bus in Pilanesberg 国家の Park, South Africa not once - but twice

In the terrifying footage the driver could be heard yelling at the beast to 'move' before the elephant went in for a second round - nearly toppling the truckload of tourist (pictured)

In the terrifying (映画の)フィート数 the driver could be heard yelling at the beast to 'move' before the elephant went in for a second 一連の会議、交渉/完成する - nearly 倒れるing the truckload of tourist (pictured)?

The terrified driver 試みる/企てるd to 逆転する away from the disgruntled tusker who appeared to be 長,率いるing for a third 戦う/戦い with the truckload of tourists.

But as the animal approached for 一連の会議、交渉/完成する three, the driver clasped his palms together and pleaded: 'No. Enough, enough, enough, enough.'

As he 試みる/企てるd to make a quick 逃亡, the furious animal kept his 注目する,もくろむs lo cked on the 乗り物 until the end of the (映画の)フィート数.

No one 船内に the 乗り物 was 負傷させるd as a result of the 出来事/事件, によれば 地元の マスコミ.

野性生物 公式の/役人s have 以前 警告するd drivers and 小旅行する 操作者s to always give way to animals and to be 特に careful around 産む/飼育するing herds.