First class 決定/判定勝ち(する)! 王室の Mail 溝へはまらせる/不時着するs £5 罰金s '偽の' stamp letters

  • 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 dropped until at least July while app to 最高潮の場面 偽のs is developed
  • 顧客s will be able to ざっと目を通す stamp barcodes to check if they are 本物の?
  • 専門家s 警告する this will not help 年輩の 顧客s who rely on service to 支払う/賃金 法案s

王室の Mail has scrapped ?議論の的になる 罰金s on letters sent using '偽の' stamps.

に引き続いて 圧力 from this newspaper, the 郵便の service will 中止する 非難する 受取人s £5 to collect 地位,任命する sent with stamps that it has みなすd 偽造の until at least July while it develops a smartphone app to 最高潮の場面 偽のs.

The app will 許す 顧客s to ざっと目を通す stamp barcodes to check they are 本物の.

But 専門家s have 警告するd this will not support 年輩の 顧客s who still depend on the 郵便の service to 支払う/賃金 公共事業(料金)/有用性 法案s or deposit cheques.

Royal Mail will cease charging recipients £5 to collect post sent with stamps that it has deemed counterfeit until at least July while it develops a smartphone app to highlight fakes

王室の Mail will 中止する 非難する 受取人s £5 to collect 地位,任命する sent with stamps that it has みなすd 偽造の until at least July while it develops a smartphone app to 最高潮の場面 偽のs?

王室の Mail has been he avily criticised in 最近の months after its move to use only barcoded stamps led to an 増加する in the number of 顧客s receiving a £5 刑罰,罰則, with (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the stamps were 偽のs.

Earlier this month the Mail 明らかにする/漏らすd that 偽の stamps are entering Britain from 中国?on an '産業の 規模'.

It is understood that 納得させるing copies, sold for 4p each, are 存在 購入(する)d by small retailers.?

The 調査 led to a 厳重取締 by 国境 軍隊, which said it would 掴む goods and work with police to stop 犯罪の ギャング(団)s 密輸するing stamps into the UK.

王室の Mail's £5 偽の stamp 罰金s are a 冷笑的な way to make us 支払う/賃金 for its 失敗s?

More than seven billion letters are 配達するd countrywide every year by its army of posties bedecked in their striking red garb.

That's a lot of letters - and a chunk now carry 偽の stamps but that isn't the 顧客's fault, says Jeff Prestridge.

> Read more: Our (選挙などの)運動をする on 偽の stamp 罰金s?

王室の Mail said that since the barcoded stamps were introduced in February 2022 the number of 偽造のs has fallen by around 90 per cent.

Nick Landon, 長,指導者 商業の Officer, said: 'We always recommend that 顧客s only 購入(する) stamps from 地位,任命する Offices and other reputable High Street retailers, and not to buy stamps online ? unless from the 公式の/役人 王室の Mail shop.'

王室の Mail recommends people look out for uneven 国境s and any 行方不明の 安全 偽の when trying to 位置/汚点/見つけ出す 偽造の stamps.

Additionally, 顧客s should be 用心深い of stamps that are on sale at いっそう少なく than the market price, or stamps that seem too brightly coloured or too shiny.?

People should also not 購入(する) sheets of stamps that are sold in 量s other than 25, 50 and 100 as these are likely to be 偽の.?